Lightning and Fire given form.(DxD)

Chapter 63 - Party And Reunion.

The Nine Muses cranked up the tunes, and the music was whatever you wanted it to be: the gods could listen to classical and the younger demigods heard hip-hop or whatever, and it was all the same soundtrack. No arguments. No fights to change the radio station. Just requests to crank it up.

Kurayami got to listen to a song he always liked in his past life. First Blood by Citizen -Soldier. (Check it out.)

Dionysus went around growing refreshment stands out of the ground, and a beautiful woman walked with him arm in arm—his wife, Ariadne. Dionysus looked happy for the first time. Nectar and ambrosia overflowed from golden fountains, and platters of mortal snack food crowded the banquet tables. Golden goblets filled with whatever drink you wanted.

Kurayami and Azrael were trying to get shit faced and were chugging the heaviest liquors they could get. They were so strong that drinking was not fun. Azrael saw it as a good way for Kurayami to get drunk for the first time. Just looking at how much they could drink made Dionysus grin and went to join them.

Artemis grabbed Kurayami's sleeve while he was chugging another drink with Azrael and made his drink spill. Dionysus made the drink fall back in the cup and Kurayami looked at Artemis who pulled him with her. Azrael and Dionysus kept drinking and Kurayami sighed.

"Really Artemis. Couldn't you let me drink a little while longer." She looked at him and shook her head as she didn't like drinking much. The last time Orion got drunk he tried to **** her and she killed him. Kurayami decided to follow her along. They just talked on the way and Gods kept coming over to congratulate them on their engagement.

They had reduced themselves to human size, so they didn't accidentally trample partygoers under their feet. Hermes wanted to be alone and he left. Apollo told him he could drive his sun chariot any time, and as they will be brothers soon he wanted him to learn archery.

"Thanks," he told him. "But seriously, I'm no good at archery. I am a swordsman, not an archer."

"Ah, nonsense," Apollo said. "Why not have both? Target practice from the chariot as we fly over the U. S. ? Best fun there is!" Artemis frowned.

"Apollo, please leave." Apollo smiled and left while Kurayami and Artemis just ate together talking. Most people stayed away from them, but Zoe, Bianca, and Thalia were like noisy spies and wanted to see every detail. Artemis' face palmed and he patted her shoulder.

"Just ignore them. I bet they are just curious." Artemis nodded and Annabeth was just walking with her mom and talking about what she was allowed to say about her time in Grigori. Percy was with his dad who was talking to him.

Percy asked Poseidon about why Atlas was not freed sooner. "What about Atlas? What's to prevent him from escaping again? Couldn't he just force some giant or something to take the sky for him?"

Poseidon snorted in derision. "If it were so easy, he would have escaped long ago. No, my son. The curse of the sky can only be forced upon a Titan, one of the children of Gaia and Ouranos. Anyone else must choose to take the burden of their own free will. Only a hero, someone with strength, a true heart, and great courage, would do such a thing. No one in Kronos's army would dare try to bear that weight, even upon pain of death."

Bessie started mooing from across the courtyard. Some demigods were playing with his water sphere, joyously pushing it back and forth over the top of the crowd,

"Id better take care of that," Poseidon grumbled. "We can't have the Ophiotaurus tossed around like a beach ball. Be good, my son. We may not speak again for some time." And just like that he was gone.

After Poseidon left Athena went to talk to Percy. Kurayami was hearing every word and it did make sense. After the party Kurayami was once again alone with Artemis and they walked in Hera's garden. She looked up to his face and turned into her adult form.

"You know Kurayami. You are a very interesting person." He looked at her and smiled "How would that be?" She sat down on a bench and patted her lap. He laid down on her lap and she looked him in the eyes.

"You are really patient. In the short time I have known you, you do not push past boundaries. However, can you tell me about your other girls? I think I should get to know my future sisters."

He got off her lap and sat next to her. "Well let's start with the first one I ever met. This was before I was a happy person as I was quite empty. Hollow, depressed even. Her name is Raynare, she is a half fallen angel and Azrael's granddaughter. She is a bit spoiled, but a really loyal person." He showed her a picture as he had pictures of all of them.

Artemis looked at Raynare and saw the resemblance to Azrael. "The next one is Esdeath, she is quite violent and loves to fight. She believes the weak deserve to die as she was raised that way. Overall she can be scary, but sweet if she cares for you. The next one was, well Akeno, my sister." Artemis looked at him and she didn't care.

Zeus married Hera, his sister and so what. "She is a sweet girl, but is a bit violent when she fights. At home she acts like a wife and loves to cook for me. Then Kuroka, she is a nekusho or a cat girl. Her race is almost extinct and she is lazy and loves to sleep.. After that would be Lavinia who is a bit of a air head and quite a cheerful girl."

"Then Natsume is a Japanese girl and she is quite a shy girl. She always lies when she is happy and as I am going back soon I guess we won't see each other too often." Artemis shook her head and smiled.

"I told you before, Amaterasu is my best friend and I can stay in Japan for as long as I want. I can just move in with you." He looked over at her and was interested.

"How did you two become friends?" Artemis looked down and said that after she killed Orion she left Greece and went to Japan for a time. In her grief she accidently entered one of Amaterasu's shrines and they talked over tea. After that when Artemis had time they had tea together.

Kurayami nodded. "Well I only met her once and she seemed like a nice person. If I am being honest she seemed way more mature than the Greeks. They seem like a bunch of angry kids with power." Artemis' covered her face in shame, but she did not deny it. The amount of times they did something dumb were too many to count.

Artemis stood up and as she was dressed in a silver dress it showed how pretty she really was. "Well, let's go see my father." Azrael had already left and so had everyone else. Zoe, Thalia and Bianca left to join the rest of the hunters and Artemis asked them to keep her engagement a secret. They agreed and both Kurayami and Artemis went to find Zeus.

When they found him he was alone and cheering like he just struck gold. "FINALLY! That foolish girl found herself a husband. Even if he is not a god it is even better. Now they can't keep scamming me." Artemis sighed and knocked on the wall. When Zeus saw them he got serious. "Hello, Artemis. Kurayami. Something you need?"

"Father, I would like to move in with Kurayami. It is only fair." Zeus nodded and agreed. Artemis as she was alone gave him a hug and looked like a normal daughter with her father. Zeus looked at Kurayami and patted him on the shoulder.

"To say the least I hate you and Azrael. However, who better than to marry my daughter. Go already and don't ask for more pets from me. You got Ladon, what more do you want?"

Both of them left him alone and as they walked Kurayami looked over. "How are we getting to Japan? Teleport, your sled, dragon back?" Artemis snapped her fingers and her slay appeared, but one spot of it was empty. "I thought you could hook Blitz to it." Kurayami brought out Blitz, who Kurayami patted on the neck.

"My lord, how may I help you?" Kurayami told him what and his eyes shined. "I would be honored." Artemis and Kurayami hooked him up to the front of the slay and he looked way bigger than the deer. The deer did not mind him and they took off toward Japan. They made it pretty quickly in only about 20 minutes and they first stopped by Amaterasu's place.

When she saw the sled she knew it was Artemis, but the flaming horse at the front was not something she expected Artemis to have. She also felt Kurayami who was now a super fallen angel and sighed. When they landed Artemis got out of the sled and walked to Amaterasu.

Amaterasu looked at her friend and was happy to see her. "What is this visit about? The last time you came was 2 years ago?" Artemis nodded and explained what had happened and Amaterasu blinked a few times and looked at Artemis confused.

"You? No husband Artemis? I will be a virgin forever Artemis? Hahahahahaha. I told you, you would change." Artemis looked bright red and sighed.

"Hey, things change and I am just giving him a chance." Kurayami patted her on the head and Artemis sighed. "Amaterasu, it is good to see you. The last time I saw you I was just 12,"

Ameterasu looked at Kurayami and sat on a chair. "You have grown well these years. After the stunt that the fools of the Himejima clan pulled I have been busier than ever. Now that you are a super fallen angel, I should follow the example of the Greeks. I will call Azrael and have an alliance as well."Kurayami and Artemis spoke a bit with her and they left for his home.

When they landed their Baraqiel and Azrael felt Artemis divinity and Azrael smiled as she already moved in with him. The girls all rushed out and when they saw him they tackled him to the ground. He flinched, but he hid it. Akeno looked at Artemis and she was curious.

"Brother, who is she?" Kurayami stood up and Artemis introduced herself. "I am Artemis, Goddess of the hunt. I kind of am engaged to Kurayami." When the girls heard her they all looked at Kurayami and he nodded. They all sighed and they dragged her off to talk to her.

Shuri and Baraqiel went to see him and when Shuri saw his new outfit she knew something was up. She gave Dante to Baraqiel and grabbed Kurayami and dragged him off to his room. "Alright brat. Take it off." He looked at her and blinked. "What?" She sighed.

"I know you are injured. I saw you flinch when the girls hugged you. I know you better than anyone. You will never admit your hurt. You won't say when you're sad, nothing. May I remind you that you are 15. I also had to learn to read those eyes of yours."

He sighed and he took off his upper clothes and when she saw the sheer number of wounds she was left shocked. They were purple and he had been dealing with the pain since earlier. He was just too prideful to get help for it and she began to unbandage his wounds. Some of them looked necrotic as Ladon has one of the strongest venoms around.

"What did this to you?"

Kurayami sighed and explained how he fought Ladon and he forced him into a pact. She sighed and helped him deal with the injuries. He was going to let them heal on their own, but not on her watch. He gave her a cream made by Azazel and she helped him deal with his wounds. After an hour he got dressed again and she sighed.

"You need to take it easy and go to Azazel. No training until you recover." Shin nudged her on the foot and she pet him. She left him alone and he laid down on his bed to just relax as he had not had a chance to relax. "Last time I go alone without the girls. Our own adventure was quite bland if I do have to say."

Shin barked in agreement as he also missed the girls. Kurayami was not alone for long and all of them entered the room he was in, even Artemis and they all forced him to take off his shirt as Shuri had told them to keep an eye out on his wounds. He sighed and he took off his shirt and he was forced to tell them the whole adventure which took a while as they wanted details.

When he told them about his fight with Ladon and how he achieved his Abyss Side balance breaker, all the girls got motivated to achieve it. The next order would be to get the last bits of Viritra's soul, give back Hades his Helmet, and the young devil meeting. Kurayami sighed as he will be busy.


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