Livid Guardian's Endless Coddling

Chapter 579: Stubborn

Chapter 579: Stubborn

Noah's shoulders slacked in Norah's embrace and weakly smiled when her hands gently massaged his scalp to calm him down.

Over the years, one thing was common between them. They never stopped standing for each other even if they have different opinions on the same topic. They also took care of another one when they fall weak.

Noah knew he wouldn't have got anybody as understanding and relaying as Norah. 

Relaxed, if not for himself, he calmed down for Norah. He pulled her to sit in front of him and asked, "Did you know Arsh loves Noor?" He knew the response, yet he asked.

Norah promptly responded, "I got to know when you took Arsh and Brother Alan aside."

Seeing her very calm, Noah got to know Norah still likes Arsh even as Noor's companion. Anyway, he asked her to know her opinion, "Are you willing to marry off our daughter? What do you think about them?"

Norah held his hand between hers as she revealed, "Noah, as a daughter, I knew I will have to marry a man and go and live with him. And the same way, I know Naira and Noor will marry their love of life or somebody we arrange."

She meant it's not about her will, that's the life of a woman. 

"If you are asking about Arsh, I am happy to know there is a young fine man who is loving and supporting Noor without disturbing her life. His whole family loves Noor as the daughter of the house, what else could I expect more?"

Norah was really happy thinking Noor can get a loving husband and supporting family.

Noah's thoughts were still lingering around his daughters who would have to marry and leave them, "I have daughters only. Why should I send them away? I won't." He declared.

Norah chuckled lightly as she asked, "Are you going to bring your son-in-laws home or let our daughters be single all their life?"

Noah gave it a thought. Will it be too much if he wants his daughters to be with them?

At the same thought, he knew living single all their life isn't easy. One should have a companion, else it is easier to feel lonely and life will feel annoyingly long.

"We will arrange live-in son-in-laws. Arsh won't leave his family." He found a reason to reject.

Norah: "..."

It was her first time witnessing Noah behaving like a stubborn child who wasn't ready to let go of his favorite chocolates.

"What if those two doesn't love our daughters but marries because of substance? Will you be able to forgive yourself?"

Norah's question left Noah even more messed up with his thoughts. He also wanted son-in-laws who would keep their daughters above everything and for that, he should get son-in-laws who is in love with their daughter. 

'I can find somebody from the office...' He was thinking but Norah's words cut his thoughts off.

Since, it's about Noor, Norah asked pointing their younger daughter, "Are you thinking of getting somebody who likes Noor? Are you sure they won't lie as they like Noor when they will behind her looks or company?"

Noah hissed in annoyance, "You are so pessimistic."

Norah: "..."

She agreed to him silently because after knowing Arsh loves Noor but he kept it to himself, never advancing towards her emotionally or physically.

She knew they never could bring another man who could have so much patience, silently loving and taking care of their daughter.

She mumbled a few words at the thought of missing Noor after her marriage, "If Noor marries Arsh, she will be right next to us."

Noah looked at Norah feeling she was already missing their daughter, who was sleeping peacefully in her bedroom.

Norah awkwardly laughed while saying, "Do you know? When Eva used to say they will steal Snow away for Ivan, I always used to think, will Arsh like Naira or Noor? Then we won't have to worry about one of the daughters."

Noah's face was dark hearing Norah speaking her old wish.

"Seeing Arsh teach Noor, I had thought he thinks of her like a little sister and he might like Nai" Norah gulped the rest of the words down her stomach.

She awkwardly smiled and she quickly went under the duvet, "I think you should speak with Dad. Remember, Sister Kite had abruptly announced about their marriage." She meant learn from his father's worries and he might could clear his thoughts. Then she pulled the duvet over her head.

Noah breathed a long sigh. He wasn't against Arsh, he was against marrying off their daughters to another house. If it was Naira, he probably wouldn't have got so irrational as she was always rebeling and lived with her maternal grandparents for too long but Noor. He is too sensitive about her.

He decided to speak with his parents and Noor. He pulled the duvet down Norah's chin before seeing her sneakily look at him.

Turning off the light, he slid under the duvet, and Norah rolled to his arms. "I know you will do best for our daughters. I will support you no matter what." She mumbled against his chest and snuggled to a comfortable position.

Noah patted her gently. He asked after a long silence, "Am I overreacting?"

Norah yawned sleepily and her groggy voice reached his ear, "No. I think it's common in fathers. You need time to accept that our little girls are grown up."

Noah thought about him and Norah. How he had to go around, then how Aria helped them to be together. He felt like he was being the same as Jude Hanes with the difference of Noor knowing nothing about Arsh.

'What if Noor doesn't fall for Arsh? What if she sees him as a brother or just a mentor?...' His thoughts were drifting off the way.

Just then, Norah mumbled, "Arsh will definitely make Noor fall for him."

Noah: "..."

'My wife is smart.' He thought understanding she is heartily rooting for Noor to end up with Arsh and also to get the loving Morgan family.

"Norah, am I being overprotective of Noor?" He asked her another question. He didn't want to make his protectiveness suffocate Noor in any way.

Norah barely hummed drifting off to deep slumber. Noah too soon dozed off with the complex thoughts in mind.


In the morning,

Noah was pacing in front of Noor's bedroom. He wanted to make sure what Noor thinks of Arsh before speaking with his father.


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