Livid Guardian's Endless Coddling

Chapter 557: Awkwardness

Chapter 557: Awkwardness

Ivan looked at Arsh who still looked cold and unemotional. It didn't seem like he disliked how Noor worries for her sister even if Naira is wrong.

He suddenly remembered Aria and realized Arsh actually sees traces of his mother in Noor. Since his father always worried about his mother for always standing strong facing the cunning business people, manipulating relatives, Arsh wanted those fewer worries so he made her into a soft delicate doll with strong morals.

Now Ivan wanted to know if Noor was voluntarily following Arsh or he deceived her to follow him around in all her free time.

Naira continued to fake her tears while Noor tried to calm her down, "Didn't mom say to forget about it? Noor, why do you have to point me as wrong?"

Arsh felt like his little woman was being swindled by her wicked sister. Now he understands how his father feels when Aria takes care of spoiled Rian who just wants to tease Alan.

Whatever, Arsh wanted his sister to know about Noor, Naira was just falling down in their eyes by her acting. He thought probably losing everything will teach Naira how to behave.

Since the air was tense, he dropped a message to the Morgan security person to bring a car for Naira as he and Ivan weren't in the state to handle her acting all the way to the city.

The cry went on while the three were baffled hearing Naira convince Noor that she won it and Noor lost the game. While Noor was agreeing to Naira to stop her crying, the Ferrari that had dropped Noor returned to the place.

Arsh saw Noor dumbfounded when Naira stopped crying and behaved demurely. 

"Director Wood" The social media influencer and visibly breathed a sigh of relief seeing them still present. Getting out of the car with an envelope, she sighed, "I thought you guys have left."

"Ms. Chasley?" Noor was confused, "Could I help you with something?" She asked before her eyes dropped on the envelope that she was holding up.

"I know you are rich, and I'm a mere influencer, since you spent your task time working for me, I had given this to you. How could you leave it back in the car?"

Noor bit her lip before trying to convince her, "Ms. Chasley, I just helped you with what I knew. You don't have to pay me for that." The lady didn't listen to her so she had left the envelope in the small compartment of the car. She didn't expect Chasley to find it so soon.

"You are so stubborn," Chasley said helplessly.

Noor faintly smiled while Naira seized up the envelope to understand if had quite a lot of money for nearly ten thousand. She cut in before Noor could say anything, "You can't price the help. Your thoughts are what matters."

Chasley's face brightened when she focused and identified it's Naira Wood, "You are so sweet." She smiled warmly without noticing two men had ironic smiles due to Naira's words.

Arna's jaw dropped in disbelief while Noor faintly smiled without reading Naira. Naira didn't want Noor to accept the money that will raise her earning for the day.

Chasley gave a thought before running to the car saying, "Give me a minute." She searched for something in her handbag without entering the car before she grabbed a small brocade box.

Returning to Noor's side, "I know it may be nothing much for you, but you really saved me from a lot of trouble so please take this as a token of appreciation for your assistance."

Noor was still adamant about rejecting which was written all over her face so Arsh plainly said a word that changed her Noor's stubbornness, "Acknowledge."

Arna and Ivan's jaw dropped when they saw Noor glance back at Arsh before nodding her head, "Thank you." She accepted the gift and saw Chasley flash her a beautiful smile.

After a friendly hug, "I hope our path crosses." She bid Noor before hopping in the car and drove away.

Ivan sounded like he was teasing Arna but he was actually showing the place where Naira belongs, "Look, the little lady earned valuable than your 30 hundred."

Arna could understand his motive so she rubbed Noor's head, "The little lady is truly amazing." Then she turned to Ivan, "Let's go, I want to buy something for you." She hooked her arm with his and dragged him to the driver seat before shoving him inside Maserati.

Naira knew even if the brocade box had the smallest jewel, it would cost more than fifty hundred so she understood even if she lied to people, Noor still won by helping an unknown.

Not only that, but her loose tongue also hurt her best friend who wasn't making eye contact when she asked, "Naira, you coming?"

Just then a black sedan stopped and the driver alighted, "Young master Morgan, Young miss. Director Wood." He greeted Arsh, Naira, and added Noor who faintly smiled at him. 

Ivan rolled down the windshield and poked Arna, "Snow, get in." He knew the car was for Naira to repent all the way to the home.

The driver opened the car door and spoke to Naira, "Young Madam Wood, please have a seat."

Noor wanted to grab her bag and join her sister but the driver closed the car door and got in and Arsh kept holding the door open seeing her take the bag without getting in.

"I will accompany my sister home." She didn't ask for permission but she still waited for his nod.

Arsh watched Noor who wanted to console her sister but he was sure Naira was going to make Noor cry or blame her. Seeing her determined, he didn't stop her, "Fine."

He slammed the car door to close obviously disliking her choice of choosing her sister. Ivan and Arna laughed sitting in the car looking at the unspeakable man and selfless woman.

Arna asked in confusion, "Don't you think an obedient and silent girl with my brother will be boring? They will probably be in the home and look at each other's faces."

Ivan smacked her head before speaking, "Don't underestimate Noor just because you always saw her talk less. She is a type who will reject your brother, unlike other girls."

Arna: "..."

Meanwhile, Noor who was opening the back door of the sedan heard her sister bluntly shun her away, "I want to be alone." Then she looked at the rearview mirror, "Please drive."

Noor could only close the door and watch the car drive away. She was so embarrassed to return to the shotgun seat of Bugatti where Arsh was still standing leaning on the car. 

Arna and Ivan were too curious about who was going to strike the awkwardness off.


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