Live Streaming: Great Adventure in the Wilderness

Chapter 210: 207: Generous Rewards, Once Again I Set Off.

Chapter 210: Chapter 207: Generous Rewards, Once Again I Set Off.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the special blue skill, Tai Chi Traveling Dragon lv1]

Special skill?

Bi Fang’s mind went blank for a moment, and before he could understand what a special skill was, he felt his body start to heat up, as if all the ATP in his body was breaking down and metabolizing to provide energy.

He exhaled a mouthful of hot air, took off his jacket, and couldn’t help but start to move his body.

His limbs stretched out, it wasn’t Tai Chi, nor was it Youlong Bagua, but one could see the shadows of both forms. If there were bystanders, they would be amazed to find a special rhythm and beauty in Bi Fang’s movements. All the movements were harmonious and unified, self-consistent and perfectly integrated, like a dance that could dazzle the world.

Blood surged like a river thawed from ice, and every cell in his body breathed unrestrainedly like the buds of spring. A silent strength was transmitted along the muscles and meridians.

Half an hour later, Bi Fang called room service to order some food, then dived into the shower and turned the water up to full blast.

The hot water displaced the heat and sweat from his whole body. The overheated muscles and tendons retracted, and Bi Fang saw his own reflection in the mirror, his skin rosy, as if he had completely recovered from a month of wilderness living, showing a perfect state of health.

Bi Fang took a deep breath. He even discovered that his way of breathing had been completely changed. It was no longer the normal abdominal breathing, but rather an alternation of abdominal and reverse abdominal breathing that had become instinctual. The breathing frequency was also very special; each breath seemed to generate strength.

Let alone the special frequency, the natural alternation of abdominal and reverse abdominal breathing was something that normal people couldn’t do. Maybe by concentrating, one could perform reverse abdominal breathing, but as soon as the mind wandered, they would immediately revert to abdominal breathing.

Whether for exercise or for health, the method of breathing is very important, and Bi Fang had a lot to say on this matter.

If Bi Fang didn’t know the system’s main task was wilderness livestreaming, he would have suspected he had received a health cultivation system. After mastering the skills it provided, one could prolong life, as if it was nurturing him to become a master of health cultivation.

Tai Chi Traveling Dragon, yoga, Pilates—was it afraid he’d die young, or did it want him to livestream until he was a hundred?

Various breathing techniques were easily handled by Bi Fang.

The so-called abdominal breathing method is the normal method of breathing for people: inhale and the belly swells, exhale and the belly flattens. It works by contracting the diaphragm during inhalation, lowering the diaphragm to increase the thoracic space, and doing the opposite during exhalation—the diaphragm relaxes, the diaphragm rises, reducing the thoracic space to push out waste gases—a movement of the diaphragm up or down by one centimeter can increase the lung ventilation by about 300ml.

Bi Fang’s abdominal breathing was also different from that of an ordinary person. He even suspected that the vibration amplitude of his diaphragm had reached more than five centimeters, making the oxygen content in his blood far exceed that of normal people and also increasing the activity level of his nervous system.

Reverse abdominal breathing, also known as “fist breathing”, involves muscle contraction step by step, creating an effect of inhaling with the belly flattened and exhaling with the belly swelled, which is the opposite of abdominal breathing in appearance. But it’s not so simple; the underlying principles are quite complex.

This breathing method helps to generate power, and its effect on strengthening the body is obvious. Once accustomed to it, it makes one’s strikes in combat more ferocious and powerful—the side effect is that it forces the gastrointestinal system to speed up digestion, requiring a particularly strong energy supply.

Many boxers will use this breathing method during training to increase the effectiveness of their workouts. However, few can turn this method into an instinct, as breathing is one of the most basic instincts of living beings, and changing it is exceedingly difficult.

Yet Bi Fang not only turned it into an instinct, but also alternated between the two without deliberately trying to control it.

Telling others about this would surely drop jaws in astonishment!

It wasn’t just a simple fusion of Tai Chi and Youlong Bagua. Bi Fang could even sense that it also incorporated elements of Pilates and the breathing techniques of advanced yoga, much more thoroughly integrated!

As expected of a special skill, it not only provided knowledge, technique and experience, but even induced a slight instinctual change in him.

Bi Fang opened his eyes, looking at himself in the mirror, and could more clearly feel the difference. His thoughts were sharper, and even his aura had changed. He was no longer as intense but more tranquil and upright.

Like a modest gentleman with a sword sheathed.

At that moment, the room service Bi Fang had ordered before his shower arrived. After settling the payment, Bi Fang sat down at the table, picked up a steak and devoured it, downing two thick cuts, three pieces of bread, and an apple.

Aside from skill fusion, the lottery had plenty of other prizes, all outdoor equipment. However, what caught Bi Fang’s attention the most was one big item.

The system displayed that it needed a space of 5*5*2.5 to fit…

What the hell did I win, something that requires such a huge space? That’s the size of a bedroom; back in the capital, it’d cost at least a million. If I hadn’t earned some money, I might not even have been able to afford the prize.

It seemed that he could only deal with it once he got back. Bi Fang curbed his curiosity, preparing for a second round of ten consecutive draws. But just as he clicked on the wheel, he found out that the system indicated a lack of points.

Bi Fang: “???”

He hurriedly checked his remaining Points and found that only 123 were left, a whopping thousand less! It was only after checking the record that he realized fusion actually required Points!

“Why didn’t you say so earlier!”

Bi Fang literally spat blood, with a thousand Points, he could have had two sets of ten consecutive draws, but now they were fused into a single Skill.

It took quite a while, but Bi Fang finally accepted the reality. Upon reflection, it wasn’t wholly unacceptable… The effect of the Skill fusion had exceeded his expectations, and now he could definitely thrash Legoff. Well, maybe “thrash” was an exaggeration, it would be fairer to say he could beat him in a normal fight. At least, he wouldn’t struggle as he did a week ago, barely surviving at the edge of life and death.

With the last Advanced Skill Upgrade Coupon, he upgraded Wilderness Survivalist, but Bi Fang now realized embarrassingly that it was only lv4, which wasn’t enough to meet the advancement criteria…

It was so unexpected that the advancement coupon couldn’t be used anymore, as there were no Advanced Skills to advance, nor could he draw a miracle with a ten-consecutive draw, and single draws…

Who does single draws anyway…

With a sigh, Bi Fang used another advancement coupon to upgrade Special Recon Soldier to a Purple Skill, and the Skill became Special Recon Scout lv1.

Similar to the previous times, the advancement provided greater improvements compared to leveling up, with more experience, knowledge, and techniques pouring into his mind.

Recon Scout?

Bi Fang was delighted. Most veterans knew that the training for a recon scout was always the toughest in the military, and each recon scout could be considered a top-tier combatant.

Whether it was domestic recon units or foreign assault units, recon scouts had the strongest individual combat capabilities, wilderness survival skills, and escape abilities. This advancement greatly enhanced Bi Fang’s personal combat abilities!

Finally came the main event: adding Points. No Skill could improve more directly than by adding Points. After three enhancements, Bi Fang had achieved the physical fitness of a real special operations soldier, and adding more Points could push him close to a professional athlete.

Bi Fang had made a personal categorization. If the average value for a normal person was 10, then for a professional soldier it was 12, for a special ops soldier between 13 and 14, and for a special recon scout between 14 and 15. Anything over 15 was at the level of a professional athlete.

Reaching twelve was already very difficult to improve upon with short-term training, which is why Bi Fang chose to directly add Points, one for each category.

After everything was completed, a warm and comfortable sensation appeared again, and Bi Fang took one final look at the status panel before going to sleep.

[Unique Binder: Bi Fang]

[Age: 24]

[Height: 183.6cm]

[Weight: 77KG]

[Strength: 13]

[Physique: 15]

[Agility: 13]

[Spirit: 13]

[Status: Good]

[Enhancement Points: 0]

[Wilderness Points: 3]

Purple Tree Trunk: Wilderness Survivalist lv4, Advanced Yoga lv1, Special Recon Scout lv1.

Blue Tree Trunk: Pilates lv3, Archery lv1, Tai Chi Traveling Dragon lv1.

Green Tree Trunk: Cross-country Hiking lv5, Rock Climbing lv5, Swimming lv2, First Aid lv5, Biological Identification lv2, Calisthenics lv3, High-altitude Parachuting lv3, Running lv1.


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