Live Streaming: Great Adventure in the Wilderness

Chapter 136 - 133 The World’s Number One Explorer!

Chapter 136: Chapter 133 The World’s Number One Explorer!

The vast projection screen erupted with flying debris, accompanied by the heavy sound of something large hitting the ground, and then everything went quiet.

The faint light of Mars rose up, illuminating Bi Fang’s face, smeared with blood.

The entire provincial government office was silent as the grave.

After a long while, applause began, followed by more and more people joining in, until it filled the room.

The scene was so magnificent and crazy that it was hard to believe it wasn’t a movie but was actually happening in some remote corner of Earth.

In some underground area tens of meters below, a neglected corner for a millennium.

“It’s truly, magnificent!”

Zhou Anlin, sitting at the head of the conference table, was the first to start clapping and the last to stop.

It was a miracle of life.

Had the ancestors of humankind also done this tens of thousands of years ago?

Fighting against wild beasts in blood and fire, and then step by step reaching the dominant position they hold today?

Under the conference table, more people came back to reality, shocked, and then whispering to each other.

“It’s really unexpected, a desert hiding so many secrets.”

“Prehistoric creatures, caravans from a thousand years ago, natural underground caverns, any one of these would be an astonishing discovery.”

“Just the other day, no less than seventeen research institutes applied for research quota, all for Tiktaalik—they left me bewildered, I thought this thing was long extinct?”

“If we could properly develop this underground cave, it could definitely become a new pillar of tourism for Qaidam, driving local development!”

Zhou Anlin watched as everyone expressed their opinions, put down his teacup, and coughed, “Alright, everybody, let’s not argue. What’s most pressing right now is not the future plans, prehistoric creatures, Song Dynasty caravans or the underground cave—any one of these is no trivial matter. What we need to discuss is our next steps!”

Zhou Anlin gave a signal, and the secretary next to him took out a stack of documents and distributed them to everyone present.

After everyone had finished perusing the documents, Zhou Anlin started to explain.

“Up until now, a total of twenty-eight domestic research institutes have applied, requesting access to the prehistoric animal specimens and biological samples from this discovery.”

“Domestic? Are there international ones as well?” someone realized the implication in the wording.

“Yes, not just domestic. Over forty-seven international research institutes have also applied almost simultaneously.”

Zhou Anlin nodded, sharing the current information with everyone.

That many?

The few people present were all laymen in the field of biology; they didn’t understand the significance of the newly discovered species but they knew what the number meant.

The news wasn’t deliberately concealed, international institutes were like sharks that had caught the scent of blood.

If he wasn’t mistaken, quite a few foreign media outlets had probably started reporting on the discovery of a new prehistoric species.

The scope of the news spread was going to be global!

People around the world would learn from the next day’s news that a Chinese explorer named Bi Fang had discovered a natural underground cavern in the desert!

Inside was not only a caravan from a thousand years ago but also prehistoric creatures that had been extinct for over three hundred million years!

And Bi Fang had bravely fought and won against the monster’s attack!

Was there anything more heroic than that?

This kind of event, if made into a movie, would be the most classic of Hollywood action hero films!

Countless people would adore, scream, and go crazy!

“The higher-ups are still considering whether to agree, but they want us to cooperate as soon as possible to protect the discovery site.”

Zhou Anlin tapped the table, interrupting everyone’s train of thought, “Three research institutes have already been approved to go there for exploration, and how to protect it will depend on their assessment and recommendations.”

The people present nodded, quickly getting into the right mindset and occasionally raised some suggestions and questions.

But when it came to the issue of Bi Fang, problems arose.

Should a rescue team be dispatched?

“It has already been deployed,” Zhou Anlin nodded, “but given the special circumstances of this case…”

“If he hasn’t called for help, once we reach the destination, we won’t initiate a search,” the rescue team member explained amidst everyone’s questions.

“How can that be, he’s so badly injured.”

A female researcher raised an opposing view; she had seen clearly how the monster had bitten Bi Fang’s left hand, which could cause a fracture if severe, and not rescuing him promptly would almost certainly lead to disability.

A few researchers nearby nodded in agreement.

It was absurd to deploy a rescue team but not undertake a rescue.

But Gu Qingyuan seemed contemplative—he probably had watched Bi Fang’s live broadcast longer than anyone here, understanding him the most, “Maybe Bi Fang himself doesn’t wish to be rescued?”

“Are you joking?” the female researcher didn’t believe it.

“No, Gu is telling the truth,” Song Vanning said with a complex expression as she passed her phone over.

A moment later, everyone was speechless.

On the screen, Bi Fang was gritting his teeth, bandaging his wound; his face, originally covered in blood, was soaked with cold sweat, and he still made sure to instruct his viewers.

“If a rescue team comes, 1 hope they do not launch a rescue for me. There’s no need to waste such resources on me. Getting injured in the wild is common, there’s no need for a rescue.”

“My hand isn’t broken, I can still walk, my hunting knife is still sharp—that’s enough. As long as I can keep moving forward, there’s still hope for survival!”

Bi Fang knew that his location could be easily found, based on the satellite images—to pinpoint the great canyon, and further on, his trail would be traceable.

So he was worried someone would call the police out of fear, and the local rescue team would actually come to save him.

Now his live stream had over 180,000 people watching simultaneously—there was bound to be someone who would do just that!

“What I am only concerned about now is wound infection, as the wound has already bled, and the environment here is too damp, which is very conducive to bacterial growth, and perhaps even unknown viruses. If I manage to survive, I must go to the hospital for a check-up as soon as possible. Luckily, the quality of my tactical jacket is good, so the strange fish didn’t come into direct contact with my wound.”

While the blood plasma on his clothes hadn’t yet coagulated, Bi Fang carefully took off the inner layer.

Under the firelight, torn skin sticking to the fabric was lifted, a sight that made one’s heart thump in terror.

Bi Fang clenched his teeth and ripped it off so that the skin could stick back together.

In the live stream, Shuiyou watching this gruesome scene got goosebumps all over.

[Damn, my hand has started to hurt]

[Just looking at it hurts!]

[Master Fang is really brave!]

[The toughest guy in the area! Jason Statham isn’t as tough as you! Not saying more, all my assets are yours!]

[Lin Chang has sent 66 Spaceships to the host—bro, you’re a real man! The absolute strongest in the wilderness!]

[Lord Mu has sent 99 Spaceships to the host—World’s number one explorer! King of the wilderness!]

Following Yao Jun and Lin Chang’s lead, more gifts and donations began to pour in.

The recent live broadcast had been too thrilling, and many people caught their breath, naturally forgetting to donate until they had just reacted.

[Congratulations to Nanana it’s me on becoming the Emperor of Master Fang’s live stream!]

[Nanana it’s me has sent 10 yachts to the host—Boss Fang is the world’s number one explorer!]

[Ah, Sister Nana is getting too much, have you fallen hard for someone else?]

[Taking our donations to support another host? That’s too much!]

[Hahahaha, that’s hilarious!]

[Ben not seen has sent 99 Big Bones to the host—We are the world’s number one!]

[Pete not peeling has sent 1 Spaceship to the host—Master Fang rules!!]

[Master Fang rules plus!!! Let the Spaceship fly!!!]

With a massive outpouring of gifts, the donations exceeded a million in just a few minutes!

Now, Bi Fang felt somewhat embarrassed recalling the excitement of receiving his first gift.

Really, if it were instant noodles plus sausages, he could’ve eaten to death in a single live stream, unless he added a tea egg.

“Haha, you guys keep flattering me like this, I’ll become arrogant,” Bi Fang said, treating his wound with the clean water from the kettle while chatting with everyone to divert his attention.

The water in the kettle was drawn from the pond, and after drinking it without adverse reactions for a whole day, it was clear it was relatively clean.

While treating the wound, Bi Fang also explained the methods for handling injuries in the wild.

“First you need to clean the skin around the wound thoroughly, definitely use clean water, and you must rinse it, never rub.”

[What if there is no water, or the water isn’t clean? What then?]

Someone raised a question.

“If you don’t have clean water, you can also use midstream urine to clean the wound.”

[Gross, isn’t that really disgusting?]

[Feels so dirty…]

[I feel like vomiting]

[What is midstream urine?]

Hearing about urine, many viewers instinctively felt chills and found it unbelievable.

Even more asked what midstream urine was.

“Midstream urine refers to the part of the urine that comes out in the middle of the urination process. Simply put, it’s the urine you release when you feel the most relief and flow,” Bi Fang explained.

“The outer urinary tract in healthy individuals may contain some proteins and white blood cells. When the volume of urine is too low or the flow too slow, these contaminants are not washed away properly, so some impurities may be present in the urine. However, midstream urine has a higher volume and faster flow, making it less susceptible to contamination.”

“Normally, this part of the urine can be considered sterile. In emergency situations with no cleansing agents available, we can use midstream urine to wash the wound for its cleansing effect. But after that, you must visit a hospital as soon as possible.”

“This is actually a very good method, you must not think of human urine as dirty. In some instances, urine can be much cleaner than most liquids!”

After a simple cleaning, Bi Fang took out a clean T-shirt from his backpack, tore it into strips, and bandaged his left arm.

After the treatment was finished, Bi Fang lifted the torch.

At this moment, the strange fish lay motionless on the ground, nothing like the imposing creature it had been.


[Should be dead, otherwise it’s really a cockroach]

[Strange fish: Now just a dead fish]

The wound on the monster’s head gaped horrifically, with the shattered stone fragments having penetrated completely into its body, none exposed.

Bi Fang squatted down, reached out and pressed on the creature’s lung cavity, feeling the beats inside, and shook his head in amazement.

It’s not dead?”


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