Life Of A Nobody - as a Villain

Chapter 79 Dealing With The Goddess Of Fate Ll

"I know about your sister. I've seen her. And I can help you get her back."

As Rio's confident voice cut through Skuld's anger, her fiery gaze locked onto him. Her eyebrows furrowed in surprise and curiosity, momentarily forgetting her rage. The mention of her sister piqued her interest, stirring a mix of hope and skepticism within her. 

"What do you know about my sister?" Skuld demanded, her voice laced with a newfound intensity. Her words echoed throughout the realm, The anger that had consumed her moments ago now shifted to a deep longing, the desire to know about her lost sibling. 

Rio, aware of the impact his words had made, maintained his composed demeanor. He knew he had caught Skuld's attention, and now he just had to navigate this delicate situation to his advantage.

"I've seen glimpses of her in my visions, trapped somewhere out of your reach, asking for help, begging for mercy, hoping her sisters would come and free her." Rio revealed, he closed his eyes with a thoughtful expression as if he was reliving the past, as he finished his words he opened them again and said -"Help me now, and I can help you locate and bring her back."

Skuld's eyes widened, a mixture of hope, sadness and desperation flooding her expression. The thought of learning about her sister, a connection severed for far too long, ignited a flicker of vulnerability within her fierce facade. 

But she didn't lose all her reason like a certain someone, and still had some control over her brain, so she asked her doubts -

"You speak of the impossible," Skuld replied, her voice softening ever so slightly. "No one has ever been able to see outside their realm. How can you, a mortal, claim to have the means to do so. And even if somehow that was possible, what can your pathetic strength do to help me get her back?"

While her words did hold weight and were true, he believed that he had the means to sway her. "Because just like you, I've also seen the future Skuld. I know why you ran away and joined Goddess Gauri (Kali). I know what you're hiding from everyone, and why you're not choosing anyone as your followers. We both saw what'll happen in the future 10 years later, and now we both can help each other."

Hearing his words the goddess of fate had a shocked expression as she understood what he meant. The visions she had seen years ago, the chaotic truth that she witnessed and buried deep within her, the wars she saw the signs of which made Ragnarok look like children's squabble - everything that she wanted to hide from the world was known by this mortal in front of her. 

'How does he know that? Not even other Gods of future visions should be able to see that, let alone share it with someone so easily.'

"Want to consider your thoughts again." Skuld's anger and thoughts faded further as she heard Rio's proposition. She realized that things weren't as simple as she thought. Just the thought that this mortal knew about the future and had Nyx as his supporter was enough to make her listen to him. 

Although still skeptical, she couldn't dismiss the possibility that their interaction could lead to finding her sister Verdandi. She understood that she needed to be calm and not let her petty anger blind her to the potential opportunities.

"Very well, mortal," Skuld conceded, her tone now tinged with a hint of curiosity and hostility. "But remember, I am still the goddess of fate. If you think of yourself as deceitful or manipulative, then I'd suggest you be very careful of your next words. Nyx might protect you, but sometimes you being safe becomes a punishment in itself. I remember you have a family, a sister too and she's _." She tried to warn the mortal of the consequences if he thought he could fool her, but her words were cut short by Rio's voice, "Speak about her again, and I swear on my mana, that Verdandi's safety would be the last thing you'll need to worry about." 

Skuld's eyes narrowed as she felt a surge of anger and indignation at Rio's audacious threat. How dare this mortal, with his fragile existence, dare to challenge her, an eternal goddess? Anger surged through her being, her divine essence radiating with wrath. She towered over Rio, her presence overwhelming, as she prepared to unleash the full extent of her power.

"Know your place, mortal!" Skuld hissed, her voice dripping with fury. "You dare threaten me, a full-fledged eternal goddess? I have witnessed the rise and fall of countless gods, the birth and death of countless worlds, the creation and destruction of mortals like you. You are nothing more than a fleeting existence in the grand scheme of eternity."

"Do not mistake your limited knowledge for your superiority, your arrogance will be your undoing if you underestimate the strength that lies within the divine."



 [WARNING ⚠⚠ ]


[Host's life is in danger]

[Requesting permission to send you back.]

'Stop whatever you doing system.'

As her presence started to push Rio on his knees, the warnings from the system started appearing on his status screen. But he ignored them and continued - "I called you here for a deal, if you prefer death , I can give it to you too." His voice held an air of authority, a quiet confidence that contrasted with her fiery outburst.

"You think you can do anything to harm me, a goddess. You're nothing. One breath of air and you'll be blasted to pieces."

Rio met Skuld's gaze unwaveringly, his voice tinged with an unwavering determination. -"You must have tried to see my future too right, then you should know that soon enough the power gap won't be this much between Gods and mortals. You may be more powerful than me, but I have more allies than you. If I die, so does every last bit of your followers, and then while I can continue the cycle of rebirth again, you on the other hand will be gone for good. So I'd say you still have more to lose than I do."

'Another thing a mortal. Shouldn't know about.' Skuld thought as she heard his words. It was true, if he died he'll continue the cycle of reincarnation, while she, a goddess, will be forever gone, her essence merged in the existence, never to be nothing again. 

The tension between them began to subside as Skuld reluctantly acknowledged Rio's point. She had seen his fate, if she killed him now, there'll be nothing but darkness left in the world. This was the second time she couldn't see past something and she knew it wasn't normal. Yet she had no intention of showing weakness in front of a mortal, her pride did not allow that. 

"Words alone are not enough, mortal ! Your actions will determine whether I help you or not," Skuld responded."Prove your words" Skuld challenged, her voice a mix of caution and anticipation. "If you can truly guide me to my sister, then perhaps I will consider an alliance."

"You can trust me for now, you've wasted a thousand years sitting here doing nothing, I'm just asking for 10. Help me hide my lies and you'll have your sister the moment this world changes." Rio declared decisively. He didn't need much from Skuld, except one blessing to cover his lie. 

Skuld's gaze hardened, her determination rekindled. "Very well, mortal. I shall grant you a chance to prove yourself, tell me what blessing do you want?"

'Got yaa' Rio's lips curled up in a smile as he heard those words. 

"Do you want to see your fate, your future? I can make your lies come true with my blessing." Skuld declared as she proposed giving him the blessing of fate. 

But Rio shook his head, he had no need for that, he already knew the future, as for his fate, he was already aware of what he would see. Though his actions till now might have prevented some stuff from the novel, his ending would still be the same. 'There's no way that can be changed this easily. No need to waste my blessing on that. Might as well ask for that.'

"Give me the blessing of threads."

Rio said, a glimmer of determination in his eyes. He knew that he had gained a small victory in this encounter, but he also understood the responsibility that came with it. He had to tread carefully and prove his worth on time if he wanted to gain Skuld's trust and utilize her full powers to shape the future.

But was that hard for him? Nah. Verdandi will be found and saved by Kali according to the novel, he just has to show her the right location early. So she doesn't waste time looking for her. 

"Hmmm, remember your words mortal. Break that promise, and I will show you hell."

And with those words, a fragile alliance was born, tethered by hope, secrets, and the unyielding desire to rewrite their fates. Each harbored their own motives and desires, but they understood one thing, that their fates were intertwined now.


A/N - what do you think "blessing of threads" is?

Everyone - I have seen your comments , but I have yet to see your reviews on my book , so give me my 5* review. If you also give me some gifts 🎁🎁 I will even forgive you, and introduce you in the novel. So give'em to me now. 


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