Life Of A Nobody - as a Villain

Chapter 46 Awakening Part 3 - His System




Rio stood up with a shock as he looked around frantically for the source of the voice, but still couldn't find anything.

[Hey, stop looking around like an idiot]

[And answer my question, did you miss me?]

Rio heard the voice again, same voice as her, the playful insults, the teasing tone - he was all too familiar with it. There were only very few people who would talk to him like that, and this voice belonged to someone he loved the most.

"R _ Ria" Despite his doubtful expression a smile came to his face, at the thought of seeing her again.

'Is it her ghost again or another illusion.' He thought as he started walking in the darkness faster hoping to see her again. It has been nearly a month in Arcadia and who knows how long in the darkness, that he hasn't seen her, and as always she was here for him when he was feeling lost again. His heart felt warm with that thought.

"Ria" He shouted as he still couldn't see her.

[Sigh, why're you calling her name now.]

[And can you please stop fooling around, I'm in your head]

Rio's steps came to a halt as he heard her voice, he was so happy to hear her voice again that he couldn't even focus from where it came from.

"What?" Rio said as his face turned serious, his voice sounding much colder than before as one possibility came to his mind, that it was all someone's illusion, that she wasn't real and someone was just playing tricks with his brain.

The memories of a scene that happened during one of his therapy sessions back on Earth came to his mind and the results it led to. Let's not talk about the therapist and his conditions after trying to use hypnosis on him to get rid of his trauma. That was why Shiva hated the therapy and never went there again.

[Can you stop with your depressing thoughts, It's ruining our reunion.] - Her voice sounded again in his head.

"What, sorry, I didn't mean to Ri_." As he heard her voice which sounded a little mad, almost instinctively he replied with an apology until he realised about the illusion again and stopped.

'Is it Kali, is this her way to say that she knows about my past.' Rio's fist clenched as he remembered his prior illusion of Goddess and thought this was her doing too. It made perfect sense in his mind as without the protection of the world system his brain was open for anyone to control and she was the only God near him during his awakening.

'If it's her then _ ' Rio's anger was rising as the thought of someone using Ria's memory to play tricks with him, was the worst thing to do. Fuck Gods and everyone else, she was off limits , for everyone.

His thoughts about anger were going haywire when he heard the voice again - [I'm not an illusion dummy, I only came because you called.]

"What, WHO ARE YOU?" Rio asked as he felt confused hearing her words.

[I'm your system. Didn't you call for me just now.]

[And then you didn't even answer my question when I came.]

Hearing the same tone as her, but then calling herself a system confused Rio. As no matter how capable the world system was,it wasn't capable of conversation, but here it was. Someone or something using the same voice as Ria claiming to be his system. He would've doubted the voice but as soon as it finished speaking a blue screen came in his view, it had the same viewing panel as the world system of Arcadia.

[ Loading data . . .

Welcome Awakener


Name - Rio Blake / Shiva Kumar

Age - 10 / 30

World - ???

Title - ???

Rank - Mortal --



Blessings 🔻1

̶Q̶u̶e̶s̶t̶s -

̶S̶h̶o̶p - 🔻 4

̶I̶n̶v̶e̶n̶t̶o̶r̶y - ]

[So do you believe me now] the voice sounded again excited.

"The world system doesn't talk." Rio said as he started to calm down a little, the anger from before was there, but the doubts and possibility of the unknown got the better of him after he saw the transparent panel, so he decided to ask the voice.

[Ohh that's cause we aren't from the world called Arcadia, are we.]

[That's why I'm different]

"Why are you talking to me in Ria's voice?" Rio asked the question that bugged him the most, he could accept the unknown and everything, but the fact that this system was talking to him in Ria's voice was still questionable.

[Ohh that's because you wished for it.]

"Me, I didn't even know about you moments ago." Rio asked as he couldn't believe what that voice said.

[Not now, I was actually going to merge while you were in the darkness, but you got pulled out before it was supposed to happen.]

[While you were getting out, the last thing you asked for was to hear this girl's voice, so now that I'm here, as a sign of goodwill and my greatness, I learned it.]

The system's boastful words were cut short as Rio's cold voice reverberated in the darkness- "Change it."

[Did I get something wrong, I'm pretty sure I copied her perfectly though] the system was confused as it only followed what its host wished for.

The system had watched all of Shiva's memories while he was in the darkness, but it still couldn't understand why its host was now angry after hearing the voice he wished for in the darkness. *** It was because in the darkness even when Shiva went through all his memories, he had felt at peace and no regrets were haunting him after his death. But since he merged with Rio and started living in Arcadia and got to experience everything again in his visions and nightmares, all that pain and regrets came back.


"Change your voice, I won't ask it again." Rio said again, Though it felt nice to him to hear Ria's voice in his head again, but knowing she wasn't here, and it was just some system using her voice still couldn't sit well with his consciousness.

He had no problem with seeing her ghost or talking to that illusion, as he couldn't control it, but now knowing the system, he wasn't willing to let it have her voice and play with his emotions, it felt like cheating. It was like asking someone to cosplay as her and act like her just so he couldn't remember her and replace her with someone else. So he asked his newly awakened system to change her voice.


[Loading. . .

Loading. . .

Fuuhh, seriously you should learn to be calm a little. Your habits are really out of control these days.

You were so much calmer in the darkness]

The system spoke after changing her voice and way of speaking to another feminine voice, if before it's voice and personality was sweet, playful and teasing , then now it had changed into a gentle, calm and a little mature tone.

The system wanted to ask for its host's opinion but before it could do that, it felt that something was wrong with its host, and it made the system doubt if it had made another mistake somehow.

(What did I do now, it was only the 2nd voice he wished to hear. Don't tell me I have to change it again.)

The system thought as it could now feel the different raging emotions going through in Rio's head and when it saw the tightly clenched fists & his eyes turning red in anger, its premonitions came true.

(Fuck) was the last thought it could have before the system heard it's host's cold voice dripped in anger again.


A/N - So how'd you like this chapter --/10.

Any thoughts about his system & what kind it is + what're those 4 items in his shop ? 😈

Whose voice did the system use now, which made our mc even more mad?


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