Live Streaming: Great Adventure in the Wilderness

Chapter 126:123

Chapter 126:123

The blade slashed through flesh.

The barbed teeth pierced through the fabric.

The camera shook violently; no one knew the outcome.

All they saw was the crimson spreading in the water, followed by the screen freezing.

On screen, there was nothing but blood.

What’s happening?

Why has it stopped moving?

Watching the still camera, an ominous feeling crept over Gu Qingyuan’s heart; the longer it remained still, the deeper the despair in his heart grew.

Gurgle gurgle.

A string of bubbles rose.

Finally, the screen shook once again, and Shuiyou instantly became excited.

[It’s moving!!

[It’s perking up!]

[Did he survive?]

[It could be the body being eaten and shaking…]

[Fuck off, get out of here! ]

Gurgle gurgle.

Another string of bubbles escaped as the crimson in the frame became increasingly sparse.

A few seconds later, a figure violently burst through the cloud of blood mist! Breaking free from the blood-red, the rock wall once again appeared before everyone’s eyes!

It was Bi Fang!

He hadn’t died!

Shuiyou were thrilled, as excited as if they were receiving a red envelope for the New Year!

Breaking out of the blood mist, Bi Fang floated still in the water.

Streams of blood swirled around Bi Fang, drifting elegantly with the current, like red ribbons fluttering in the wind, making him appear like a bloodthirsty demon god.

Hovering in the water, Bi Fang’s expression was grave as he looked back at the clump of red fog, where a long shadow was struggling relentlessly-combined with the crimson ink cloud, it seemed as if a monster’s embryo was gestating.

It hadn’t died yet!

Bi Fang held his breath and with a kick of his legs, rode the current swiftly away, the blood around him quickly dispersing.

It won’t do, the scent of blood here is too strong.

The monster’s eyes had already severely degenerated, which meant its sense of smell was likely developed to an unimaginable degree!

If he stayed here, he would probably be faced with an onslaught from the group of monsters!

But Bi Fang hadn’t gone far when he looked back, the monster was once again in hot pursuit!

So tenacious!

Not only Bi Fang but even the viewers were stunned-after losing so much blood, it was as if nothing had happened to the fish?

Without hesitating, Bi Fang dashed forward, swimming towards the direction from which the rapids had come.

If there were rapids, then the exit had to be there!

But time had passed for too long, and he had overexerted himself fighting with the monster; Bi Fang’s ability to hold his breath underwater was nearing its limit!

The discomfort from a lack of oxygen was starting to set in!

In the pitch-black pool, one man and one beast chased each other, the surging water sweeping past Bi Fang’s side before flushing over the monster behind him, bringing out more fresh blood.

Yet even with severe injuries, the monster’s swimming speed was far beyond what Bi Fang could match; in just a moment, the distance between them had closed to less than half a meter!

Damn it!

Countless viewers clenched their fists, sweating profusely, the intense pressure making them almost unable to breathe.

The viewers had seen firsthand how sharp the monster’s teeth were; moreover, the creature might have a biting force akin to that of a crocodile—if it bit into flesh, the consequences would be unimaginable!

Swim faster!

Everyone was silently praying, wishing they could attach a turbo engine and propeller to Bi Fang.

Seeing there was no escape, Bi Fang turned and swam directly upstream.

In the passing moment, the monster, weakened by blood loss, didn’t react in time and missed its prey. Above it, Bi Fang kicked hard, fiercely aiming at the monster’s wound.

There’s no need to look closely, kick wherever there is the most blood.

More blood was kicked out, crimson like silk threads coiling around Bi Fang s right leg, as the creature was abruptly kicked away.

After that kick, the distance between them was once again increased, the severely injured creature getting thoroughly disoriented by the strike, and Bi Fang seized the opportunity to swim swiftly towards the cave opening where the current poured out.

The light column above clearly marked the spot, the cave opening on the bottom of the pool was right there!

[Fifteen centimeters not including head gives Spaceship*! to the host – – My god, this is too thrilling.]

[Nanana gives Yacht*i to the host – – Damn, damn, damn, that’s so cool!] [Salted Fish No.l gives Spaceship*! to the host – – That’s freaking awesome! From now on, I’m Master Fang’s little fan girl!]

(Mocha Baka gives Big Bone* to the host — The handsome ones are tipping, the ugly ones are hesitating!]

[Hereyou go, tipped!]


As Bi Fang approached the cave, he reached out to test the water. Despite his urgency, he was still waiting for the current to slow down.

It’s not possible for the current here to always be this strong; the pool is only so big. If the flow here continued like this, the pool would be like a container with no outlet, the water would eventually overflow, and the valley would become a river.

So this must be an outlet of a tributary of the Underground River when the water in the pool is too abundant, and the pressure too high, the flow of the water here would weaken, and it might even flow back!

However, the audience in front of the screen didn’t quite understand why Bi Fang wasn’t entering the cave; they only knew that the creature was recovering!

Only Gu Qingyuan roughly understood why Bi Fang wasn’t entering the cave, and he silently prayed that everything would go smoothly.

Hurry up, just a bit faster!

Countless people were anxiously shouting, and seeing the creature start to move again, their tension reached a new height.

Bi Fang felt that if he weren’t underwater, his clothes would have surely been soaked with cold sweat by now.

Surprisingly, the creature that started moving again didn’t launch another attack but instead swam several circles around Bi Fang about five or six meters away, eventually disappearing into the darkness completely.

[Ahahaha, it got scared!]

[This must be the one from last night, right? After being hit twice in a row, it definitely got scared.]

[Awesome, another creature subdued by Master Fang.]

Seeing the creature disappear out of fear, the audience cheered once more; this round was Master Fang’s victory!

While ordinary people were cheering, Gu Qingyuan furrowed his brows and glanced at his watch.

It had already been three minutes; could Bi Fang hold on after such intense activity?

Underwater, the feeling of hypoxia was extremely uncomfortable for Bi Fang, but he still didn’t choose to surface to catch his breath.

The smell of blood was too strong here; if he didn’t hurry now, the next time he came in, he might be greeted by a swarm of creatures!

No matter how brave he was then, he wouldn’t be able to break through the encirclement again.

Time ticked away second by second, seeming to speed up and yet feel like an eternity.

The lack of oxygen made Bi Fang’s brain dizzy, but just as he was about to give up the exploration and go ashore for air, the rapid current disappeared!

Bi Fang didn’t hesitate at all and dove straight into the cave.

Extra thinking would only waste oxygen!

Having come all this way, how could he miss this opportunity?

No matter what was inside, he had to take a look first.

Seeing Bi Fang dive into the cave, everyone got excited, especially Gu Qingyuan. The previous worry was buried deep inside him, as curiosity about the unknown took over once again.

What’s on the other side?

What kind of creatures?

How did such a massive creature grow by eating what?

Are there other ancient creatures?

All sorts of questions grew wildly in Gu Qingyuan’s mind like weeds.

The cave was long; after swimming five or six meters, Bi Fang still couldn’t see the end. The pressure of more than twenty meters of water squeezing his chest and lungs was making him increasingly uncomfortable, and the damn sensation of suffocation grew stronger.

Just as he was about to give up, at last, a pitch-black cavity appeared!

The exit was right in front of him!

His heart rate, which had previously started to slow, accelerated once again, and Bi Fang dove forward, ready to burst out of the cave, but after swimming just a short distance, he fiercely grabbed onto the rock wall and came to an abrupt stop.

Immense fear clutched at the hearts of all the viewers.

Under the light column, at least three Tiktaaliks were swimming rapidly towards Bi Fang!


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