Livid Guardian's Endless Coddling

Chapter 563: Thank goodness

Chapter 563: Thank goodness

Hearing Arna, Amelia and Rowan breathed a sigh of relief. They were glad everything is going to be fixed now without inharmony.

Arsh asked when the silence enveloped, "Do you know what you are?" He always thought she was a smart woman, he long back knew she was fighting with her own built fears.

Since she always tried to show him she hated Aria, Ivan chose to speak to her to get over her stupid assumption but she never was able to move on.

Arna bit her lips as she accepted, "A coward." A coward who chose to face everything than her own parents. Upon that she even tried to justify her actions blaming their success in their career, especially her mother.

Aria enveloped her daughter in her arms, she didn't want to cry anymore but to be strong for her daughter to get over the past and was happy seeing her finally willing to return home.

However, a man was still angry. After sometime, he smacked Arna's head and hissed, "Don't hurt my wife's knees."

Aria: "..."

She started to feel like her husband started being childish after knowing their daughter is finally back. She knows he is as happy as her and the other family members but hides it well beyond his cold face.

Aria rubbed Arna's head seeing her puff her cheeks at Alan. Arna stood up helping her mother to stand and left her on the couch before launching herself on her father.

Alan pretended to shrug her off , eventually patted her back while Arna silently weeped.

At the perfect odd time, Rian stomach grumbled which brought him out of the emotional situation, "You little brat... Cowardly brat, because of you we can't even have dinner on time."

All let out a little chuckle, the women wiped their tears, men breathed a sigh. Arna apologized to each one including Rooney and thanked Noor for being there at the Morgan mansion when she wasn't.

All accepted her back to be with them but none said they forgave her. Arna was fine with that as she had troubled them more than an apology could heal.

Her first punishment was announced by hungry Rian, "You brat, go to the kitchen and better make something delicious for all."

Arna gladly accepted it as she was cooking for herself from the past 7 years. She was turning towards the kitchen when she remembered she left Ivan outside and the next second she ran out.

All were confused while Arsh and Noor deduced. Aria followed her out in reflex holding Alan's hand. They were still far off from the main door when they witnessed their daughter run over to hug Ivan.

Aria and Alan turned to Arsh at same time and saw him slightly nod to whatever they were thinking. However the next movement, Arsh's lips twitched uncontrollably hearing Alan.

Alan's arm wrapped around his wife's shoulder saying, "You are far far better than this brat." He meant how his wife runs to his arms is best compared to how Arna ran over Ivan.

Noor looked outside and at Aria and Alan before asking in confusion, "Aren't you guys angry? Aunt Aria, don't parents usually object to their children's choice?"

Morgan members: "..."

Amelia and Rowan who were going to their room turned around. Amelia patted Noor's shoulder to get her attention, "The Morgans, prefer love marriage. The husband of mine, he didn't touch me until I fell for him."

Rowan: "..."

Aria and Roxy giggled hearing Amelia. The latter might be aged but she was still the same, outgoing and amazing.

Amelia pointed to Alan and Aria, "He couldn't wait to make my lady his and married right after she crossed twenty one."

Well, the couple looked proud of it.

Amelia pointed to Roxy and Rian, "My second brat, he was ready to walk the world reverse for his love."

She meant Rian was ready to face the world without a marriage title just for Roxy whose parents had plowed a negative view of the marriage.

Rian had a smug look while Roxy looked at her husband lovingly.

Rowan completed Amelia's thoughts for Noor, "So what we mean is, choosing the life partner should be your choice because it's you who is going to live with the person. Not us."

Noor had whole admiration for the family, all could literally feel the stars twinkling in her eyes and around her.

Rowan and Amelia soon left to their rooms to rest till the dinner is prepared.

Noor who never thought about Love and relationship started thinking if her parents will be the same as the Morgan family.

Meanwhile, Ivan who had witnessed Arna confessing everything to her parents and apologize to all was relieved since things were settling well even if it's too late.

He didn't enter the mansion to give them family time so he returned to the car dialing his mother's number.

As soon as the call was answered, "Is my dear son coming home for dinner? What shall I cook for you?" The sweet doting voice sounded.

Ivan smiled helplessly. Her mother loved to feed him well and then kick him to the gym to work out well. "Mom, I have exciting news for you."

Eva seemed to pause before asking, "My goddess got her daughter back?"

Ivan let out a chuckle, as much as Aria waited for Arna, The fourie wanted to get their Arrie back. So of course it was good news for the whole of the Fourie.

He was really envious of these four friends, "Yes Mom, you are absolutely right. Is Dad over there?"

Eva cheered on the other end and announced to him, "I will tell my hottie myself." And hung up the call forgetting about the dinner.

He was shaking his head in resignation when he heard Arna's voice, "Ivan..."

He had just turned around, the lady tossed on him wrapping her arms on his shoulder, "Thank goodness, you are still here." Her relieved tone sounded.

Balancing his footing, Ivan patted her back. He hadn't expected her to remember him, it felt warm. He teased her instead, "Thank goodness, you got your brain back."

Arna pouted before taking her head back to face him. Due to her hands around his neck and his hand on her back, their proximity between their faces was rather too close. 

Their warm breath brushed on their skin, lips parted trying to grasp some air but it made even worse to control their crave for the kiss.


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