Lightning and Fire given form.(DxD)

Chapter 80 - After The Brawl And Hell Of A Diffrent Type.

Kurayami looks at Shin who is looking at him with squinted eyes and looked away. Kurayami's lips twitched and he walked up to Shin. "Hey, don't ignore me." Shin turned around and avoided making eye contact with Kurayami. He was mad as Kurayami used his other balance breaker and not his.

"I am sorry ok, I wanted to show off my cool armor." That just makes Shin more angry as he feels he was replaced. Even if Incinieate Anthem does not have a real being trapped inside it still had its own will. It began to mock Shin and the dog wants nothing more than to rip off this cross.

Kurayami shook his head and he walked up to the still-standing Sairaorg and picked him up like a sack of potatoes. "Well, I can't leave my apprentice like this now can I. Seems I will have to teach a few people after this." He left the battlefield and went back to the doctor.. When the doctor saw the state of Sairog's face her eyebrows twitched.

"Boy, did you have to be so ruthless. It was just a spar." Kurayami laid Sairog' on the bed and he shook his head.

"How is this my fault? Just heal my apprentice." He looked at her and she had light blue hair, a busty body, and looked like she was in her early 30s, but she sighed as she had found that men and young devils are very hot-blooded. Just watching how these two fought with huge grins was beyond her.

"Fine, seriously. Why is it that boys are so wild?" Kurayamu smiled at her and she felt it was odd she wanted to see his eyes. She never thought she would care about that. She laid her hand on Sairorg's body and a pair of rings appeared on her hands. Kurayami looked at them and was surprised as they were a rare sacred gear.

"You have a Twilight Healing?" She nodded and continued to heal Saiorg. She was quite skilled and most of his bruises were going away, but even that had limits. It was better to treat him like this and then use Phonix tears after that.

"My mother was a devil and she fell in love with my father a human. Lucky for her and us her parents did not care in the slightest as we are part of the Gremory clan. Of course, we are just servants, but we don't care. That way we never suffered for her choice." Kurayami nodded his head as the Gremory clan was one of the few that treated their events well.

Soon Sirzechs, Serafall, Grayfia, and the girls all entered to check up on him and Raynare grinned. "Well seems you won." He removed his blindfold and replaced it with his sunglasses.

"Was there any doubt I would win?" Raynare thought about it and looked like she was really pondering about it. He walked up to her and placed his fists on the sides of her head and began to put pressure on it.

"OW, OW, OW, I AM SORRY THERE WAS NO DOUBT! YOU WON!" He put her down and rubbed her head.

"Calm down, it was not that bad. Anyway, miss doctor may I have a name." She sighed.

"My name is Salarina Arina." When she finished healing Sairog he opened his eyes and he held his face. She glared at him and he shivered.

"Look at you, this is what happens when you battle junkies are left alone for too long. You end up with broke faces." Sirzechs was beginning to sneak away as Grayfia and her together was like a self-sustaining berating gun, but Selarina glared at him and he froze.

"I knew you were the one who allowed this. What your my lady say when she hears about this?" Sirzechs shivered and he shook his head at his mother's bishop. Salarina was 50 years old and she became Venala bishop about 30 years ago and was the Gremory family head doctor. However, she was quite strict and when they got injured would berate the person if it was avoidable.

"Please, whatever you do please do not tell mother. She would hang me and not let my little Rias see me." Rias was bright red and had tried to ignore the fact she got slapped. Sairarog stood up even though he was still in pain. When Salarina saw that she glared at him.

"Hey, I just healed you. You will just hurt yourself so lay back down." He ignored her and he bowed to Kurayami.

"I Sairaorg Bael from this day forth am your disciple. Master" Kurayami patted him on the shoulder and had him stand. However, he did not want to be called master by men as it really sounded wrong. He was not into that as he was a very straight man.

"Wel just don't call me master, just call me sir." Sairaorg nodded and he sat back down to finish treatment. Artemis looked at Sairaorg and back to Kurayami comparing the two.

"You know I can see the resembles between you two and yet you are very different at the same time. You Kurayami were born with talent, but Sairog was not. However, seeing at how you have progressed it is obvious that you Sairaorg have more potential than most devils I saw."

Serafall frowned. "What about my Sona? She should be just as good as him, and she is going to be training under Kurayami, so is she your disciple too?" She was hopeful, but she was not good enough for his standards.

Kurayami shook his head as Sona was more a schemer than an outright powerful person. Strong yes, but not good enough for her to be his disciple.

"No, Sairaorg is my only disciple. Sona and Rias will at best be my students until they earn that right in a fight with me. As they are now they are not good enough." Serafall was mad, but she had to see it from his point of view. Sairaorg was strong and matched part of his mindset while Sona was not a front lines fighter.

Lavinia smiled at Kurayami. "Well even if we are not your disciples you do help us train. However, when are you going to accept more magic training from me? You said it yourself that magic is your weakest link." He sighed.

"When we get back I will focus on it exclusively with you. I need more techniques and fewer power types." Akeno walked up to him and removed his coat as it was his, to begin with. When it got in his hands it grew back to his huge height and he put it on.

"Sairorg, when this gathering ends, I want you, RIas, Soan, and your peerages all to come to Grigori for your training. It will be under us and our best trainers." Sairaorg nodded.

"Yes sir." Rias was going to complain, but this was not a request. it was an order. Kurayami looked at Salarina.

"Can I ask that you come too? You will be paid and you might be able to achieve a balance breaker and be able to heal better. What way better than direct experience." Rias looked scared for her safety, but not Sairarog. He was ready for anything his teacher was going o teach him which was a lot.

She thought about it as she could help more people and get a balance breaker. "I will go if my lady allows it." He nodded and began to leave and he was followed by Serafall, Akeno, Esdeath, Ophis, Artemis, and Lavinia. Sirzechs, Rias, Salarina, Grafiana, and Sairog stayed behind.

Sirzechs looked at Rias who looked to be mad that she was called not good enough to be his disciple. She was always told she was one of the rookie four the best devils of since years ago, but that was nothing for Kurayami. He only accepted Sairaorg.

Sairaorg looked at Rias and shook his head. "Rias, you need to know that while you are strong that will not be good enough. You need much more than just talent, but as Sir has said, will. You lack that."

He stood up and got his coat and placed his weights back on his arms. When Salarina saw that she slapped his gu and he coughed as he was still hurt from the palm strike he got.

"OW, why?"

She pointed at them. "On no, you don't. No training until you are a hundred percent recovered. Doctors orders." He was going to argue that he needed to train to be able to learn all he could from his teacher, but she left no room for argument.

Grayfia nodded. "Sairaorg-Sama, you require rest. You can train all you wish, but no now." He sighed and laid back down a bit annoyed that he could not train as he wanted, but it was out of his choice. 'I need to recover faster, I am losing time I could be training.'

He began to focus his touki on his body to heal faster and that was just fine. As for Kurayami and the girls, they all went to his room and were all in bed. Kurayami was in black shorts and a black shirt n the bed and they were all just lounging around while taking.

"Hey Serafall, what do devils do to kill time?" They all looked at Serafall who thought about it and she suddenly got a great idea. She jumped off the bed and her entire outfit turned into that of a magical girl with a darker pink.

"How about we watch an entire marathon of my show?" Kurayami was going to refuse, but Ophis pulled on his sleeve.

'Let's watch." He looked at her oddly and coughed to focus, but Lavinia tilted her head.

"Magical girl? I want to see it. May we please?" She blinked a few times and her pretty eyelashes made her eyes look even prettier. Esdeath normally would not care to watch that, but it was too good to see him flustered.

"Oh, we totally should watch it. Serafall let's watch." Artemis nodded as she was interested and Raynare smiled.

"Well it's either that, or we watch Deranged? (Berserk)" Kurayami smiled and nodded a few times and they all looked at her odd except for Kurayami. Raynare blinked a few times and smiled.

"I and Kurayami watch bloody anime, we live in Japan. The land of anime, why would we not watch a few?" In the end, they had a vote and sadly for Kurayami and Raynare they both lost to the vote and had to watch Miracle☆Levia-tan.

Serafall had a big smiled and she snapped her fingers and a pile of disks appeared. They had assumed they only had to watch about a few hour's worth of video, but oh how wrong they were. Esdeath looked at that with a blank look.

"Uhh, can we change to Deranged? That had only 24 episodes right"

Raynare nodded like crazy. "YES, please. It is only 24 episodes of pure awesome, manliness. Wait Kurayami, you need to make the Dragon Slayer. PLEASE."

He smiled and thought about it and checked the amount of material he had in his ring and he still had serval tons of it. He definitely needed to get one, but someone did not like that idea.

"NO, Master, sniff, how could you think of cheating on me with another sword? I thought I was your only one. You are cruel." Rebellion defenitly did not want him to get another living sword as she was jealous."

He sighed and looked at Rayanre sadly. "Sorry. I don't think Rebellion likes the idea. Said I was thinking of cheating on her with another sword."

Raynare looked down as she was hopeful and yet Sephtis did not care at all as he was just a living weapon that cared about killing. He was not like Rebellion who cared to be more human. He just wanted to kill and fight, but Raynare was not a sword fighter. She was exclusively a scythe weilder.

Well, they were forced by Serafall to watch as many as they could. They watched it non-stop for 24 hours until even Ophis had a blank look ad was mumbling about magical girls. Raynare was shaking in fear while hugging Sephtis and Kurayami had sent his mind long ago to the abyss. Shin had long since passed out belly up and Esdeath wanted nothing more than to run away.

Akeno's eyes were black as she covered them with shadows and was instead trying to think of anything else, but she was just as far gone as all of them. Lavinia was probably the one who hated it the most as it gave a wrong idea of what a witch should be and don't get started on Artemis. She was long since asleep. Only one thought passed through all their thoughts. 'I AM NEVER WATCHING THIS AGAIN!'


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