Lightning and Fire given form.(DxD)

Chapter 78 - Man To Man And New Apprentice.

(I feel like my writing has reduced in quality since my break.)

The first step was to get a dimension, so Serafall went to Sirzechs. He was with Rias who he was telling that he would be sending her away to Grigori for training. She as a spoiled young girl did not want to train, but the choice was out of her hands. She looked ready to cry to at least get him to change his mind, but his mind was made.

Sirzechs heard a knock on his door and he looked at Rias. "Rias, this is for your own good. Your potential is being wasted if you don't reign in your power." She looked away.

"Why must I train with him?" He shook his head and opened the door and he when Sirzechs saw Kurayami and Sairaorg he had an idea about what they wanted. He looked at Serafall and smiled. .

"You want a rating game arena for their spar right. I suspected you two would spar." Serafall nodded.

"Well, we can't have these two fight in a normal area. They are monsters." Kurayami and Sairaorg had to agree as to when they got excited they stopped holding back. Sairorg looked at Sirzechs and asked.

"Sirzechs, I would like for you to accept our request." Sirzechs smiled and patted Sairaorg on the shoulder.

"Well I see no issue, do you agree Kurayami?"

Kurayami nodded and popped his neck. "Ready." Esdeath looked at Sairaorg and she also knew he was strong and that deserved her respect, but she had noticed some people looked at him with looks of hate.

"Hey, Sairaorg, any reason why on the way here you got looks of loathing?"

Sairaorg nodded and he explained.

"Well, the Bael clan is famous for its power of destruction. I was not born with it and my younger brother was assigned, heir. My mother and I were shamed for it, but she told me to train what I had. My body. Even now the clan does not accept me."

Kurayami scoffed. "Foolish devils. You are the strongest devil in the young generation and you have managed to become the owner of a Longinus, yet they still loath you. Stupid." Sirzechs nodded.

"That's just how devils are. Prideful and conceited. The higher up a clan is, usually, they're more old-fashioned." Kurayami scoffed.

"More like idiots. If it weren't for our alliance I would have gone there myself and what was the term, 'slap some faces.'?"

"Pff" Raynare nearly broke out laughing as he said that with a straight face. Ophis titled her head and tugged on his sleeve.

"You will slap people? Why?"

"No, not literally, it means make break a prideful person of that pride." She nodded and Sirzechs looked up.

"Well I can get your spar within the hour, but can you explain to Rias." Kurayami looked at his ex-fiancé.

"Well, I have said you are weak, spoiled, untrained, and for lack of a better word a total brat, so Sirzechs agreed for you to go Grigori for training. Any questions." She glared.

"I refuse, you can't force me. I hate you brother." Suddenly a loud slap was heard and Rias had a red palm print on her face. Kurayami's hand was in a slapping motion and Sirzechs was pissed that his sister was struck. However, Kurayami glared at him to shut him up.

"Feel that, that is pain. I bet that is something you never felt. Well, the real world is cruel and battles can lead to death or worse. Look at me, you think I got this strong from birth. No, I trained myself to the dirt and here you are refusing training out of pride."

"He is totally right, even a talented person is nothing without training." Raynare got done saying and shook her head in total disappointment in the young devil. Shedefinelty did not deserve to marry her beloved. Most of the girls thought that as they all trained daily. Even lazy Kuroka was not lazy all day.

Kurayami left Rias and Sirzechs and all his girls left with him. Serafall patted Rias on the shoulder and left as well. Sirzechs looked at Rias who had tears in her eyes holding in cheek. He wanted to console her, but it would just spoil her more. He left as well and she was left to think.

Within the hour their special dimension was finished and both Sairarog and Kurayami were ready to enter. All the young devils and the ones who could watch were going to watch and Kurayami was in a room with all the girls. They were sitting on a big coach and on left lap was sitting Ophis and the right Raynare.

On his right and left were Lavinia and Akeno.

"Brother, do you think he stands any chance if you only use your fists and nothing else?"

"Well if I do not use any magic, touki, light, Rebellion, or my sacred gears I will still win. However, I want to at least have one fistfight in my life. I bet no one, but very few can match me in the future. Let's hope Tobio can give me a challenge in the future."

Soon Grayfia appeared in a magic circle and bowed. "Sir Kurayami, it is time." He nodded and Ophis and Rayanre got off his lap. He began to remove his coat and handed it over to Akeno. She took it and smiled and actually put it on.

He pulled out a black bandana and wrapped it around his eyes. What he found is when he can use his eyes he sees almost everything in slow motions and his control over the 'Infinite' increases. He wants to keep that bit a secret for now.

Akeno looks at herself with a bit of magic and she really likes this coat. She might get one like it to look like her brother. She is his twin after all, but no one would believe them. "Wow, this is actually really nice." Suddenly it shrunk down to match her size and Kurayami smiled at her.

"It really does look good on you Akeno. Well, I should go. Wish me luck."

Akeno hugged him and looked up "Good luck big brother." He really liked it when she said it in her sultry tone. It really existed him. He bent down and gave her a quick kiss.

Esdeath rolled her eyes as she knew him wishing for luck was just like a joke. He did not need luck, he had that in spades.

"You don't need luck, you are you, or am I wrong?" She said with a smile.

"Really Esdeath, couldn't even wish me luck. How cruel." He looked away and she sighed.

"Good luc-" She was shut up with a kiss and he smiled.

"Well, I really need to go before you all ask for one." He disappeared and the rest of the girls all looked at Esdeath and Akeno with squinted eyes. Akeno looked at them and smiled with a kind look. However it just madder them annoyed at her.

"What, it was just a kiss. You don't all need one." That did not make them any happier, but he was already gone. Kurayami appeared in an open field and he looked at Sairaorg who had the same idea. Both of them wore black shirts that outlines their muscles and the amount of battle intent was affecting the terrain.

"Kurayami, just feeling your aura I can tell you are strong. It would be rude of me to hold back." Siaoraorg lifted his hands were two golden brands dropped to the ground. When they hit they made the ground collapsed and dust clouds rose in the sky. That made Kurayami nod his head in respect.

'Wow, those were weights and heavy ones too. Once he becomes Regulus' real host and I possibly unlocks his energy of destruction he will truly be a worthy devil. Shin was next to Kurayami and he looked at his friend and welder while wagging his tail.

He liked when Kurayami went into balance breaker as they looked alike, but sadly not this time. Kurayami ran his hand down his huge bear sized dog and shook his head.

"Not this time Shin." Shin's ears drooped, but Sairaorg looked a that.

"May I ask you to use his power. That is your sacred gear correct?" Kurayami noddded.

"Cani Lycaon his name is Shin my friend, but not this time, when you use Regulus and master it I will go all out. For now." dense black touki was raging off his body and Sairaorg had his touki going just as wild. Sirzechs began to comment.

"Alright, Kurayami Himejima a fallen angel will not fight Sairaorg Bael next heir of the Bael clan. Are you two ready." Kurayami popped his neck and Sairaorg feet crashed into the ground. Even if Kurayami's eyes were not visible many men and woman were drawn to them.

They all wanted to know what was under that covering. The ones who had seen him knew he always wore sunglasses, but this time he switched to this so they dont get in the way.

"Fight." Both charged at each other and Kurayami threw a right hook at Sairaorg's face, yet he got one right back. Kurayami's blow made Sairaorg feel like his face got hit with a rocket, but Kurayami felt that Sairaorg could do better.

Huge exchange of blows was shaking the entire arena and both fighters were feeling the full force of every hit. Kurayami caught Sairaorg's arm and gave a palm strike to his diagram resulting in all the air being expelled from his lungs.

Kurayami expected him to go down, but he instead received huge uppercut. He felt his head rattle lightly and he enjoys that. feeling. A fight between to fighters what could be more exciting then this. However, no matter how much he holds back he is a super fallen angel and he can't loose this fight even if he holds still.

'Not bad, but you got a lot more to go to match me.'

Kurayami's eyes went sharp and he released a bit more of his strength. He launched a huge punch right to Sairaorg's face and launched him back. Sairaorg left a huge gash in the dirt and the sound of that impact made the devils watching look away as they could all felt like they were hit.

Rias was looking at their fight and she came to realize if what these two say is true they were not this strong from birth, but through training she could one day match them.

Kurayami's face was lightly bruised, but Sairaorg's was deep purple and it was obvious who was going to win, however, Sairaorg and Kurayami did not care. Sairaorg got back up and spat out some blood. He got in a fighting stance ready for more. That made Kurayami respect him even more.

"Hey Sairaorg, would you be my apprentice?" That shocked a lot of people, but more so to Sairaorg himself. No one had ever offered to train him and he had down it all himself.

"You would take me as an apprentice, why?" Kurayami nodded.

"Because you are better than almost all devils. You lack their useless pride, their arrogance and you are strong through your effort. Your power is a result of your will and that deserves my respect. I may not look it, but I am a super fallen angel."

Kurayami released his 16 black wings and all who saw them were shocked as they knew he was a fallen, but not a super fallen. Sairaorg suspected he stood no chance, but if it was this far he had to train harder.

Sairaorg thought about it and it was right that he had built himself up from nothing. He saw no reason to refuse as it would just be arrogance and pride that Kurayami had said he did not have. Pride was fine when it did not control you.

"Well, I have made my choice. I have decided to accept, however, I will one day make you fight me with all you have." Sairaorg's battle intent was going crazy, but Kurayami eyes shined under his bandana.(YOU SAW NOTHING.)

"Well let me give you just a small piece to motivate you." Kurayami took a deep breath and Shin looked over and sighed.

"I am the fire that burns the light and the dark. My flames are the result of the selfishness of man, No longer do I only just stand, I become the manifestation of flames. Armor Of Purgatory, Balance Break."

The cross on Shin's neck fell off and became a ray of purple and black flames and hit Kurayami's body. The moment a it touched him a huge explosion of flames was launched in all directions, but it avoided Sairaorg. When they dispelled what was left in it's place was a black and purple knights armor that gave off a feeing of dread to devils.

It was releasing smoke as it was made of solid flames and the area around it began to melt like lava. However, Kurayami was just fine as his flames cannot burn him. He got into a fighting stance and it was the first time someone had taken Incinerate Anthem to this degree. This wasn't even his Abyss side for it.

It was both holy to the highest degree and cursed that if would be dangerous to be attacked by that armor. This was the subspecies of Incinerate Anthem that he achieved through the influence of Canis Lycaon from a separate Avatar it became a armor type. Sairaorg felt that no matter what he does right now he would loose. Kurayami charged at him and threw a huge punch at Sairaorg's face and he stops just an inch away.

The instinctive fear of a devil made Sairaorg pass out, but he was still standing. Kurayami dispells his armor and it returns as a cross around Shin's neck and he is announced winner. If it were anyone else they would have had their pride shattered.

Yet, not Sairaorg that will just motivate him to train with even more fervor then before.


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