Life Of A Nobody - as a Villain

Chapter 341 Canaanite Deities - Baal, Moloch and Yarikh

Chapter 341 Canaanite Deities - Baal, Moloch and Yarikh

Moonstone, a mysterious stone with no detailed description in the novel. Sometimes the moonstone was termed as a part of a dead moon's core. While somewhere it was mentioned that every moonstone once held the essence of a moon God. While some believed moonstones were used to store their God's faith, prayers and powers, to be given as a blessing to his most devout followers in their time of need.

The truth never clarified as the author clearly didn't put so much focus on an artifact when he had to write a shit ton of others too.

But one thing that the author highlighted every time was that the moonstone could attract the light of the moon and was best to be used by those who had moon gods as their backing.

In the novel, this same frighenart forest was used for the exam ground for the protagonist and his classmates too.

During this exam, Warzy had attacked the academy and many students were killed, but just when the situation was most desperate, this moonstone, which was wrapped around Rebecca's hands, played a crucial role and saved Leon and everyone else.

As this particular moonstone held the last essence of Yarikh, the moon god of Canaanite pantheon, who was seriously injured during the war of gods thousand year ago, and died a couple hundred years later since his power of faith couldn't heal his injuries.

The day of the tournament when the event of the crisis happened, and everyone was about to be killed by Warzy villains, Rebecca used this moonstone after her goddess Selene taught her how, and it teleported everyone away from that place.

Sending them all to the nearest temple of Yarikh.

This sudden shift caused Warzy to lose their advantage of numbers and prior traps, and thus the main characters were able to survive and shine once more.

Obviously Rebecca felt grateful for Leon and gave him all the credit since he was the one who gave her the moonstone, causing the protagonist's prestige to rise even more. And the distance between them to decrease again.

Why she as a princess who had thousands of accessories and received millions of gifts, kept this one on her all these years, but also remembered about it's origins - can only be explained by the protagonist halo, simply meaning author's laziness.

Rio planned to do something similar with this stone too. Obviously not to save anyone, but to kill all his classmates who could grow in future and play a role in the crusade against the Blake family.

His team of Eclipse was already waiting at the temple of Yarikh, and all he had to do now was to teleport everyone he wanted dead into the trap.

He couldn't kill students here in the open or at the duwhen the academy was watching, that's why he made sure to save as many of his targets from getting eliminated these days and then lured them all here into this cave for the final showdown.

Obviously after his many experiments he knew fate would surely pop up, trying to save them, or sending them help faster than possible, so as Shiva, he also made a deal with another deity of demons, promising on giving them a show worth watching and shit ton of sacrifices, in return for their help in killing as many students as soon as possible.

And that's where the Banshee and her army of abominations came from.

A help from the deity of sacrifices, Moloch.


History of Frighenart Forest

The tribes used to living in this forest liked to pray to Baal, the Canaanite deity, god of storm and fertility.

Ten years ago when the spatial crack opened, Baal, who was bored, saw a chance to better entertain himself and decided to interfere in the event.

He was the one who caused the spatial gate's restrictions to collapse for a second , causing a higher amount of differential world energy to pour outside. Causing the mutation that every creature suffered from.

All the tribesman followers who were waiting for their God's command were drowned in the unknown energy. Their mortal bodies, failing to handle the essence of a new world, suffered a severe case of EMMSY like radiation that caused all of them to wither and disappear in the wind.

Their screams of agony echoed in the empty forest, as the demonic deity just laughed on their misery and his entertainment. Crushing them and feeling nothing.

The priestess of Baal who called everyone to the temple, watched her fellow tribesman dying in pain and asked her God to help? To mercy - but got no response. It was like Baal had given up on them and ignored their existence.

It was then that some other gods mocked her, telling her that it was Baal himself, who killed her tribes. Since having such weak followers disgusted the great god of storms.

The shocked and despairing priestess ran to the temple, jumping over the sea of blood and mountain of corpses of her loved ones, and looked at the golden statue of God and asked why he did this? Why would he kill them? They were his own followers' heart and soul, They weren't any avatars or champions of anyone else, but just some weak mortals, so why would he kill them so cruelly.

And the answer she got from her god was just a few simple words - "Because I can."

Feeling betrayed and abandoned, the priestess begged every other god she could remember or who was watching that scene, for help and mercy to save someone, anyone, Yet none came forward.

And she could just watch as everyone died one by one. As she kept crying on their corpses before they turned to dust and disappeared too.

Knowing she could do nothing, all her pain turned to anger, and in her dying breath she destroyed the statue of Baal and cursed the god she always prayed to, so much so that it stopped Baal's laughter and earned her his wrath.

Knowing this mortal had no fear of death anymore, the demonic deity placed a curse on the priestess, turning her into an undead creature, who could never die, and be with the people she wished to be.

And that's how the Banshee of Frighenart forest came to be.

Banned inside the forest to live and suffer alone for eternity, by the very god she worshiped all her life.

At the beginning, even after turning into an undead Banshee, she was sane. Trying different ways to free herself from this curse and die, so she can find her fellow tribesman again in the afterlife. But over time with the corrosion of dark magic and mutation happening all around her, she started losing her sanity too, slowly turning into just another monster, who's out for blood.

Seeing her ferocity and heart of vengeance, Moloch, the bull headed Canaanite deity of Sacrifice, who always had an enmity with Baal, made her an offer.

"Pray to him, sacrifice to him, and he will fulfill all her wishes."

The poor priestess, who had no other choice, chose to agree and finally became the nightmarish monster she is today.

She made a clay statue of Moloch at the very place where Baal's temple used to be, and started sacrificing everyone who entered the forest ever since then.

With each 100 people she sacrifices, Moloch would bring back one spirit of the deceased for her.

Obviously the god of sacrifices also only lied and tricked her. As he didn't bring back shit. The spirits he talked about were just the abominations born out of mutation, with little intelligence..

Due to her dark magic and curse of Baal, all these newly mutated monsters liked to stay around her and followed her will. Giving the Banshee an illusion that every monster was her fellow tribesman, as they liked to listen to her similarly to before when she was a priestess.

But the priestess now was too far gone to know or notice this obvious difference, and could only keep killing people and sacrificing their blood, bones and souls to Moloch, in exchange for these monsters.

A truly pitiful existence through and through.


She was supposed to keep on doing this until obviously our protagonist leon learned the truth of this forest and freed her from the curse and gave her the freedom of death. Promising her soul that he'll get justice for her one day.

Thus the dude earned himself another enmity from two gods. Baal and Moloch - both who felt leon went against their wishes, and ruined their good deeds.

But Rio obviously wasn't that generous. Though he felt pity for the creature, he also felt the feeling that she'd make an amazing pawn , one which he could use perfectly in a few situations.

After all, he needed a scapegoat for all the deaths he was gonna cause very soon. And who's better to take the blame, than a crazy cursed Banshee who's also believer of a demonic god.


Everything was just going smoothly and perfectly, with all the planning, preparations, people - all of them under Rio's control.

Yet one thing he failed to take into account was - 'No matter what knowledge he had of the future and the past, how could the mind of a mortal comprehend what a God's gonna do.'

And dear Lord, did he pay a hefty price for this mistake..


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