Lightning and Fire given form.(DxD)

Chapter 76 - Sairaorg Is Worthy.

The next morning when Kurayami woke up he was still surrounded by the naked bodies of his girls. Last night was probably the best in his life and it will only get better from here.

He looked at Akeno who was still on his chest and he lightly shook her to wake her up. She opened her eyes slowly and saw him looking at her. Her violet eyes were glowing and she smiled. She felt his erection in her ass cheeks and she moved them up and down and if he didn't stop her she may go for it.

He grabbed her hips and shook his head. "Not now. You still want that special occasion?" She nodded and just sat upon his chest while he could see her breasts and clean pussy. He preferred a clean shave and a simple spell took care of that every morning for all body hair.

"Good morning big brother." He kissed her lips and looked at his right and left.. He was sandwiched between Esdeath, Raynare, and Lavinia. Ophis was sleeping like she usually did. In the same way, they left bodies in a casket and it was kind of creepy in an adorable way. Raynare was sleeping on his right leg and he didn't want to wake her, but it was time.

Artemis and Serafall were totally naked, but he got up and started to get dressed. His movement caused the girls to wake up and when Serafall looked down she remembered what she did last night and got bright red. She covered her body and he smiled at her.

"You know I saw everything already and more." She made some clothes appear and looked shocked. "How did I go along so easily?" Akeno smiled in a cheeky way and looked away. The girls all looked at her for her to explain.

"Well, I may have used a small spell that increases sexual desire. Kuroka taught it to me as she was going to use it when she enters breeding season. Apparently, it is really close. Kurayami sighed as he would soon be busy.

"That naughty cat. Already planning ahead. " Akeno nodded while getting dressed as well. she patted Serafall on the shoulder.

"Don't worry Serafall, you are still a virgin. Not pure, but a virgin yes." Serafall looked ready to cry of shame and she looked at Kurayami with determined eyes.

"Now you can't run. You have to marry me or I would have been made impure for nothing."

He smiled. "Oh please, you were impure from the beginning. You are a devil and I hear that like fallen angels, devils have built-in sexual instinct." He looked at Artemis who really wanted to disappear. She didn't even bother hiding her body as she had sucked him off like a pro, but Kurayami went up to her and helped her get dressed.

"Don't beat yourself over it. I was very happy last night. I am thankful for all of you." Raynare nodded a few times and while putting on her bra she looked up.

"Well it was to be expected, we are your wives." Lavinia nodded as he put on her shirt.

"It was yummy and felt good. Although when will our actual weddings be?" He thought about it. "Whenever you want." The girls all thought about what kind of wedding they would want, as that is special.

Ophis just willed her dress to form around her and she got up and grabbed Kurayami's arm. "I'm Hungry. Can we eat now." She would probably be the one who would be the hardest to please in the future as she was insatiable when she started. Well, she was a dragon, so what did he expect? He did not know he was turning into a dragon, but no one brought it up.

Once they were all dressed they left the room and Ophis wanted to go eat, so they all went to the dining room. They all got big plates of food and while they ate Esdeath looked up.

"Well, now that we have peace do we have to be here any longer? I really rather go home."

Raynare nodded. "I want to go back to Grigori. I miss our home."

Lavinia looked a bit homesick, but she felt bad for Kuroka and Natsume who decided to stay home. "I wish Kuroka and Natsume had come. Kurayami, you should spend a day with them to make it up to them."

He had to agree as he also wanted them to come. Now that there was peace and Kuroka was no longer a stray she could come meet with her sister after so many years.

"I already plan on it."

While Serafall was eating she remembered the black tattoo on Kurayami;s arm. "Hey, Kurayami. What about that tattoo on your arm? I saw it and felt it was not normal." Kurayami grinned as Rebellion was his pride and joy.

He brought our Rebellion and seeing that black blade made a few devils felt chills from it. Serafall looked at the sword with interest as it seemed like a new demonic sword. He explained how Azazel forged her and that she becomes his tattoo. Rebellion could see without eyes, but she analyzed Serafall and felt she was really strong.

As she had a lot of free time, Rebellion had made a list of who is the strongest in the harem and right now she ranked Ophis at the top. After Ophis was without a doubt Esdeath. She was a monster with the rapier and her Lognious had gone to extreme heights. After her was without a doubt Raynare as dragon sacred gears had huge potential.

Her death magic, four sacred gear abilities, and her own talent made even Esdeath take her seriously or she could get cursed, sealed, drained, or overwhelmed. Raynare was Azrael's granddaughter for a reason. Now, Serafall was up with them as she could freeze all of Japan in one attack, and that was without sacred gear and only her own power.

As for Lavinia, she still struggled with the distrust of her Loginous as unlike Esdeath, Kurayami, Raynare, and Natsume she did not trust Absolute Demise. Her mindset caused her to fall behind Raynare, Natsume and Esdeath, but she was still a master witch and a Longinus user.

Now there was Akeno who was extremely talented and a 12 winged fallen angel and she inherited Baraqiel lightning just like Kurayami. Her use of elemental magic and her new sacred gear she renamed to Death Reflection Cross. On her own, she could control enough shadows to devour a city and that was without her balance breaker.

That was just the start as the girls had not achieved their Abyss Side balance breakers, but Kurayami thought to take them to the same training method he did with Ophis. She could not give them her power of Infinity as Kurayami barely survived, but being close to the dimensional gap was a great training place.

Now Akeno herself for a long time felt inferior to Raynare and Esdeath as they had sacred gears. Now that she had one that Kurayami worked on she did not want to let him down, so she trained like crazy to master her sacred gear.

Kuroka was extremely strong herself, but she was at Akeno's level if she did not use her sacred gear. The reason was that she was healed as best they could, but she would always struggle to grow stronger. She still only had two tails and might never grow more.

Now Artemis, Rebellion rated her at Esdeath's level, but she didn't know exactly how strong. Rebellion had only seen a part of her abilities to know for sure so she might be stronger. The weakest was Natsume, but that was not her fault.

Even if she was now a fallen angel, serprete avatar types were heard to master. She still had not gotten a balance break, but she could make Griffon return to his true form. She was actually really close to a balance breaker and just needed more experience.

Now, for her bellowed master who was stronger than ever after he trained with Ophis. Just one attack could destroy areas equal to medium-sized countries and more. That was without his balance breakers as he had achieved abyss for both of his Loginous.

The moment he managed to fuse them his true power would come out. A being in the heavenly class could destroy huge areas of the world as when he fought Ladon, San Francisco and part of California was turned to rubble.

Now that he was stronger a single attack could turn whole countries to light up like a match on gas.She still wanted her human form, but seems that will have to wait. Her thoughts were interrupted when Kurayami got up, so she returned to his arm.

"Well, should we see how the young devils match up? I should take up Sairaorg on his offer for a spar. He had no demonic power, yet in him,I felt drive, ambition and grit." Serafall looked up.

"Sairaorg Bael? The next head to the Bael clan, he is currently the strongest young devil." Kurayami nodded.

"That is someone worthy of training, perfect mindset, unbreakable will, no ounce of being spoiled like Rias." Rias was in the same dining room with Kiba and Koneko and she sneezed as he was talking about her like she was not even here.

Kiba looked at her. "Gesundheit." She nodded and she began biting her nails while she looked at Kurayami. She was still mad at him for bashing her in front of the four great satans and even her brother. She wanted to find a way to get back at him, but she found no way.

She decided to wait and see, but her plan will never prosper as she will soon be put through hell to fix her mind. No servants, no spoiling, and one trip with any of Kurayami's pets through the mountains. Castiel will do nicely. Kurayami was grinning from ear to ear thinking of how he would train them and increased the Abyss Dogs training.

They were in their rooms and were relaxing when they all woke up drenched in sweat. Jack was sweating bullets as they had learned when Kurayami was scheming. He prayed to Ares that he did not die, but Ares was asleep and his prayer was ignored.

As they all ate Kurayam iand the girls looked over and saw Azazel stumble in while his face was wrapped in bandages. Kurayami shook his head at this pervert.

"Azazel, you got to stop lusting after Gabriel. Next time I will be the one to break your face in." Azazel shook his head. "Never, I will never give up." Kurayami sighed and got up and shook his head. Once he left, one after the other the girls all looked at Azazel with loathing looks.

At last only Shin remained and Azazel hoped the dog wouldn't spite him. "Please, Shin. Not you too, we are buds right. I am the one who pays for your food." Shin took a deep breath and looked Azazel in the eyes. He shook his head and left Azazel behind who felt that if even Shin felt the need to sigh it was bad.

Raynare as she walked alongside Kurayami looked up. "So, now that all business is done, are we going home? I don't think Serafall can come." Serafall nodded.

"Sadly I will not be able to. I still have my job as Satan and that will probably matter more now that I will need to go meet with Zeus and Ametarasu as they are in an alliance with Grigori, we kind of need to deal with them." Artemis nodded.

"I will be returning home for a short time. I need to see my hunters. You can come with me to deal with my father. Just tell him you are engaged to Kurayami and he won't get nasty." Serafall nearly puked at the thought and shook her head that it looked about to fall off.

She looked at Kurayami and got serious. "Kurayami, I want you on speed dial. I heard his reason for Amaterasu banning him from Japan. If he tried anything, all of the east coast would become a winter wonderland. I can assure that."

A freezing cold aura was going wild and he heard from Azazel that if she sparkled just a bit, all of Japan would become ice. How strong would she be at max level.? That is what he wants to know really, but her worry was with good reason knowing Zeus.

"If he did try, I would personally turn all of America into the world's biggest ashtray."

Artemis shivered and waved her arms in a panic to get his attention. "Please, do not do that. He is smart enough that your name will keep him in check. Also, you will kill all the animals in America." Kurayami's eyes squinted behind his sunglasses and he found that a good reason not to destroy America.

"True, let's just go with the same. We all agree if Zeus acts like a creep we destroy the East Coast." All the girls nodded and as they were walking they ran into Sairaorg. When Kurayami saw him he smiled and waved. hellow.

"Sairaorg. Have you been told the news already?" Sairaorg nodded.

"As the Bael clan is the highest in the rankings I should know, but congratulations to your marriage. I heard you will become Governor-General after Azazel, is that true?" Kurayami nodded.

"You see Sairaorg, as a show of trust we at Grigori are planning on training a Sona, Rias, and any young devil that accepts along with their peerages. Would you be interested?"

Sairaorg thought about it as he took pride in his peerage. "Well that sounds great, but we should have a spar first. I want to see what your firsts are like." Kurayami nodded.

"So, all hand to hand or all out?" Sairaorg shook his head.

"It is pointless if you don't go all out." Kurayami smiled and his words left Sairaorg speechless.

"Well, bring your sacred gear as well. Regulus Nemea, my own Nemean Lion smelled him on you." Sairaog sighed as it was not his own power so he did not like to use it. He shook his head.

"I will only use that power if the Underworld is in danger." Esdeath this felt that was stupid as power is power. "That is pretty foolish of you Sairaorg. You are the strongest young devil and you have a Longinus Even if it is not in the normal way."

Sairaorg felt that he was foolish. He should use all his power to the fullest in a fight. "Well, you are right. It was out of pride that I hesitated to use that power. Seems talking to you was just what I needed, but I still want that spar."

Kurayami nodded.

"Is there an arena where we can fight without causing destruction," Serafall coughed and she nodded when they looked at her.

"I can just send you two into an arena used for rating games. You two can fight all you want."

Kurayami and Sairaorg grinned and they were excited. Even if Kurayami was many times stronger, he was not going to use anything other than his fists. Maybe Sairaorg if he masters Regulus Nemea can reach the Abyss side when it is perfectly implanted.


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