Live Streaming: Great Adventure in the Wilderness

Chapter 201: 198: Murder?

Chapter 201: Chapter 198: Murder?


Legoff couldn’t care less about any targets; his flashlight beam landed ahead, revealing half of Bi Fang’s face covered in blood in the dark, a frightening crimson.

Countless specks of dust danced in the light, and the breathing of several people grew increasingly heavy.

Legoff stood up, and the knife in Bi Fang’s hands sank deeper, with blood gushing out.

“Let him go!”

“Put the gun down! Otherwise, both of them are going to die!” Bi Fang roared again, the dust in the beam of light vibrating slightly.

“You let him go first!”

“Then you put your gun down!”

“You release him first!”

“You drop the gun first!”

The four people made the woods feel constricted and dangerous, the countless dust particles continuously floating in the air covered the smell of sweat and stench with the scent of blood.

Sap, lying on the ground, could hear the soft cartilage between his vertebrae whining, with only the hard bone desperately supporting the fragile blood vessels and the spinal cord; Bi Fang’s kick had nearly broken his neck, and before Sap could figure out what happened, the situation had spiraled out of control.

What the hell, who are they fighting against?

All Huaxia’s anchors are this fierce, how did the Eight-Nation Alliance ever make it in?

Sap’s mind was foggy, filled with a mess of thoughts.

The viscous, warm blood flowing out around the tip of the Hunting Knife made Bi Fang’s right hand extremely slippery, the blood dripping down his right elbow into the dust, forming little balls.

“Who exactly are you?”

Legoff couldn’t fathom that the man Johnny had tasked him to deal with could be this troublesome. Neither in tactics nor psychological quality was he like a broadcast host well-versed in survival, he seemed more like an elite from some ace military unit.

“I’m your grandpa!”

“My grandpa has been dead for a long time.” Legoff, not understanding the mockery, answered earnestly.

“Then I’m your daddy!”

“Stop kidding around, Huaxia man, Third Brother is almost strangled by you—do you want to kill someone? You’re a public figure, not someone who lives in darkness like us, do you still want to live stream?”

“Who told you to be so disrespectful to your daddy? My drone was taken down, do you think my audience won’t call the police? How long do you think it’ll take for the cops to get here?”

Bi Fang spat trash talk, his English interspersed with Chinese and French as if he’d lost control of his emotions, yet his eyes never left Legoff and Sap in front of him, using his words to heighten their tension, looking for an opportunity.

Acting—who doesn’t know how to do that? Only fools would believe it.

Previously unsure of how many were lying in ambush, he hadn’t rashly taken the unconscious Poacher hostage, but now the situation had been largely ascertained.

Apart from Johnny, there were a total of four Poachers, the one with the flashlight was the Boss, with the rest being good with their hands, but still far less than the Boss.

Bi Fang noticed Legoff’s prestige within this team; without superior skills to others, this kind of prestige could not be established.

Bi Fang glanced at Sap, who was slowly shifting his position, “And you, the bearded Sun Zi, too much testosterone that your beard is so long? Grandpa is telling you to sit there and don’t move.”

Legoff nodded at Sap, motioning him to stay still for the time being, and continued to Bi Fang, “Then we’ll each take a step back. You let go of Third Brother, I’ll let you go, and I won’t want Goose either.”

Bi Fang sneered, “What a joke, do you think I would believe that? Leaving your daddy’s body out in the wilderness to be eaten by wild wolves? What a filial son.”

“Nothing works, what exactly do you want?”

Legoff slowly moved his feet while Bi Fang also shifted sideways; the two were like rocks in a stream, standing steadfast against the rushing water.

“You throw away your gun, I’ll take this guy and leave, I’ll let him go when it’s safe.”

“You’re kidding.”

“When the cops arrive, you all are going to die anyway!”

“You’d be the first to die!”

“Then we die together!”

“Who’s afraid of who!”

“Come on!”

“Come on!!”

“Come on!!”

The foreheads of the two men bulged with veins, their roars overlapping each other, each louder than the last, stirring up the dust that should have settled.

Legoff’s gun was aimed, ready to turn Bi Fang into a sieve at any moment. Bi Fang’s arm, like a python, kept constricting, his right hand likely to pull out the Hunting Knife at any time.

Sap, who had fallen to the ground, stared fixedly, his complexion growing worse by the moment.

Eric’s face was pale, his body temperature continually slipping away, and severe lack of oxygen almost made him faint.

Even the audience felt suffocated by the scene, unable to breathe; it was a true life-and-death situation where no one could overpower the other. Everyone wanted to survive, yet each wished for the other’s death.

The earth turned soft and mushy, soaked with blood, stamped with one bloody footprint after another.

“We can’t just stand off like this forever, it won’t be good when the police arrive.”

Bi Fang sneered, “It’s you who won’t see anything good.”

Legoff laughed as well, “If we’re to die, shall we take you with us?”

“How do you know you can take me?”

“Stop wasting time. Today is our fault, and I already regret it. Eighteen geese, worth less than twenty thousand in total, not even enough to cover the medical bills. So, I’ll count to three, and we’ll both go. I throw my gun, you release the hostage, how about it?”



Legoff’s handgun pointed downward.


Bi Fang’s arm slightly relaxed.


Nobody moved.

All the viewers were dumbfounded, and then broke out in a cold sweat. The gamble between life and death was so intense they could smell the blood through their screens, sending a chill to their brains.

“Are you kidding?” Legoff lifted his arm, the gun still aimed, but now his little finger hooked around the flashlight, quietly gathering strength.

“Same goes for you; how could a son fool his father.” Bi Fang continued to taunt. Once the other party was angered, his goal was reached; a calm opponent was the most frightening, but unfortunately, the other party didn’t take the bait.

“No more bluffing; we’re serious this time,” Legoff proposed again.

“So you admit that the last time was a bluff?” Bi Fang twirled the tip of the knife, drawing more blood. Third Brother screamed in pain. Bi Fang had avoided the artery but could sever it at any moment. The most terrifying thing was having life and death hinging on a mere thought!

“It’s because you didn’t release the hostage,” Legoff said without shame.

“Bullshit,” Bi Fang cursed in Chinese, but the meaning was clear to all.

“We’re serious this time.”

“And you expect me to believe that? What’s your guarantee?”

“If you keep talking like that, this will never end.”

“Then this time, I’ll do the counting!”


This time, Legoff agreed without hesitation; he didn’t want to drag out the time any longer as it would be disadvantageous to both parties.


Bi Fang’s toes touched the ground, tendons tensing, moving slightly forward, his muscles rippling and tightening like water waves.


Sap glanced between Legoff and Bi Fang, uncertain what he was thinking.

Legoff’s arm muscles relaxed, ready for any reaction.


Bi Fang bellowed, his body surged with unending strength and, the moment he unleashed his power, there was no opportunity for thought or alteration.

In an instant, a beam of light swept over; it was Legoff—he threw the flashlight, momentarily dazzling Bi Fang!

The audience gasped for air in tension, knowing they would go blind in an instant, but Bi Fang was prepared; he never looked towards Legoff and dropped down instead!

As the flashlight was thrown, Legoff propelled himself off the ground, leaves and debris flying, his calloused hand rapidly reaching for the yet-to-touch the ground gun, catching it before it landed.

Swiftly, Legoff rolled, squatted to grab the gun, and aimed!

But a familiar figure blocked his view—it was Eric!

Legoff’s shot was obstructed by Eric, more blood spraying; he clearly saw Third Brother’s eyes fade into grayness, the blood quickly spreading from his neck, soaking into his clothes and turning into a vague black.

The enemy had slit open his carotid artery.


Legoff cried out in fury, pulling the trigger at the silhouette behind Sap!


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