Lightning and Fire given form.(DxD)

Chapter 61 - Fallen Angel Hunter.

Thalia backed Luke to the edge of a cliff, but still, they fought on, next to the golden coffin. Thalia had tears in her eyes. Luke had a bloody slash across his chest and his pale face glistened with sweat. The monster army had been taken care of and they retreated to the ship.

Luke lunged at Thalia and she slammed him with her shield. Luke's sword spun out of his hands and clattered to the rocks. Thalia put her spear point to his throat. For a moment, there was silence.

"Well?" Luke asked. He tried to hide it, but they could hear the fear in his voice. Thalia trembled with fury ready to drive him through with her spear.

Behind her, Annabeth came scrambling, finally free from holding the sky.. Her face was exhausted and she had a streak of white hair. "Don't kill him!"

"He's a traitor," Thalia said. "A traitor!" Bianca had her bow aimed right at his heart and they were all ready for the order to kill him. However, Bianca froze when she felt Zoe dying. She rushed to Artemis's side and she had run off toward the black rocks where Zoe had fallen.

"We'll bring Luke back," Annabeth pleaded. "To Olympus. He… he'll be useful."

"Is that what you want, Thalia?" Luke sneered. "To go back to Olympus in triumph? To please your d-" Before he said anything else a very unique blade pierced through his heart. They all froze and they looked where it came from. They saw Kurayami panting and he mouth the word. "Bullseye."

"No!" Annabeth shouted. But it was too late. They all heard that Kurayami called his blades soul-destroying. That was a fate worse than death and yet Kurayam slumped on Shin who carried him up the mountain.

"Luke!" Annabeth screamed and rushed to Luke who fell forward. They all knew better than to touch Rebellion as she only allowed Kurayami to touch her. They saw Luke's deathly pale face and Annabeth broke down crying. Atlas looked at that and roared in rage.

"NO!" He slumped as the rise of Kronos depended on Luke. With him, dead Kronos would have to find someone else. That was not going to be easy, but Kronos had someone else in mind. Thalia could not look and looked away, Thalia was stiff with grief, tears streaming down her cheeks. The remains of the monster army retreated to the ship and Tyrant went to destroy it.

He took a deep breath and three types of flames were being sucked into his mouth. In the sky, one of Kurayami's strongest moves using all his flames turned Princess Andromeda into fireworks. Kurayami's pet's rushed to his side and the ones that could not fly got on Tyrant.

They took him to the top of the mountain where he used Castiel and Shin to walk as he could barely stand. His vision was dark, but lucky for him that was temporary. Kurayami walked to the rocks, ignoring the curses and threats of Atlas as he passed.

"Artemis, I can't see you, but I feel that Zoe is dying." The goddess looked up, her face almost as grief-stricken as Thalia's. Zoe lay in the goddess's arms. She was breathing. Her eyes were open. But still…

"The wound is fatal. Her lungs are crushed, her heart pierced and her spin broken." Artemis said. She reached out and took Kurayami's hand to help him stand. Kurayamu felt around and grabbed Zoe's hand. She gripped his hand tight and looked at his face. It was purple, his eyes were white temporarily and his outfit torn and melted. It showed the war he went through.

"The stars," Zoe murmured. "I cannot see them. Kurayami, my lady. It's cold." He kneeled down while struggling to breathe. He coughed up blood on her and they all worried for him. He would live yet he looked like he could keel over dead any moment.

"Nectar and ambrosia," Percy said. "Come on! We have to get her some."

No one moved. Grief hung in the air. Even Artemis was too shocked to stir. Kurayami looked at Artemis or where he felt her divinity.

"I can save her life, but she will become a fallen angel. It will heal her damage and she will be stronger. She will still be a hunter unless you decide otherwise." Artemis looked at Kurayami and at Zoe.

"Zoe, what do you want? This could save your life." Artemis looked at Kurayami and asked.

"What is the catch?" Kurayami smiled.

"As I am going to turn her into a fallen angel she will be both a hunter and one of Grigori. That's just how it works." Zoe looked at Artemis.

"Would thee still accept a fallen angel in the hunters?" Artemis took her hand and nodded.

"I would not deny any. Please Kurayami save her." He cut open his palm and used the very same ritual Azrael taught him and only him. This way is better than the mass-produced one using their newest invention, blood crystals. They are usually made from the blood of cadres and higher if they allowed it. However, this way is much better.

They visibly saw how Zoe's sunken chest popped back into place before she coughed up a mouthful of blood before she stood up and two pairs of lightly silver wings extended. Kurayami decided to make the joke Azael made earlier to freak them out.

"Zoe, now you should call me father. I did use my blood to turn you and as such shouldn't you greet your father?" They all looked at him in shock and Zoe turned bright red. Atlas roared out in shame as not only was he being forced to watch this he was being replaced.

"I would rather die." Kurayami broke out laughing and it kind of made the atmosphere a little calmer. He smiled and Zoe broke out laughing as she just knew he was joking. Tyrant sniffed Artemis and growled. She blushed in shame and flicked Tyrant on the nose.

"Do not tell a lady she smells." Tyrant scoffed and yet Kurayami stood up and patted her on the head as he did before.

"I can barely feel anything and yet I still can't see you, but a little kid." Artemis frowned and just sighed. Not like she minded his head pats, but it made her smile a little. Glad no one noticed. Kurayami walked to Luke's body and grabbed the Rebellion. He pulled her out of Luke's chest and she cheered. "Master, I missed you." She became his tattoo and he wanted a hot shower. He grabbed backbiter and put it in his spatial ring.

Artemis whistled and the moonlight brightened, and a silver chariot appeared from the sky, drawn by the most beautiful deer anyone had ever seen. It landed right next to them.

"Alright, Get in, everyone minus Kurayami. He can fly on his pet dragon who said I smelled." Artemis said. Tyrant laughed like a dragon and she wanted nothing more than to turn him into a nice pair of boots and clothes.

Annabeth. Thalia, and Percy all got on board and Kurayami sighed. Artemis pulled the reins and the chariot sped away from the mountain, straight into the air. Kurayami flew next to it while Bianca was helping him as he still felt numb. He looked over and heard something funny.

"Like Santa Claus's sleigh," Percy murmured. Artemis took time to look back at him. "Indeed, young half-blood. And where do you think that legend came from?" Seeing them safely away, Tyrant followed near it, and honestly, Tyrant looked much more menacing. It must have been one of the strangest sights ever, even for the Bay Area: a silver flying chariot pulled by deer, escorted by a giant dragon.

The loudest sound was the voice of Atlas, bellowing curses against the gods as he struggled under the weight of the sky. Kurayami fell asleep and was leaning right on Bianca. She moved his head to her lap and he was snoring as if he had not slept in days. Artemis looked over and frowned at that sight. She was not mad at Bianca, just a little jealous.

"I must go to Olympus immediately," Artemis said. "I will not be able to take you, except for Kurayami." The goddess set her hand on Annabeth's shoulder. "You are brave beyond measure, my girl. You will do what is right."

Then she looked quizzically at Thalia as if she weren't sure what to make of this younger daughter of Zeus. Thalia seemed reluctant to look up, but something made her, and she held the goddess's eyes. Artemis landed the chariot and she picked up Kurayami who was snoring and looked at Tyrant. The dragon signed and returned to Kurayami's pact like the rest of the familiars.

She mounted her chariot, which began to glow. They averted their eyes. There was a flash of silver, and the goddess and Kurayam were gone. Kurayami opened his eyes and he found his head not on Bianca's lap, but of a very beautiful woman with silver hair. When he looked up she smiled.

"I see you kept your word. You kept my hunters safe and because of you I am safe." He nodded and looked into her silver eyes.

"You know you are really pretty when you smile." She smiled and ran her hand through his black hair. She looked him in the eyes and squinted her eyes. "I thought you could not see?" He just rested his head on her full thighs and got up and sat next to her.

"My vision is recovering thankfully. Although I don't see why you would allow me to rest on your lap." She looked away and took a deep breath and even if he knew she wanted to tell him herself.

"You heard what happened with Orion right?" She looked down and she felt his killing intent rise as he was a lot of things. Murderer, torturer, manipulator, and many more. He hated rapists and Orion had tried to **** Artemis just because he was thought he could.

"If there is one thing I hate it is rapist Artemis. But why tell me this." Artemis took a deep breath and breathed out. She closed her eyes and looked up at him. He had new scars all over his body and she kissed him on the cheek. He held his cheek and looked at her. She looked away and coughed.

"Consider me giving you a chance. You are one of just two men I ever gave a chance to and yet I know you are nothing like Orion." They arrived at Olympus and he and Artemis walked side by side. The guards recognized him, but he was with a goddess so they allowed him.

Both of them were in tattered clothes and part of Kurayami's outfit looked melted. Artemis was covered in sweat and both of them were nearly passing out because of his help they had a week until the winter solstice, but they decided to move the meeting up. She first went to her quarters and allowed him inside. Her room was full of trophies, bows, and weapons. The bed was made of hides and it looked nice.

She entered her bath and he knew it was a test. He just took off his coat and his shirt to look at himself in the mirror. His whole body was covered in wounds and some would last forever. It's not like he minded as a fighter needed scars. He cleaned his wounds and began to try to dress his wounds.

Artemis came out dressed in a new outfit and she helped him treat his wounds. As she helped him she saw his muscles and all the scars he would have. "Did you enjoy fighting Ladon?" He nodded and he told her all about it. Soon they both went to the throne room.

Aphrodite smiled as she felt love budding in Artemis's heart and yet she knew better than to mess with them. Even if she would love to steal him for herself Kurayami would sooner kill her than fall for her. He was just one she could see, but not touch.

The meeting would now happen as many things had been moved that messed up their schedule, but thanks to Kurayami and their future alliance it had to. Zeus watched as Kurayami fought Ladon and he felt if his daughter, Artemis married Kurayami they could have a better alliance. He always did want her to marry and who better than a new super fallen angel. It would make him related to Azrael and that might get the old bastard off his ass.

Hera was a little mad her tree was damaged and he looted some apples, but there was not much that she could do. The tree would heal and yet she needed a new guard for it as Kurayami had Ladon, so many problems needed to be fixed.


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