Lightning and Fire given form.(DxD)

Chapter 95 - A Truth Revealed And More Secrets Created.

As Kurayami was flying toward the center of the river Styx that he believed would let his dragon body get stronger he suddenly saw a strange scene. A monster that looked like it was being possessed by something was looking at him oddly.

When he saw it Kurayami knew it was Tartarus who was trying to talk to him. Kurayami knew that Tartarus as a primordial would be powerful, but he did not know how strong. However, they decided to go down.

He flapped his wings and landed in front of the monster that looked like a skeleton with flesh falling off the bone. It was sitting rock and Kurayami did not smile.

"So Tartarus, did you give me those visions on purpose? I am not happy at all about that."

Kurayami was still shirtless and was just in his shorts along with the many seals he had on his body. They were still extremely heavy, but he was not struggling as much as he believed he was.

The skeleton looked at him and shook its head. "No, that happens to all the ones here. I see you headed toward the heart of the River Styx. You know that is their correct?"

"The Prison of the Titans and the giants. I am not out to free them. If anything I am just going for the river."

Tartarus puppet scoffed. "Whatever, you doing me a service by taking care of the fool Kronus. His fools are quitting since he was damaged."

Kurayami nodded. "I still plan to kill him. Will he cause any damage to the world if I do?"

The puppet shook his head. "No, go ahead. The fact that Ophis has given you her power leaves me with few options. Just the fact if I do anything I might be killed by her."

Kurayami smirked. "So you know she is female now? Everyone still believes she is a he."

Tartarus shook his head. "She came here once to try to find her silence. This place is not a good place for that let me tell you. I am leaving. Just kill this puppet."

Soon the heavy presence covering the puppet was gone and it became a normal skeleton that Kurayami incinerated with his flames. He looked toward the prison of the titans and wonders how strong Gaia could be as she was the mother of Kronos.

"Does not matter. I should be crossing that flag in the future. Now, time for this river. Hey, Ophis can you come here."

In no time at all, she appeared in front of him and she hugged him with a cute smile on her face. He wrapped his arms around her slender frame and he had to say he was the happiest when all the girls were with him.

"How long have I been gone in real-time?"

She looked up with a confused look. "1 hour."

Kurayami stopped to think about it. He had been here nearly a whole day so the time was for every hour in the real world he was here a day. It was not really good, but the time of Tartarus was just weird like that.

"Well Ophis, how can I awaken my dragon body faster? You told me I was a part dragon after you gave me your power right?"

She nodded and explained. "You need more stress. Wake up faster that way."

'Seems I had the right idea. "So I just need to put my body under as much stress as I can to wake it up faster. Well, I am going to the heart of the River Styx. Want to come with me?"

She nodded and started to fly and he spread his wings again and they both flew toward the river. Just to be faster he removed his seals and felt his power rushing back and they managed to arrive in less than a minute.

Before they got there they saw the prison of the titans that had a huge lave moat and looked to be heavily defended. Tartarus would definitely not let him enter there, but he would not have much choice as he had Ophis with him.

However, they were just passing over it so they were ignored by the grouchy Primordial. They flew a bit further and they finally made it to the heart of the famous river. Just being near it made the air acidic along with the heavily polluted river.

The dreams, wishes, grudges, and hopes of the humans who have passed over the river were there. As he looked at the river that was where the dead left all that made them human before their afterlife. Well, this was one place they could end up, but he did not care really.

He just wanted the destructive power of the river for his body as he would not get stronger with out pain. If not his dragon body may take forever to occur so he decided to go the easy/hard way.

"So I will not die in here right Ophis?"

She reached in and dipped her hand in the river and she felt nothing. "Nope, you become stronger after."

"Well, I will take your word for it. Time for me to go into what just may be the worst choice I ever made."

She just shook her head. "I will save you if needed."

Kurayami approached the river and before he jumped in a pale apparition appeared near him. He was the famous Achilles one of the greatest heroes from Greece and someone to be looked upon.

Achilles looked at Kurayami and Ophis as he had heard their conversation. "You do not need the curse, but you can get it anyway. Have you gotten your parent's approval?"

Kurayami shook his head. "I rather not get it. Compared to Ophis it is not even that good and I shall get a body very similar to hers after this so no thanks. I know a kid who would be quite perfect for it."

Achilles nodded. "Do as you please. I shall not stop you."

Kurayami nodded and jumped in the river and he had to say that the small pool he was at before could not compare to this. He felt like his flesh was melting, his soul becoming sluggish and his memories fleeting.

He suddenly found himself back to a place he thought he would never again see. He was just a little kid and he was in the same orphanage he was left at as a kid. He frowned and he looked at the orphanage lady who was keeping away from him.

The children all looked at him with fear and now that he was an adult he really did not get why they were so scared. Sure his parents were religious and saw his birth as that of the antichrist, but what about these people.

What did his parents say about him to even convince these people about him being the devil? What about the name Akuma, how was that name allowed when it is illegal to name your kid that in Japan? Legally his parents and the orphanage would have been forced to change it so what happened?

He got up and walked toward the orphanage door and no one tried to stop him. As he was 8 he opened the door and walked out of the door and this time he found himself in a different scene. It was the time he killed his first man at the age of 9. Harold the old man who could be considered the only father he knew in his past life was smiling.

"Well done Akuma, you had no hesitation in killing him. Don't you feel bad about it? Do you want to know more about the guy you just killed?"

Kurayami remembered this day well. His response to that was a solid "No.". He did not care who he killed at that time he had no intention to start feeling bad at that time. His mind at the time did not care why the guy needed to die. Just that he was told to do it.

That day Harold has increased the training as he found just the successor in Akuma that he needed. Kurayami walked out the next door and he was a teenager at 15 and he was in a strip club as he was much taller and older looking than kids his age.

Plus, Harold had connections to make I.Ds so he had no issue with getting in. Akuma walked toward the top balcony where a middle-aged man was getting double lap dance by two very beautiful women. Behind him, he had two bodyguards, and yet Akuma did not care.

He approached and reached into his coat and pulled out a Magnum Research Desert Eagle, 50 Action Express handgun, and walked up to the guy. The guy's guards looked at him and were about to tell him to get away, but he just shot both of them, the two girls, and the target with a single device shot to the head.

Harold told him to not leave any witnesses and he pulled out a gas mask and put it on. The doors were locked as he prepared for his and he pulled out a few canisters of chlorine gas and opened them and the gas began to fill the building.

The people began to scream and rush for the exits, but as he had prepared beforehand they had nowhere to go and the gas-filled the whole place. He was fine as his clothes and mask were made for this and he just waited for the screams to stop to leave.

Kurayami watching this cringed as he remembered before Harold died he did not have any remorse and just blindly listened to him. Harold was all he had at the time and he did not want to disappoint him, but seeing that he was not any better in his second life he may be far more messed up than he thought.

Kurayami left and the next memory he saw was the day Harold died. It was the day he turned 20 and Harold was on his death bed while Akuma stood over his bed watching his mentor die.

Harold looked at Akuma and he lifted his hand in front of his face and snapped his fingers. Akuma's eyes seemed to jump a bit and Harold took a deep breath.

"I used a bit of brainwashing to keep you controlled. Your free now Akuma. It is your job to finish me. Get it over with."

Harold took a deep breath and Akuma grabbed the same handgun and pointed it and Harold's head. The old man closed his eyes and waited for the shot. The loud sound of the Desert Eagle rang in the house.

Kurayami watched his old self with looks of interest. "So what do you think about that Akuma?"

"We are the same person just named differently. I am the negative and you are the one who had the good life."

Kurayami shook his head. "As you said we are the exact same person. Just in different times, but you are not really my memories are you?"

Akuma looked at him with a look of interest and the entire vision changed to Kurayami standing in front of a black throne with many chains goi off into the Abyss. He looked to the person of the black throne and saw a woman sitting on the throne looking at him with pure amusement.

"Well, you are sometimes too smart for your own good Kurayami. You ever wonder why your life was filled with so much death in your life. Why you were sent over to your new world and why you destroyed two entire cities without meaning too?"

Kurayami looked at her and removed his glasses. "Because you are a Goddess of Death correct. So you are the reason I was sent over to that world?"

She smiled and nodded. "Correct. You were one of my most favorite to watch. I sent you over to that world as a test to see how good you are. I am quite impressed as you not only stole a Loginous which I never expected you even got Ophis to give you a power-up. As weak as it was I am still impressed."

Kurayami's eyes twitched. "That was weak?"

She nodded. "Very. Even my weakest pet is leagues stronger than her. You see these chains, all end in a strong beast that would shatter your thoughts on what is strong, but let's keep that secret for now. That is also why you have such an affinity for pets as I do. Your choice of pets is quite interesting. Keep going with what you are doing and get stronger."

"For what?"

She smiled. "I will keep that secret. I am interested in how strong you can get."

She snapped her fingers and he woke up and got out of the river and started to cough out the acid water that was in his lungs. Ophis pulled him out of the river and she poked him on the chest.

He felt the 'Infinite" in his body rumble and it spread to all his cells, organs, and inch of his body while the fallen angel blood rumbled and turned with it. The symbols in his eyes began to spin and the color changed from a bright purple to a dark purple.

She smiled. "Dragon body is awake. Well done."

He nodded and looked down and saw his shorts were still there. Seems the river only affects flesh and not clothes. He stood up and felt his body felt so much stronger than before.

He knows knew who sent him here, but the question is why? He tried to talk about her to Ophis but found that the words did not come out. He could not even send the memories to Ophis and it seemed she did not want him o tell anyone yet.

That made him pissed as he felt he was back to being a servant when he thought he was finally free from serving others. For now, he just needed to wait as he could not do anything right now about it.

"Ophis let's go."

She nodded and they both flew off to test hs new abilities.


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