Lightning and Fire given form.(DxD)

Chapter 31 - Vali's Wants It.

After Kurayami's group left, Vali entered the same lab dragging an unconscious guy by his shirt. His face was bruised and the small white cat on his head showed he got his sacred gear. "Kouki?" Vali nodded and from a small white dragon doll on his shoulder spoke Albion. "I feel Draig, where is he?" Azazel pointed at the Boosted Gear in a special glass case. Vali looked it over and back to Azazel.

"What will you do with it? How did you get it?" Azazel smiled. "Kurayami got it. We might be giving it to Akeno soon if he wants that." Vali knew she was strong, but she didn't have a sacred gear. "She will be a worthy rival. However my real rival is Kurayami. That guy is a monster." Azazel chucked. "He did something insane and got even stronger.."

Vali grabbed Azazel's shirt and shook him. "What did he do? Tell me." Azazel explained. "He absorbed another Longinus and his two Longinus fused together into something better." Vali looked at the Red Gauntlet and looked at Azazel. "Change of Plans. Put it in me."

Albion spoke again. "Vali. That won't work. Me and Draig are total opposites and you will either die or burn your lifeforce to nothing." Azazel shook his head. "No way Vali. You heard Albion and you will die if we try. Besides, Kurayami got it and he decides what happens to it."

Vali sat down and thought about it. "Find me one that will allow mine to fuse." Azazel sighed. "You think I can just magically find one. Which one would even work with Albion perfect enough for it to fuse. Kurayami was a fluke and his were both Separate Avatar types. Canis Lycaon and Incinerate Anthem just matched."

Vali heard which ones and felt he needed Boosted Gear even more. He looked at the Gauntlet and started to think of a way to steal it. Azazel was no fool and knew what he was planning. "Don't even think about it. Just incase you do something dumb I will take this with me." He took the Boosted Gear and left the room soon after.

Vali looked at the small white cat who hissed at him. It's tails turned into spears and pointed at him. He shook his head. "No. Not a match. Albion, any ideas." Albion sighed and thought about it. "No. None come to mind." Vali stayed there for a whole hour thinking of sacred gears that would perfectly fuse with Divine Dividing.

Back at Kurayami's house when he got in his mom was waiting and the sword he left behind was being used to cook dinner. He watched as she turned those vegetables into mince like it was nothing. He took a deep breath and walked in.

What he saw was Kuroka tied to the couch and when she saw him she cried. "SAVE ME, NYA." When his mom saw him she smiled and grabbed the sword. "So, not only did you steal Tobio's sacred gear, you promised to have kids with Kuroka. Is that right?"

He was going to deny it, but Kuroka had these big cute eyes and her tears made him say the truth. "Yes. I did." Shuri smiled and she looked him in the eye and found no hesitation. "Why would you accept something like that? You know she is 23 right?" His next words made Suzaku drop a plate. "But you're 29, Kuroka is a devil and will live for as long as me. Dad is thousands of years old, so is that not the same."

Shuri sighed and stroked his hair. "You know, sometimes you are too smart. Now as for Tobio's sacred gear that is a totally separate matter." Kurayami looked at Shin in his hands and back to his mom. "I just did what he wanted. He wanted a normal life and he told me he didn't want him." Tobio did say that, but he regretted it afterwards. "I'm not even human now. How is this normal."

Kurayami answered after. "We can easily seal away your powers and memories, so when we save your girlfriend you two can just go and marry somewhere if that is what she wants." Tobio got bright red and shook his head. "I said she is not my girlfriend." Kurayami walked to Kuroka and began to untie her. He looked back to Tobio. "Well, she never will be with that attitude." Tobio got bright red, yet he found it logical.

Natsume saw the gears turning in Tobios head and smiled. 'Seems Kurayami is the confidence boost he needed.' When Kuroka got untied she hugged him tightly and put him in her lap. "Not to worry mother in law. I will wait until he grows. Our kittens can wait for when my future husband is big Nya." Shuri frowned and looked at him. "How many girls are you planning on marrying?" He looked at Esdeath, and Raynare and yet for a second Akeno passed through his head.

He thought about it and he was not one to be bound by morals. If he can murder hundreds why could he not marry her. It is not uncommon in the supernatural world and he is no human. "Four." The ones he meant just knew it, but when Akeno heard him she felt her little heart flutter. She hid it well as they had to keep this a secret. Their parents would not agree easily, so they had to find out when it was too late.

(Still 5 for the harem, but the last one I might have an idea.)

Shuri sighed and left. "I need to sleep. I got called old by my son." He shook his head. "Mom. I didn't say you're not old." She looked at his usual look and went to her room to sleep. Suzaku went back to cooking and when she finished everyone sat down to eat. Shuri was asleep as her belly was getting bigger and it was still a baby.

The meal was a beef stew and Kurayami pulled out a bottle of Carolina Reaper hot sauce and poured it on his food. Esdeath looked over and asked. "You really love hot sauce." He nodded. "Best thing ever. Anyone want any?" Akeno shuddered. "No, Kurayami." It might be seen as her just calling his name, but it was her attempt to get closer to him.

Kuroka could smell the spice and covered her nose. "That is evil." Raynare shook her head. "I am not falling for that." He shrugged and enjoyed his extra spicy food. While they were eating the front door opened up and flew in a white and silver eagle. It landed on a coat rack and soon Baraqiel entered. He looked a little pissed. His cloack was torn and it was red with blood.

"Dad. What is wrong?" Baraqiel looked at his son and explained. "We missed both targets. Himejima and Satanael along with many utsusemi were there. While they fought us they took Shizune and Hyousuke." He sat down and Kurayami stood up and walked to his father. He moved his father's cloak to reveal several wounds that looked like claw marks. "Dad. What did this?" He knew beasts and they looked like something big.

Baraqiel explained. "There was a girl utsusemi who had a black lion. While on its own it would not be much of a threat to me, it was helped by hundreds of Utsusemi and along with Satanael. Clarise and Annabeth did well, but they need more training." Baraqiel pulled out some phenix tears which he poured on his wounds. Lavinia heard that and thought it sounded familiar.

"That sounds like a project from the Wizard of Oz. Could it breathe flames and control the shadows?" Baraqiel nodded. "Yes." Lavinia muttered under her breath. "Cowardly Leo." Raynare thought she heard wrong. "Wait. Say that again. Wizard of Oz? Is that not a kids tale?" Lavinia frowned and shook her head. "No. It is very real. My master was from there."

Kurayami sighed and sat back down. "So now we got people from a story book and the rest of this mess." He slumped in his chair, but Shin and Aurora kept nudging him for table scraps. Mythical beasts they were, but they acted like normal pets. After the meal Kurayami, Esdeath, Raynare, Akeno and Kuroka all slept on a big bed.

Akeno's midnight eating dreams had stopped a few years ago and they could sleep safely without being eaten. They all slept like this since earlier and as they were the ones he was going to marry no one cared. Shuri had thought Akeno should stop sleeping with her brother, but Akeno was close to her brother, so she thought it was not too weird.

Little did she know that her worries had truth. Especially when they grow older. Aurora, and Shin were sleeping on the bed when Kurayami's head was pushed into something warm, soft and bouncy. He opened his right eye and saw a big pair of white breasts. He moved his eyes further and saw Lavinia had a blank look and fell asleep soon after.

'Well this is an interesting turn of events. I wonder what the girls will say when they wake up?' Kuroka opened her eyes and saw where his head was. She frowned and pulled him out of Lavinia's embrace and pushed his head in her breasts. She licked his ear and whispered. "Hey. Who's better?" He got comfy and answered. "I don't judge. Both are great."

She fell asleep and next morning he woke up with his head between the breasts of two really beautiful girls. He was a young guy going through puberty and he just wanted to get older already. He wanted to get up, but Kuroka just hugged him tighter. "Sleep." He forgot she was like a cat and slept for most of the day.

He moved his hand and began to tickle her until she broke out laughing and it woke up the other girls. They saw him tickling Kuroka and they looked over and saw Lavinia in a shirt. When she woke up she looked at Kurayami in her breasts and smiled.

"Did I get ravaged? What am I doing here?" Kurayami got out of her breasts and explained. "No. You just came in here in the middle of the night and hugged me like a body pillow." Esdeath noticed, but didn't care. "How old are you Lavinia?" The blond woman tilted her head. "17. Why?" Esdeath shook her head. "Just intrested."

Esdeath barely thought about her parents as it didn't really matter. She did love them, but they were weak. She thought about her mother and remembered she had big breasts. She looked at her budding chest and smiled. 'I got hope.' Akeno thought of Shuri and also was smiling. Raynare also wanted her breasts to grow in already.

They were young girls and being around Kuroka and Lavinia made them jealous of their breasts. After everyone woke up Kurayami looked at Shin who had gotten a little bigger at night. Before he was the size of a small puppy that he was now the size of a big English Bulldog. The girls all looked at the pup who was losing his cuteness and sighed.

Kurayami liked cute animals, but he liked them more when they were full grown. Aurora also got a little bigger, but it was not noticeable. She still looked just as cute. Raynare popped her neck and her fingers. "Well, let's go out and find the Utsusemi Agency headquarters. The sooner we get this done the faster we can relax." Esdeath got up and changed her clothes into her usual outfit.(Just Esdeath's army uniform.)

Kurayami put on his outfit and the rest of the girls got dressed. Kuroka wanted to sleep more, but Kurayami grabbed her tail. "NYYAAAAA." She jumped like a cat seeing a cucumber and she pouted. "Meanie." He sighed. "You can sleep on my head." She turned into a cat and jumped on his head and well she fell asleep almost instantly.

When they all went out Natsume blushed like crazy. "Why are you all in the same room?" Raynare shrugged. "What's the issue?" Natsume was going to say it is immortal, but she shook her head. "Nothing." Kurayami had been thinking about whether Boosted Gear is a good match for Akeno, but he did not see it. His instincts told him to give it to Tobio.

"Hey Tobio. I have a question for you." Tobio looked at Shin and sighed. "What is it?" Kurayami gave him an offer. "Do you regret giving your sacred gear away?" Tobio looked down. "Yeah. I feel empty like a part of me is missing." Kurayami nodded. "Well come to Grigori with me. I might have something for you."

Kurayami decided to stick to his original plan and give the Night Reflection Cross to Akeno as with Azazel's help along with Akeno's talent, why couldn't she turn it into a new Longinus.


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