Life Of A Nobody - as a Villain

Chapter 50 World While He's Lost In Awakening

While Rio was going through his awakening his parents who were watching by the sidelines had worried expressions on their face. Myra was now biting her lower lip in nervousness as the ceremony continued. As Artemis looked at the pain Rio would've gone through in the transformation phase, she clenched her fists and cursed the Gods for making awakening like this. Agnus was worried too, but tried not to show his expressions as he tried to keep himself busy by double checking every mana and security formations.

Amelia who was still in the barrier was put to sleep by Artemis, as she didn't want her to see or hear her brother in pain. Artemis only brought Amelia, thinking Rio might like it. But since he was now busy in his awakening, there was no need to scare Amelia.

***[The awakening is known to be painful & scary, so usually in churches & every other place where ceremony is held, no one who hadn't gone through awakening is allowed anywhere near. Just so they don't feel scared or get traumatized enough to not even go through their awakening & back out. Plus the fear, hesitation, doubt these emotions can affect your state of mind and you might fail during the merging process.]

Soon the transformation process ended and merging process began, as with a scream Rio held his head and bent down. Everyone present knew how painful it would be, but there was nothing anyone could do to help him. So they could just pray for his success, but even after some time passed there was no reaction from Rio after that.

'Did he fail?'

This one thought came into everyone's brain, but their question was answered when his eyes shone in blue color. It only lasted for a moment and anyone would miss it if they didn't look for it, but everyone present in the room had their full attention on Rio so much so that they even forgot to blink, as they watched his eyes, it put their minds at ease. This was the sign of successful merging.

"How?" Artemis asked as she was confused about how fast it ended. While Myra still couldn't get out of the shock that he didn't fail, and passed the merging so easily. Agnus just smiled watching that and puffed out his chest, feeling proud over his son and happy for his successful awakening.

Though they were all confused about why the merging, which was known as the most painful step in awakening was done, without Rio going through any painful experience, no one complained about it.

Or maybe they didn't have the time to do so, as seconds after that Rio started channeling his mana from his body and started his elemental awakening. It didn't take long for them to get out of their stupor when they saw black fog starting to materialize in the room and starting to spread everywhere.

Instead of getting worried or scared when that pitch black darkness started to consume everything and collided against the sefety barrier, his parents had a smile on their face.

"My son's a genius."

Artemis declared with a happy smile that would put everyone else to shame and make them lose their focus, but bad for her that there was someone who had grown immune to her charms over the years. Agnus scoffed at her words and said - "You're forgetting the blood of Blake's runs in his veins, he is born to be strong."

Artemis's smile stiffened hearing that and she glared at her husband, who looked even more proud than before. How that was even possible at this point was something she couldn't understand.

Despite the odd behavior a smile was ever present on their faces as they let go of all their worries. They were just waiting for Rio's mana to run out, so they could go ahead and congratulate him, when something unexpected happened, Rio started gathering all his mana and stabbed himself.

"What happened?"

"Is that the mana suction method."

It took a moment for them to understand what happened and what Rio wanted to do.

"Did he lose control." (Agnus)

"I'm going to stop him." (Artemis)

'What are you doing Rio.' Myra thought, as the one who followed him almost everyday for last couple of weeks, she knew there was something different about him ever since he woke up from the curse, Artemis even inspected his body herself once when he was asleep, but they didn't find anything abnormal and let him be.

But never had anyone expected something like this to happen.

Artemis and Agnus went out of the barrier to help Rio, while Myra stayed there to protect Amelia. They only took two steps out when they were hit by a new wave of darkness.

"Who even taught him that." (Agnus said while trying to cut off all the surrounding mana)

"He must have learnt it by himself." Artemis replied.

Despite the rampaging mana, when Artemis was just about to reach Rio, she was pushed back by a sudden shift in pressure.

Artemis wanted to try and find Rio, but it felt like she couldn't even take one step from her place.

They both watched as the ceiling broke and the entire surroundings were drowned in the new darkness, so much so that now even after coating their eyes in mana they weren't able to see anything.

Agnus was about to flare up his mana to try and find Rio when he heard his voice and decided to stop.

"Ohh Goddess who resides over the void. One of the Primordials, ruler of darkness and dreams, of shadows and secrets. Thank you for granting this mortal with your presence."

Though his voice sounded weak and barely above a whisper, both his parents were able to hear it clearly. And it shocked them to their core.

Getting a blessing from any God just after their awakening was already rare, but getting one from someone who was on the level of being called a primordial was unheard of.

Yes, they were still worried about Rio's safety, but instead of acting out and possibly angering a strong Goddess, they chose to wait till it was done. And then they could ask Rio or check it themselves.

**[A/N - If you're wondering why they didn't doubt how Rio knew about some God's arrival or which Goddess it was, It's cause before some Gods come to bless you, world system would inform the awakener of their attention to him and their arrival.]

It didn't take long when they felt the pressure on them gone and they could move again. With a gust of wind Agnus was already in front of Rio, who was now lying on the floor unconscious.

Artemis too came and checked for any wounds on Rio in a hurry, her face was ashen pale and eyes moist, her hands were shaking as she removed the bloodied dress of ishwar from his upper body to see the wounds. The tears she were holding back till now, finally fell down as she saw no sign of any wounds and hugged him tight.

"He's fine Artemis. He just lost consciousness due to mana loss." Agnus said as he placed his hands on her shoulder and continued - "Lets bring him back home first." Artemis nodded her head in response and walked back to Amelia as Agnus picked Rio up and started moving out.

𝗔𝘁 𝗕𝗹𝗮𝗸𝗲 𝗠𝗮𝗻𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻

It's been 6 hours since Rio has been sleeping and hasn't woken up. Artemis was still standing near his bed just like that day of his curse, but she wasn't worried today.

They've thoroughly examined Rio's body and found nothing wrong. There was nothing wrong with his awakening and he had become quite stronger than before, his body was just exhausted from exerting total mana and needed some rest.

She had heard from Myra about how Rio would constantly have nightmares in his sleep past few days, but now looking at his face, she found it peaceful. He had a calmness on his face, like he felt at peace now. And it calmed her too.

'What're you hiding Rio.'

Artemis thought, as she held a letter about the report she got from one of her special guards Camilla, who was tasked with following Esme's every move.

Though she had promised Rio to let her go free, but Artemis was someone who never liked loose ends, how could she let some spy who's been working in their house for so many years, go free with all that knowledge and secrets - just cause her 10 year old son asked her to.

No, she was far too smart to make idiotic newbie mistakes like these.

#[A/N - What do u think about this. I just added this detail at last minute, thinking this action of her feels more real, than her just letting any traitor go which is idiotic.]

Maybe she would have given in to Rio's requests before, but after his curse incident she didn't trust anyone. Especially someone who's been lying to everyone for so many years.

Thus Artemis had sent her best tracker to follow Esme's every move & kill her on instant, if she was to be found sharing any secrets of Blake family.

Though Artemis had used Truth Orb on Esme, but she still liked to be careful. And the reports she got on first week proved her points true. 'She's keeping an eye on Baron Misha's house.'

By the second report it turned into 'She's scouting everyone in his family' . Artemis was too familiar with this pattern, after all she was the one who taught it to every shadow guard.

Artemis burned the letter in her hand as she finished reading it.

'The vampire attacked & killed Baron Misha's kid. Baron fought with her, but survived due to his security teams who intervened. She had to run away by using her bloodline ability. She's flying back using her shadow's crest now. Should I cut her wings, or let her rest in the nest.'

***[𝗦𝗵𝗮𝗱𝗼𝘄'𝘀 𝗖𝗿𝗲𝘀𝘁, is a mark given to every shadow guard in Blake Family, which after getting supply of mana - shows a map with locations of some safe houses called "𝗦𝗵𝗮𝗱𝗼𝘄'𝘀 𝗻𝗲𝘀𝘁" These are mainly prepared for them to be used in case of emergency or some special missions. They're hidden from public's eye, and equipped with all kinds of necessary stuff.]

"Just how many secrets are you hiding Rio, and why?"

Artemis looked at Rio's sleeping face which had a mild smile on it now, with gentle hands she carefully fixed his tousled hair, she leaned forward and gave his forehead a tender kiss. It was a gesture of pure love, a silent sign that she would always be there to protect and support him - no matter what secrets and emotions he held within.

Rio unaware of her presence and his little blip of lies kept sleeping peacefully, but he still smiled unknowingly for that warmth and lovelove he felt some moments ago.


A/N - Everytime MC sleeps, shit happens in outside world.

How'd u like Artemis as a character --/10.


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