Lightning and Fire given form.(DxD)

Chapter 91 - Kurayami's Blunder.

Kurayami and Raynare finally had all their battle and bloodlust reigned in and they really paid attention to what they did. All throughout the city was in rubble and burning, people had died in mass not to mention the number of injured people. People were screaming and chaos was everywhere.

Souls were rushing to heaven and some rushed to Raynare and Kurayami in hatred and this time she did not do anything. Kurayami looked at Gabriel and the rest of the angels as this could have been avoided.. However, he realized he was losing his attachment to humanity as a whole.

Having so much power at his hands made him and Rayanre stop carrying what damage they caused when they fought. It was like they were humans compared to ants as most people did not care about ants.

Gabriel saw that Raynare and Kurayami seemed to be in deep thought and while there was no sadness or regret they were thinking. However, what she saw was the eyes of Kurayami as his eyes were very different from the last time she saw them.

Before they were just hollow like a dead fish, but now they had a very unique look that showed the Infinite and only Ophis could use that power.

Even Odin and the angels finally got a look at the eyes he gained thanks to Ophis. This was definitely not good as he did not want to let his secret out but seems he was careless. Not only had Odin seen it, but the angels as well.

"Kurayami I won't ask about your eyes, but look around you. This is the second city you have destroyed in your battles. It's like you do not care what damage you caused and that is not even counting you Raynare. You are just as much to blame for this."

Kurayami sighed as he really was at fault. He sometimes forgot that he was not the strongest being in this world as he began to get conceited. Raynare looked down and walked up to Kurayami and grabbed his arm. He was not wearing his jacket so she held on to his burly arm.

Kurayami put away Rebellion as he had no reason to keep her around when she was asleep. He made a new pair of glasses and put them on to make sure no one else saw his secret.

Raynare looked at Gabriel and the angels and bit her lower lip. She just wanted to have a date and be normal for once, but she got distracted by a cool creature and a possible fun fight. She sometimes also lost her control to her drive to fight and this time it really got out of hand.

She looked at Kurayami who was in deep thought as he found that their current midset was very dangerous for everyone involved as they might take them as a threat to the world like they did with Draig and Albion.

She hugged his arm tighter as she imagined that he may be killed if he kept on causing this much destruction as it was his second city he destroyed. He looked at Raynare who looked really worried about him and he sighed as he could see what she was afraid of.

"I am sorry about this. I know a simple sorry can't be enough for what we did here, but we honestly did not expect to see this. We came here just to have fun and we found a creature in the late stages of the Satan class."

Gabriel looked at the rest of the angels who did not know that such a strong creature was hidden in plain sight in their territory. Michael looked at Kurayami and Rayanre with squinted eyes as he felt that Kurayami and Raynare were blinded by their own power and they realized it now.

"Kurayami, Raynare, I wish our meeting was in a better situation however this time the damage you caused is terrible. Many believers and innocents were killed as a result of our and your negligence. I would like to ask that you hand over the creature responsible."

Kurayami squinted his eyes as he was expecting they would ask for compensation, but this time they were asking for his new familiar. There were a few things that he did not like people messing with, his family, his wives, his few friends, and his familiars. He was possessive like that and they wanted him to hand it over.

Well, time to use what he knows best. His witts to get out of this situation and to free the conman that he was. He coughed and looked dead at Michael and lied through his teeth.

"Well, I would do that if I could, however, I got a very forced familiar contract with it. If I break the pact now it would damage both of us involved. I can't risk my own well-being to give you the creature. Besides, I already made it my familiar and I just won't be able to hand it over."

Michael looked at Kurayami's face and saw that he was dead serious, but he could somehow tell he was lying. Little did Kurayami know he was famous for his con-man act as Zeus was not quite about how Kurayami was a con artist.

Gabriel looked at Kurayami with a very mad look. "Your lying, I know you are. Why do you want to keep such a dangerous thing near you? It must be impossible for you to tame and is pure evil. As long as that thing lives the souls it ate will never be free. Please, have a heart for the innocents it ate."

Kurayami bit his tongue as he was put on the spot. If he did no give it up Gabriel would hate him and he would lose one of his few friends, but if he did give it up he would lose his new familiar.

'What do I do, how do I get out of this situation. I could try the Joestar family technique, but if I do that I am back at square one. Maybe I can ask Ophis to mind-wipe them all, but if she does that she may wipe all their minds. Wait, I got it.'

"About that, you know that my aura is very good for familiars right? Also, my familiar contract is extremely unique and one of a kind. Once I make a pact that familiar becomes bound to my pact and even if I give you the familiar it will be already affected by my aura."

Michael had a bad feeling as what Kurayami said made it look that just by being in his familiar space for this time the creature might already be even stronger than when it was out. As for the souls that it ate they were long since gone and were only energy.

Uriel looked at Kurayami with distrust and it was not because he was a fallen, but because of the reputation he had built You had to take everything he said with a grain of salt because one minute he may tell the truth which will lead to another lie.

"We would like to believe you, but how do we know you are not lying to us. The creature may be strong, but we can defeat and exercise it with all us angels here. If you wanted this creature would be destroyed by your hand if you so choose."

Raynare's eyes began to glow dark black like Vritra'a flames as she was getting annoyed by their constant accusations. However, Vritra could tell she was getting pissed and reasoned with her to calm down. She already lost her cool once what would happen if she did it again.

"Partner, you need to reign in your battle and bloodlust. Your grandfather had the same issue as you and my influence is only making it worse. Don't make your situation harder than it had to be."

She closed her eyes to relax and she spoke up.

"We defeated the creature as if we left it on its own it would have caused untold carnage before you would know about it. It took you about 5 minutes to arrive here and the only reason the Nightmare did not go all out was that it was only recently awakened."

They all froze and they thought about it. From what they had seen the Nightmare had a lot more power to use, but like she said it could not use it from the start because of its long dormancy. If it was left alone it may have destroyed a large part of Europe and more if it was given time.

What Raynare and Kurayami did not tell them is that they played a big role in its power-up and wakening by feeding it with their powers. They would keep that secret, but right now Odin finally spoke up.

"Well is the thing a threat with you or can you control it? It may be better to just kill it"

"I can control Ladon an evil dragon, I can control the Nightmare. In the time it will never want to leave my pact as my familiars gain so much more by being with me than not."

Odin sat down on a bench that by some miracle was still standing and he tapped the ground with his cane to get attention to himself.

"Well, what's down it done. Let's all just fix the city and make some reason for the dead. Also." He made many barriers around all the angels and raised the big point.

"Can we agree to keep the boy's power a secret. Kurayami is it, how do you know Ophis. That old man choose you for something or what?"

Kurayami's lips and eyes twitched as Ophis was a true shapeshifter, but recently she chooses her new form as her permanent form and remembering that she used to take the form of an old man was really weird when she gave him oral before, but sacrifices must be made.

He nodded. "I met Ophis a while ago and they gave me power in exchange for a favor. I have to get as strong as Great Red one day and kick his ass. That was the favor Ophis asked of me before they left."

Odin sighed as Ophis really wanted to get Great Red out of the Dimensional Gap, but what would they say when she in reality no longer wanted to go back as she had chosen him as her mate. of course, he would not say that as it would just get attention to him.

Michael looked at him oddly as Ophis was always an eccentric being. Never interested in people and stayed alone. Only now did Ophis get involved, but she was taken from the Chaos Brigade by Kurayami.

He sighed and found no reason to stay here. "Well let's fix this city as best we can. I also would like to suggest that you place some seals or limiters on your power. You are too destructive."

Kurayamai rolled his eyes, but he focused on his arms and copied Sairaorg's weights, and placed some purple one's around his arms. They were many times heavier than Sairaorg's and added the effect to limit the amount of power he could draw on.

He found that it might be a good training method and lucky him as he had made them he could remove them easily, but first, he placed his hands on the ground and activated a part of the 'Infinite' to reverse time as good as he could.

Of course, he could not travel in time or go too far, but to fix part of the destruction he did was very possible and with the combined power of all of them the city was back to being the city before. The only thing now was the countless dead humans.

Michale looked at Raynare and sighed. "May I interest you in learning how Azrael used to lead the souls of people to heaven. It be of help right now that souls take longer to go to heaven since Azrael fell."

Raynare nodded. "I will do it, but not now. We need to go with Odin to Asgard for whatever he wants."

Odin grinned and nodded. "Of you won't regret it. I might even teach you a thing or two. You two really need barriers to fight it out. You think you can fight willy nily out in the open?"

Both Kurayami and Raynare were bright red as they forgot if they just placed a bounded field they might have been able to go all out. They were regretting being so hot-blooded. As for Raynare, she was worried about what her grandfather would do, but Kurayami just might get house arrest or worse as this was no laughing matter.

What would his mother say when she found out. He sighed and walked next to Odin with Raynare. Odin being the Letcher looked at Raynare's thighs and bust, but her hand burned in Black Flames.

"OW, OW, OW, my back. You would not hurt a defenseless old man now would you?"

She sighed as lechers like Ares and Odin were the hardest to deal with. Odin laughed and teleported them to Asgard where Kurayami would be very happy with what Odin was offering.


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