Life Of A Nobody - as a Villain

Chapter 77 Gods & Their Egos

As Rio reached his room, he made sure to warn the guards outside that no one disturbs him for some time, and not to let anyone in. This'll be the first time he would try to call for some God and he had no idea how long it would take. Considering that Skuld's attention was still on him, it shouldn't be hard to call for her, and seeing how she was angry at him for lying about her and needed an explanation she should be easy to call for. But who knows? 


****In Arcadia every God, like in every other world, had the power to listen to the prayers directed at them. While they usually just ignore them as petty begging of mortals, always asking for something or complaining about something, sometimes they do listen and reply. 

There are 2 ways to talk to any God in Arcadia -One is through the world system, which works like a chat group, where they can send any message they want (This is something a God takes the initiative of) . While the other is through prayers(which people of Arcadia use) . If any God listens to your prayers and wants to talk to you, they can do it by either visiting you in the ethereal form or pulling that person in their domain. 

Though the chances of calling some God through prayers is rare, cause you can imagine how many others must be doing the same thing at the same time, if the God especially isn't interested in you or had been watching you -then you can spend your whole life praying and your God won't even know about your existence, after wasting all that time all you'll get in return is nil, nada and a whole lot of nothing. 

That's why believers made their own nations and churches or groups, so their prayers can reach their God smoothly, without getting drowned in other stuff, as every God would have high chances of focusing on the place where his offerings come from. 


This is why Rio decided to be alone, as even though Skuld was watching him, there was no guarantee that she would come when he called. It might take a moment , a minute or it might never happen, cause he could see Nyx's messages floating on the screen. 'She's enjoying this, isn't she.' Rio thought as he read the notification. 

[Well, since she personally came to give you a blessing, of course she knows you didn't have any prior blessing on you.]

[She's just watching the show you put on by lying like this.]

"Hey system, don't those other Gods doubt that I lied, I mean they do know that without awakening I shouldn't get any blessing the normal way, right?"

[They know it host, that's why they were curious. If you picked any other type of God they might have caught your lie, but someone who can see the future choosing someone early by breaking a rule or two. That just shows that maybe you were more valuable in that God's eyes, making you a prized trophy to their collection. That's why you'll probably get more attention from now on. They'll see if you really do deserve an investment or not.]

"Huhh, well they're free to do whatever they want. Maybe I'll use some extra attention to get rid of one or two pesky Gods from the story."

"Now let's start summoning." 

Rio said as he knelt down, he folded his hands in prayer, preparing himself to call upon Skuld, the Norn goddess of fate, who controlled the treads of future. He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath to calm his racing thoughts and steady his emotions. With each word he spoke, he felt a mixture of embarrassment and determination.

"Oh, Skuld, mighty goddess of the future," Rio began, his voice filled with reverence. "I praise your power, your control over the threads of destiny. Your wisdom is renowned, and your guidance is sought by all who seek to understand the paths that lie ahead."

He continued, his words flowing with a sincerity that contradicted the doubts he harbored within. "I acknowledge your generosity in bestowing me the blessing of fate, even though those visions may come with uncertainty and challenges. Your foresight has allowed me to prepare and shape my destiny, to navigate the obstacles that lay in my path."

Rio's mind wandered for a moment, questioning the usefulness of his current endeavor. But he quickly brushed aside those thoughts and focused on the task at hand.

"Oh Goddess, mighty Norn of fate and time, youngest and wisest of your sisters, you are the embodiment of beauty and grace." Rio continued, his voice growing softer but no less sincere. "I beseech you to grant me an audience, to lend me your insights and wisdom once again. Help me navigate the challenges that lie before me, and guide me towards a future where my loved ones are safe and my family remains intact."

"Goddess" Rio spoke softly, his words carried on the gentle breeze. "You who weave the threads of destiny, who hold the power to shape the future" Rio concluded, his voice carrying his genuine longing and curiosity. "Guide me on the path of destiny, that I may bring about a future filled with love, hope and betterment of the world."

 Rio finally couldn't take this anymore, he never ever prayed this much begging like this. It felt so embarrassing and the thought that there were others who were watching him, made it humiliating, plus the comments of Nyx laughing heartily on his status didn't make it easier. "Why is she not coming yet?"

[Host, I think your thoughts are breaking your character. Please continue. You're doing great.]

"Naah Fuck this bullshit. She's just enjoying it cause she knows it's all lies.."

'We tried the method from the novel, we do it my way now' - "Listen up you snotty brat, I know you're watching, so just come out now, or I'm calling Zeus about your location. Let's see who laughs when you're running around all the mountains."


A/N - just some info, one of the reader's commented today- that Myra who's a side character was able to rise up till Limit rank in 12 years, then MC who has a system, won't he be S rank by the time plot starts 8 years later. So if anyone else has this doubt I'll explain - it's not a mistake, and it's not normal. There's a reason why Myra raised her ranks so fast. I've already hinted about it and that'll be explained fully later. You can't have 18 years S rankers lol. 


I know a short chapter - but worry not will post another later today. 


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