Life Of A Nobody - as a Villain

Chapter 311 Ending of the auction event

Chapter 311 Ending of the auction event

"System, please tell me you know something?" Shiva said as he appeared in the halls of Eclipse's mansion.

[... I'm sorry, host. But for now, whatever I know about her, you know it too.] System said.

"You told me it was a Primal Law that no one can take their past lives memories with them through soul reincarnation. I was an exception for some unknown reasons as you said. But what about her? Is she too?"


"At Least tell me your theories or guesses, you're old, and have been through countless planets and plotlines. Tell me what could've caused it. How can she not remember me, or herself, but can still be this aware of her movements, skills and senses."

System thought for some time and finally started to share its theories.

[There can be many reasons for this, like something went wrong in her reincarnation like yours, maybe she held onto her memories or something similar too. But failed in the middle.]

[Or maybe someone helped her a little like 'The Being' did with storing their memories in a crystal.]

[Or maybe she's just… soulless. Primal laws only bind souls, the core form of energy for every being's creation; if she's soulless, then the laws don't apply to her.]

"What do you mean soulless? How can any life exist without a soul?"

[It shouldn't. That's why I said it's just my thoughts and a theory. I've never seen or even heard of anyone who's without a soul.]

"But you did a scan on her, you told me she was perfectly normal."

[She is. I don't know what to tell you, host. You asked for my theories and I told you. As for the truth, maybe only one person can tell.]

"The being?"

[Yes. But he's missing, or offline, or whatever you wanna call it. He won't answer my summons.]

"Did you hear what she said at the end though, about me being one of them, or her killing me again."

[I did, and I know nothing.]

"Don't tell me she's the truck-kun. Cause that's the only time I remember dying." Shiva said jokingly, but the system ignored his jokes and kept on cooking theories in its mind.

"So basically we know nothing about her, great." Shiva said and sighed.

'She brings a headache in every world.' He thought while throwing the cigarette in his hands.

"The whole happiness of finishing the quest went down the drain. What a pain.'

[Come on. Don't take too much stress over it.] System spoke, trying to cheer up its host. [We atleast know Gaia is gone for sure now. Or she'd be sure to smack your ass with a stick considering how you slapped her avatar on the back and knocked her out.]

"Come on, that was just once. And on instinct. I didn't do it knowingly, okay." Shiva said massaging his head as a soft chuckle came to his lips thinking about all his training classes of earth.

"Let's just go back to the academy. I really need a nap now." Shiva said shaking his head and putting everything away, his face turned back into Rio's and he appeared in his car outside the Angel's office.

Sending a message to Esme to take him back, Shiva just lay back on the backseat and closed his eyes. Finally letting his mind rest for a little, so his headache can lessen a bit.

Turns out even though he replenished his mana from the system easily after every skill use, he still felt the strain on his body for using all those spells and techniques.

While Rio went back to his sleep peacefully, the venue at auction became chaotic instantly. The fight was over and the barrier set around the venue was broken by Nishkal family's elder, and soon many members of the Sentinels and adventurers guild had come to check the situation.

Getting everyone out and taking their testimonies about what really happened, Sentinels were doing a thorough search and scan of everything to record every detail and find any leftover proof.

Taking readings of any mana signs left was hard as over a thousand people had fought together and used their mana simeontaniously. So they can just go old school investigation on this case..

If Rio was here to see their drama, he'd be sure to sneer and say "Police are always late in every world."

But ohh well, there author said it for him.

Important figures like nobles, elites or VIP's were moved to a separate location to get treatment. While the commoners were just huddled together in a big building.

Saisha, Rebecca, Vanessa, Leon and Edward, along with all the injured students of Zenith were also brought back and the academy was informed about their situation and the deaths involved in this attack.

Zenith learning about it sent a few teachers to check the scene and safely escort the students back. As for the investigation and revenge for deaths, well that wasn't their plan.

The news of this attack was moving at every social platform and method almost instantly, and in minutes basically every corner of the world had gotten the news.

The name of Evil's Scion which had calmed down and become a little dusty in people's memories after their brief disappearance became a hot topic again. As well as the hunt for Wrath guild, who became a top rising criminal organization with this stunt all of a sudden.

But overall the name that everyone was talking was something mostly no one had heard or focused on before today. Eclipse, just with their deeds of ignoring the barrier and ruining the plans of Evil's Scion, they had gotten an A-class reputation.

Not to mention the video clips of their one sides massacre on the rooftop as they killed the people from Evil's Scion was really working as a superhit trailer for their grand reveal.

Some general no bodies thought Eclipse was a heroic organization, who saved everyone's lives, but everyone in power could smell something fishy and had their doubts..

Wrath which in reality had nothing to do with this attack, also came forward and issued a statement to confirm their role, instead of clearing the air. After all, to them this was just free publicity. Though internally they did start an investigation about who it was that used their name and their signature poison which had even better results than them.

Evil's Scion which actually suffered the biggest loss in this attack resulting in the loss of an entire batch of their new trainees and a secret base on floating islands, had kept silent about this whole matter. Like they didn't exist or didn't care about this at all.

Though many suspected it was just calm before the storm and that there'd be another bloodbaths following this event very soon.

"Master,.... Master."

Hearing Esme calling him, Rio opened his eyes slowly and asked while yawning and stretching his hands. "Did we reach the academy?"

"Yes." Esme said and handed him the phone. "Lady Artemis called earlier, she asked you to give her a call when you wake up."

Hearing his mother's name, all the sleep and laziness left his eyes, as he took the phone and dialed her number. "You told her that I got out safely before anything happened, right?" he asked Esme, who nodded her head in return..

Breathing a sigh of relief that this should've put her mind at ease, he started talking to Artemis, who seemed eager on questioning everything again.

"I'm fine, mother. I was just too tired from the training and all the boring classes that's been going on lately."


"What_ no way. I would never do that. Don't you trust me at all now."


"Well, I did buy a gift for you but since you don't want it, I'll just give it to Amy."


"Fine, whatever. Talk to Amy about it."


"I'm fine, promise. Just missed your cooking a little. Ohh that reminds me when're you sending Tanya and Erza here."


"Hello, hello… she hanged up, again." Shiva said and shook his head with a smile.

"Riley will find you in some days, help her with the funds and anything else she needs." He turned to Esme and said to her, the previous smile gone as his face turned serious instantly. "And try to rank up as fast as you can. Stop wasting time on Angel all day."

He said and left the car, fixing the tracking watch back on his wrist again.

He had only taken a few steps forward when he noticed Amelia standing by the academy doors, seemingly waiting for him.

"Come on, why didn't you just keep sleeping till next morning. I called you twice, you know." She said.

"What worried much?" Rio said as he slapped her head and directly walked inside.

"Humph, I was just worried that you'd use this as an excuse to lose my gift." Amelia said as she ran and caught up with him.

"What gift?" (Rio)

"The one you bought at the auction." (Amy)

"I didn't buy anything at the auction." (Rio)

"Ohh yeah, Becca said you spent quite a lot. So no excuses, just give it to me. If I don't like it, be sure to pay for another dinner." (Amy)

"Isn't a dinner cheaper though?" (Rio)

"Not if I'm hungry." Amelia said and asked again, "You really didn't get me anything."

"Well, I got you an ice cream, if that counts?" Rio said, buying a icecream from system shop and handing it over to her.

"Wow, what a cheapskate." Amy said after taking it and dragging him towards the nursing room where Becca was resting.


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