Lilith: Origin of Succubi

Chapter 122

Chapter 122

<~> Chapter 122

"Raya?" Grace touched Raya's shoulder.

"Oh! Right, sorry! I heard you, I'll be right back with her!" Raya rushed out of the room having been knocked out of her thoughts. They seemed to be quite conflicted.

Oceane shifted in her seat while lost in thought herself. Based on her question, it might be an easy guess that she would like to be young again. There was also that fertility question too. With all of the excitement around the different kinds of sex I've had since I came here, I haven't worried about the potential to have children as much as I probably should have. ...Actually, for that matter, I haven't had a period since I woke up here. It has been a little less than a month but I would have assumed I would have had one by now. Can I even have children? Is this something that hasn't happened yet because my body is... new for lack of a better word? Or is it something that I can control? Like my shapeshifting abilities or something that needs to be granted by my Origin title?

Oceane eventually broke the silence, "Nadia would seem to be the kind of candidate you're looking for. She originally tried to sell herself to us as a slave to get off the streets. That might make her sound like she was desperate but she later confided that she actually wanted this kind of life. She said she enjoyed sex before she even came here and ran away from her family when they caught her with different boys one too many times. Rather than take advantage of her naivete, we let her earn room and board here in a standard arrangement instead."

Before she could continue, the door to Oceane's office opened silently, actually no, I was still sitting in the [Zone of Silence]. The short mousekin woman I met this morning walked in holding Raya's big paw-like hand. She had a loose jacket over her shoulders, clearly intended to hide her amputated right arm. She only looked slightly more lively than she did this morning, probably more out of curiosity than anything else though.

She pulled off her jacket and sat down between Raya and Grace. As she began to look around the room she became more panicked. Her eyes shot to Madame Oceane before jumping to Silva, or rather the collar around Silva's neck. I felt my stomach sink. I wanted to jump in right away and dispel the fear that this might be some kind of trade, restoring her arm for her freedom. But what ate away at me the most is that in some ways, that is what I would be offering. I clenched my fists and closed my eyes. No, it's different. I wasn't asking her to be my slave, I was asking her to join my family. I took a deep breath, looked back up at her, and met her gaze.

Grace put a hand on Nadia's shoulder and turned to face her. "Nadia, first of all, I want you to know that no matter what you choose, you will always have a home here. If you decide to turn this offer down, nothing bad will come of it and we will continue as things are, working with you to find the best way you can contribute to the Ruby Vixen. It will be your choice."

Nadia's eyes flicked to me and Bella for a moment before focusing back on Grace. The taller dogkin pulled a loose lock of hair out of Nadia's eyes before continuing. "First I need you to swear that you will not tell anyone about what we are going to talk about tonight, not unless you know for sure the person you are talking to knows as well. Understand?"

Nadia hesitated but eventually nodded.

"Good," Grace said with a warm smile. "Swear to Sorsette then, it seems she's an interested party."

Nadia's eyes widened and her mouth hung open, it took her a second but she licked her dry lips and prepared herself. "I- I swear on Sorsette the goddess of knowledge that I will not reveal any secrets I learn here tonight to anyone who doesn't already know."

Grace nodded. "Good. Now Lilith will explain it to you, keep an open mind and really think about the choice she offers you. Don't rush into either option, really think about it, can you do that?"

The mousekin swallowed and nodded her head. She then shifted her attention fully to me. I nodded, ready to take over. "Nadia, I am not a beastkin. I'm actually from a race called the Succubi. I'm trying to find more family members and change them into succubi like myself."

The woman's brows furrowed. "F- family?"

I nodded. "Family, in addition to what the change itself will bring you, I will consider you family and help you out where I can."

Bella turned to me, "Lilith?"

I patted her on the thigh, "I've begun to think about it this way. The bond should mean more than how I've been thinking about it up until now. I want it to mean more. It should be a bond, not a one-way obligation."

I turned back to Nadia. "My race has a few unique features but if they're acceptable to you, transforming you into one of us may restore your arm among other benefits."

She looked down at the ground and touched the stump of her arm. After she processed what I said she looked back up at me, ready for me to continue.

"The transformation will change you into your 'ideal self' and we believe that part of the transformation will restore your arm. We haven't tested this kind of thing before but we do know it can make extensive changes to someone's body. It would be your ideal self, so it would be based on your preferences and presumably the number of arms you would find most attractive. We're not entirely sure if restoring a limb is absolutely part of that transformation but it seems likely to me. You will also be granted a racial specialization of some kind, in Bella's case it was healing. I'm not sure how similar or different your specialization will be."

Nadia gripped her stump. "And what do I have to pay for this benefit?"

The response was a bit more bitter than I'd hoped but I didn't hold it against her. "The first drawback is you would become one of us and need to sustain yourself by having sex. As a succubus, you will have to feed off of the lust-aspected mana that is created during sex. You won't need to eat normal food anymore, though you still can if you want to. I usually do. I won't allow you to make this choice if you don't truly enjoy having sex and would be happy about that change."

She hesitantly nodded. "I love it, part of why I'm so angry about losing my arm is that it will be harder to charm johns like this. I want to pleasure others and be pleasured in turn. I don't want to be a crippled woman who has to sort laundry and do chores with one arm because I can't attract people anymore."

I grimaced at how she put that, this world wasn't kind to the physically disabled. I didn't really have any illusions that it would be but it still hurt to have those suspicions confirmed. Raya also looked away when she heard this, probably hitting her close to home with the remark too.

"You also have to take an oath not to knowingly work against me. This doesn't extend to me giving you direct orders like a slave but if you knew I was trying to hurt someone or protect someone, you wouldn't be able to knowingly interfere. That's it. Any questions?"

She looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "And what do you get out of this? You're offering me these boons in exchange for what?"

I shook my head. "I am offering to take you into my family. To help you when I can and for you to help me when you can. You would also be helping me spread my race, which is currently limited to only a few people in this room."

Tears began to roll down Nadia's face. "Y-you'll help me? Just for making an oath and helping you out sometimes?"

I smiled. "I will. But only if it's what you want too."

Nadia wiped the tears from her eyes and nodded. "I'll do it. What do I have to do?"

"Picture your ideal self, make sure to visualize both of your arms. When you're ready, make an oath that you will not knowingly work against me and state that you wish to become a succubus," I said.

Nadia closed her eyes and went quiet, taking the time to picture her new form. "O-okay. I swear I will not knowingly work against you, I wish to become a succubus."

[Conditions for Soultouch not met. Adopt a surname to continue.]

Surname? This isn't how it worked with Mimi, what's going on here? ...Fine, it would be a dumb reason to stop now. I have been thinking about choosing this name since I first saw my reflection anyway, between that and formerly being a demon the choice seems obvious to me. Lilith Baphomet.

[Origin of Succubi] alters [Soultouch] into [Succubus Bond]

[Origin of Succubi] alters [Soultouched Connection] into [Bonded Communication]

[Bonded Communication has increased from level 4 to level 5]

Nadia leaned back against the couch and moaned in pleasure. The stump of her right arm began to glow in a white light that spread down into an arm symmetrical with her other one. Those weren't the end of her changes though, in this short time she had already gained over two feet of height, making her quite tall for a mousegirl. Her ears got a bit bigger, her tail got a bit longer, and her breasts grew at least a few sizes. Small imperfections all over her face that no one would notice until they were gone cleared away and her facial proportions themselves shifted to look more attractive. Her white fur smoothed out and took on a glossy luster as she quivered from the transformation. By the time her body had finished shifting, she almost looked like a completely different person. Rather than a short and cute mouse, there was now a tall and sexy one in her place.

"Oh gods, you could have warned me how good that was going to feel..." She held up her right hand before opening and closing it to test her new fingers. "It feels good as new... actually better than new. Hey! My nail beds are longer, I've always wanted longer nail beds!"

She turned and looked at Grace before getting a shocked look. "Woah, you look shorter. Did I get taller?" She looked down at her body before openly groping her own breasts, causing her to let out another sexy moan. "Oh gods, they feel so much more sensitive now..." The view was quite stimulating, especially since her old clothes were rather small on her now, they were straining to stay in place, especially over her bust.

Grace gently touched Nadia's new arm. "How are you feeling dear? You... look quite different but you are already looking happier."

Nadia smiled a dazzling smile that made me tear up. "I feel great, better than ever." She turned to me and before I could say anything rushed over to pull me into a hug. "Thank you mother."

My hackles rose immediately. "Woah woah! Where did that come from?"

She let go and looked hesitant. "Uh, the notification said you were my mother succubus."

Ah right, the description does have wording like that. "Okay, that's... figurative. Please don't call me mother."

"...Sure. Yeah, that makes sense." She laughed awkwardly before her eyes stopped on Mimi in her necklace form. Her eyes widened. "Oh, you're a succubus too? I never would have guessed!"

The confused looks of Oceane, Grace, and Raya turned to shocked ones as Mimi shifted into her humanoid form and gave Nadia a hug, who promptly returned it without hesitation. I could feel the wash of excitement, love, reassurance, and a whole host of other emotions flow and leak against my own bond as they shared their emotions. I could now feel my connection to Nadia as well.

Oceane pointed a finger at Mimi. "Wha- er, who is that?"

Nadia turned Mimi around. "This is Mimi! She's a succubus too, or a mimic? Both I guess?"

"Both! It's nice to meet you! I'm excited to be getting new sisters!" Mimi spoke out excitedly. Mimi's cute little deer tail twitched, distracting me for a moment.

I stood up and placed a hand on Mimi's shoulder. "Don't worry about Mimi, she's a good girl. She just hides around people I don't know if I can trust. I uh, was going to introduce you more formally later but I suppose it's as good a time as any. This is Mimi, she used to be an intelligent monster but now she's one of us, a succubus."

"Yay! Nice to meet you! I'm Mimi! Are you going to become my sisters too!?"

Raya was looking a little flushed, her eyes traveled down Mimi's body and quickly back up to her face. What she didn't know was that Mimi would be the least likely to notice and I suspect she would take pride in Raya's gaze rather than embarrassment. Oceane looked really flustered. It was a rather funny look on someone who normally seemed so put together and collected.

Grace's brows furrowed a little but she otherwise seemed calm. "Hello Mimi, it is nice to meet you!"

Mimi went right for a hug and nuzzled right between the canine woman's breasts, eliciting a surprised 'eep!' from her.

I smiled, happy with how things were progressing.


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