Life Of A Nobody - as a Villain

Chapter 61 Lost In His Brain - Chained Man

"Queen" Just saying that word had took all the energy system could muster. It had lost all its hope on what to do next, as never since its creation did it ever feel so powerless, it felt that maybe even at its full power it won't be a match for them, as the system lost all its will it remembered the words of 'that being' - 

'Don't lose yourself in his mind.' Though system couldn't understand how or what, all this had to do with Rio, but it was sure he was the one responsible for it. 

(Fucker, should've been more clear.) System cursed 'that being' for telling this important information in simple line without any explanation, but it was all useless now, it was too late. 

"See you in the cycle." 

As the system finished saying what it thought to be its final words, it was suddenly pulled out from that place and found itself back in Rio's brain. 

***[System right now is just an orb of energy, as its level rises, so does its powers, and its forms. It could grow to have its own physical form as it reaches the peak of level permission allowed for that world.]

System looked around in a hurry as it felt all that pressure on itself gone. It took a look around and found itself surrounded by Shiva's memories of earth. It took a deep breath thinking that it was all a bad illusion and tried to calm itself thinking it only happened since it was on level 0 and once it gets its powers back, nothing like this would be possible. 

Though it said all that bullshit in its head, it didn't change the shivering look or the fear that was still fresh in its core. 

'I am never going to sleep again.' System thought that, cause it knew the haunting experience would surface again as nightmares. 

System had almost calmed down, thinking whatever it was, was now over, when it heard a voice similar to what it just classified as an illusion, asking it questions. 

"What were you doing?"

[I was just, was an illusion] system couldn't form its word clearly as it saw 2 cold emotionless red eyes glaring at it from the darkness. The sight of those eyes scared the shit out of the system as it remembered the scene of getting drowned in them just moments ago. 

"I asked you, what were you doing in that place?" The voice asked again as with it came the sound of footsteps, and some rattling of chains. 

[I was pulled there, It wasn't my fault.]

"Tell me, were you getting curious to see what was on his mind?"

System had a gut feeling screaming at it, that if it told the truth something much worse then its prior experience would happen, even though it didn't understand what could be worse than that, it decided to trust that feeling. 

[No, I wasn't. As I said I was pulled there suddenly, I didn't know why or how?] So the system tried to explain itself in a hurry, as the rattling of chains grew louder and louder, warning it of the impending arrival of whoever that voice belonged to.

As the system finished speaking, the sound of footsteps and rattling chains stopped and the system calmed down a little. But then it heard a voice filled with so much anger that it would probably have nightmares all its existence remembering that voice. 

[You tried to kill him.]

[Should I say gutsy or idiotic, Trash]

As that voice echoed in the surroundings, the system watched in horror as the mindspace of Rio which held all the memories of Shiva started trembling, and soon it started breaking apart in pieces. 

[Who are you?] System asked as it was getting frustrated now. Call it its last struggle, but it shouted its question, as atleast knowing who there people were would be enough. 

"Me, I'm your worst fucking nightmare." The voice said, in an amusing tone, as it continued walking. 

"I warned him, not to send some second class trash"

"But he didn't listen"

"Lesser beings like you should learn a lesson"

With these words, those red eyes which were so far into the darkness appeared just in front of the system the next second. And before the system could even process if it was that man with those eyes who traveled fast, or was it she who got pulled near him.

System felt its essence being pulled out of itself as those monstrously red eyes glared at it. It felt as if it would lose its very existence, and core of being, if he didn't stop or someone saved it.

"He's born to rule, to destroy - 

"He doesn't need some trash holding him back"

For the first time since its creation, the system felt the fear of true death, it felt that if that man wished even those primal rules of continuity and preservation won't save it. No more chances, no more cycles - true death.

***[The meaning of death is different in every religion, but aside from that, every world has its own rule of death. What comes after it? It depends on that world's will. You could keep reincarnating again in the same world, you could reincarnate in some other place as your fate in there was ended. You could also be sent to heaven or hell, all depending on world's will. 

But whatever death you go through, it only lasts for that world, as after that you start the cycle again. Bound by the rules of continuity and preservation. 

True death means losing your your essence, your soul for forever. In this way you lose too much of your soul after countless cycles of reincarnation, or when your essence merges with the existence of cosmos. 

In simple terms - your soul is an energy, bound by world's rules where is resides. Once your destiny ends it moves on to different worlds. True death happens when you have no more energy to reincarnate again, in that case whatever was left of your soul merges with cosmos.

Since everything was created from cosmos, everything ends in cosmos - primal rule of preservation. ]


'Is this what it feels to die?' But opposite of what someone would expect, system wasn't cowering or shivering now, it felt excited, its boredom which had plagued it for so long was gone in an instant, the feelings of anger, betrayal and fear all gone too, what was left in that place was excitement of what was next. What would be after that cycle, what comes once its all over 

But it was pulled out of those curious thoughts as it felt whatever that process was stopped, it looked towards those menacing eyes and found them glaring at it, the system felt that those eyes could see the very thoughts of it. 

"Hmmm, trash indeed." 

With a snicker the voice said its remarks and the system found itself being bound by some chains which started draining the last bit of energy it had within. 


It was then that a new voice echoed in the broken landscape of what was once Rio's brain. It was a voice system was too familiar with, it belonged to 'the being' who sent it to him, who lied and used it for his own purposes.


A/N - Who else is coming? 

Who is the chained man? 

Is system really trash? 


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