Life Of A Nobody - as a Villain

Chapter 96 The Royal Palace

Come to my discord if you have any questions or theories or suggestions :-



The group of cars approached the grand entrance of the Royal Palace, and Rio watched as the guards, donned in gleaming armor and holding spears, respectfully stepped aside, with a deep bow, they acknowledged the presence of Queen Athena and her entourage, granting them passage into the palace. The imposing main doors swung open, revealing a breathtaking view of the palace's interior.

As the cars navigated through the expansive gardens and quarters, Rio's fascination grew. The clear greenery and vibrant gardens that adorned the surroundings added a touch of natural beauty to the majestic setting. The carefully manicured lawns and meticulously pruned shrubs showed the attention and care given to everything around the palace. 

Finally, the group arrived at the main palace, a colossal structure that was built so magnificently. The palace was a testament to the wealth and power of the royal family, a symbol of their authority and importance in the realm of Arcadia. It was a sign of legacy that the Royal Schott Family had built in the history of Arcadia. 

Since Rio was the one sitting near the window, when the car door got opened by some random guard, he walked out first. Feeling a little stiff from the hour-long journey, he lazily stretched his arms, and with that his gaze fell on the entirety of his surroundings, which left his mouth open from what he saw. 

The palace stood as a testament to grandeur of the royal family, its architecture a stunning blend of different styles and influences. Towers soared into the sky, adorned with intricate carvings and elaborate balconies that offered breathtaking views of the surrounding environment and probably the whole of Haven. 

As the group stepped out of the cars, they were greeted by a contingent of guards dressed in gleaming armor. These formidable warriors stood at attention, their spears held with precision and respect. Soon they all bowed to everyone showing their standing and respect for the group of nobility. 

Artemis and Athena were too used to all the praises and bowing, so it was nothing new for them. But it did surprise Rio a bit. 

Amelia and Rebecca were too busy chatting to notice their surroundings. How could they talk constantly for nearly 2 hours now, Rio had no idea. He could just push it aside as another superpower of being a girl. 

Rebecca was going to pull Amelia towards the garden that she spoke of, where she herself planted and cared for the plants, but before they could take 2 steps away from that place, both their mothers stopped them. Knowing how restless and energetic their daughters had been since morning, it wasn't good to let them play around anymore. The disappointed expressions on the girls' faces were quickly replaced with understanding, as they realized instead of playing outside they can just go in and talk more for hours.

'Aaaand there they go.' Rio thought as he saw Amelia just running away, while Rebecca guided her in the empty hallways. 

Artemis and Athena too started walking inside, talking amongst themselves about God knows what, cause Rio who was just behind them couldn't hear anything.

They're probably using some kind of barrier magic, seriously what a waste of magic, what big secrets will they discuss at the palace gates anyway, when they can just go in and do it without wasting their mana. - Rio thought. 

'Is it something like how rich people back on earth didn't care where they spent their money? I remember one guy even sent his car into space just because he could. What a waste. Could've given it to me instead.' Rio's thoughts wandered again as he remembered some little stuff from back on earth. It had become a hobby of his now, or maybe it was just natural for him to compare both his lives since he did spend 30 years on earth. 

His thoughts were broken as Esme tapped his shoulder, he looked around and sighed for being left behind. He started walking faster to catch up to his aunt and mother, who were already far away, but even then his eyes kept darting around, scanning every intricate detail of the surroundings. The architecture of the palace boasted a fusion of styles, blending the elegance of elven construction with the sturdiness of dwarven craftsmanship. It was a harmonious blend of beauty and practicality, reflecting the diverse influences of the various races that inhabited Arcadia.

 Rio stepped onto the cobblestone pathway leading to the main entrance, he couldn't help but be captivated by the sheer beauty and magnificence of the palace. The craftsmanship was impeccable, and every detail seemed to have been carefully considered. The walls, made of exquisite stone, were adorned with ornate patterns and delicate filigree work, showcasing the skill and artistry of the craftsmen who had brought the palace to life.

The beauty of the palace extended beyond its architectural wonders. Cause it was not just a residence for the royal family; it was a hub of knowledge, culture, and history. Elaborate frescoes graced the ceilings, depicting scenes of epic battles, mythical creatures, and the triumphs of the royal lineage. Even the walls of the surroundings showed the artistry of a level unlike anything he had seen before, famous sayings of past kings and their achievements in Arcadia were all carved out on them alongside their images and names. Stained glass windows cast colorful hues of light onto the marble floors, creating a scene of vibrant colors that danced across the surface.

Rio couldn't help but be overwhelmed by the sheer size and splendor of the palace. Every hall, every corner seemed to tell a story, whispering tales of a bygone era. Its walls bearing witness to centuries of history and the legacy of the royal family. Rio's footsteps echoed softly as he made his way through the corridors, each step unveiling a new masterpiece of art and design. A thought that he'll learn everything that he read in books for months, better just by looking at all these images, came to his mind but he shook it off. 

 As Rio took in the breathtaking surroundings, a single word escaped his lips: "Beautiful."

It was a moment of realization, a profound appreciation for the rich heritage and cultural significance embodied within the walls of the Royal Palace.

 'How funny it is that this same palace will be blasted to smithereens by Blake family according to the novel. I should change that event too. It'd be a loss to toss away such a grand work of art.'


A/N - I know the pace was slow for the story, and it is probably even slower from past 10-15 chapters, but it'll end soon. The happy little details and background time is over, and it is time to start the events of the plot - once this Rebecca's birthday event is over, we will have a time skip. and After that comes everyone's favorite thing about these novels - academy arc. 

Just bear with me till then, pretty please. 


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