Life Of A Nobody - as a Villain

Chapter 228 Huitzilopochtli - God of sun, war and sacrifice

Chapter 228 Huitzilopochtli - God of sun, war and sacrifice

After dealing with all the golems inside and storing their bodies inside his system space, Rio walked outside the room from the gate. He looked to the side and saw Esme was still fighting with 3 of the masked men who surrounded her. She was still handling them easily, even without using her transformation of true form. Looking at it, it won't take long until she dealt with them and came to his side again.

He also looked back and saw that Rebecca managed to access her storage ring during the fight and threw some light crystals in the room, removing the darkness that enveloped it. He also watched as Saisha managed to control her element and remove all the blood mist from the air, which could allow them to use their aura a little easily now. He looked at Amelia, who was covering Ayla and Rubina behind her while holding back 4 men who surrounded her. She also started using her mana now and was fighting with them.

Seeing that, he also understood it won't take long for them to deal with everyone in the room now, if there was no variable popping up. There were only a few men left for them to handle.

Looking outside he noticed the whole building of Dorsia was destroyed, and the fighting sound was coming from everywhere. He looked upwards and outside, and could faintly feel the signature of a barrier which covered everything. He also saw some weird shining symbols on certain walls which were probably connected to a formation pattern, he wasn't sure what this was. As there are too many things like formations which Warzy used in the novel, and were never explained clearly in detail.

But seeing that he didn't see anyone from outside coming to help, it only meant two things - one, they couldn't notice what's happening here. And second, there's something more bizarre happening outside which needs their attention first.

Rio couldn't understand why in the hell Warzy allowed such a large attack in the heart of floating islands and for what reason.

He knew Virgil's reach in that organization, it was nowhere near the level to bring so much firepower and initiate an attack this big for no reason, but just to kill him.

It may have been Virgil's personal goal, but the fact that higher ups of Warzy allowed something like this, means those guys are planning something.

'Is it related to the first major event coming up soon?' Rio wondered, but failed to understand the goals of Warzy.

He never for a second believed that such a big event happened just for his head, if it was a personnel attack on him somewhere outside, he could still take it. But this was not Warzy's style. No matter which angle he looked at it, this only leads to Warzy making enemies from everyone and yet getting nothing in return.

'Are the gods behind them starting to move.' Rio wondered as he felt this attack was just a show and nothing serious. With Warzy's background they could flatten the Dorsia if they wanted in a minute, but they're playing around with barriers all around it and sending out golems to fight, instead of sending their high rankers.

[Maybe they want to establish their reputation again. After all, the constant hunt from your father and other nobles is bad for their business.] The system spoke, giving out its theory.

'I have a feeling it's not so simple.' Rio wondered as he started moving towards the room where Leon was fighting against some people, while protecting Seraphina.

If he needed a clue about what this event was all about, then it's better to go where Leon is. After all, the clues of chain events always appear near the protagonist in the novels. That's how they're the first ones to know and understand everything. He was sure the minion, Virgil sent to kill him, is also going to appear somewhere near Leon, and decides to fight with him first. It could be an excuse of him getting horny over Seraphina, Or just greedy over the prestige of killing the next beat genius. -he would appear there and give Leon some clues of their real plan and then die. That's how every novel routine works.

Rio started running forward, ignoring the fights happening around them. The screams of everyone fighting without mana and aura, while golems which were holding everyone back and their opponent who could use magic to kill them - were happening everywhere. Many guests died and their bodies were littered on the floor dying it red.

The cries of agony and screams of pain and anger were making the environment gloomy. Smoke and dust was flying in the air making it hard to breathe or see clearly. Rio also came across some bombers who were blasting themselves so the amount of poison never went down a certain level.

Along the way he noticed he didn't see any staff of Dorsia fighting against the masked men, and it was only the guests who were fighting for their life.

Rio took it lightly before, thinking it's probably a little assisination attempt on him through poison, due to Virgil's anger. But looking at the scale of damage outside now, and seeing no response from anyone outside, he realized how wrong he was. Cause this attack was too big to be just termed as trying to kill him.

Unless _

[Unless Warzy needed to do something and Virgil took the task to create a diversion. And in doing that, he chose to plan an attack on you, to get his revenge and a perfect diversion. Two goals, one shot.] System said, finishing his words and perfecting the theory that his brain came up with.

Rio agreed with that too, as that was the only plausible explanation. But there was still something that he didn't understand, how did they know? How did that guy know he'll be Dorsia at this time? He himself didn't know that, as it was just a sudden decision by Amy and Becca?

[You're forgetting this world has seers, my host.]

[Warzy has a ton of them on their back and call. It won't be surprising if one of them managed to capture a vision of you here. That way they just needed to wait and be ready till you came here.]

'But still how much time did it take for them to infiltrate Dorsia, get the formations and barriers ready. Cut off connection points, create a teleportation circle - just how long have they known about it.' Rio wondered.

Unlike our dear old dead prophet Noah, other seers can't see anything past a certain time limit and clarity. Most of the times visions blur and overlap, and many times they themselves would forget and get confused about them as it becomes too hard to understand them. Noah was a special case in the novel, that's why he became the best seer and world famous instantly. But others couldn't do that.

[Maybe they didn't have to. Warzy is such a big organization. Which had been passed down for more than two hundred years. And with Dorsia's prestige it's no wonder if they had their spies already planted here for a day like this decades ago.]

[And besides you prepared so many Trump cards, so nothing goes wrong like last time. So what're you worried about? I mean with all the things you got stored in line, unless SSS rankers or gods directly come down, you can still escape with your sister unscathed.]

"I'm not worried about my safety. I'm just worried it'll be too much trouble to handle things if they start dragging out without any reason like this." Rio said, shrugging his shoulders.

'Though if it's the big guy himself, then it could be a little troublesome.' Rio thought as he remembered about the character of the head of Warzy, and the plethora of Gods behind him. It was very very unlikely for him to act now, but just to be on the safe side, Rio decided to ask his doubts.

"Hela, are the gods involved in this?" Rio asked as he felt a bad feeling about this.

[... ]

He waited but got no response. He didn't ask Nyx, as he was sure she'd be a bitch about it and say nothing. Why waste his breathe and effort.

"Skuld, tell me who's involved?" Rio said as he channeled his mana into the mark of threads of his wrists. Which was the symbol of Skuld's blessing.


'Tell me, or I'll tell goddess Kali about your little secret.' Rio said to her as he waved his hand and severed the head of a bomber who was running towards him.

[Don't you dare.] Skuld's reply came instantly, sounding a little scared. After all

'Then tell me, which God is pulling the strings.' Rio said, as he was sure Skuld knew something about it. After all, this goddess waited for a thousand years to free her sister from Zeus. She's been staying away from everyone, but she's been paying attention to everything, to see if things are going in the same direction as her vision or not.

Since Warzy is going against their fate by pulling this stunt, there was a chance Skuld might notice it too and agree to help him. And his guess was right, as Skuld's answer came next second.

[It's Huitzilopochtli. He's a God of sun, war and sacrifice from Aztec Myths. He plans to _ ]

'That bitch.' Rio said, interrupting Skuld while starting to laugh loudly.

[What a waste of my brain cells to think so much and get that guy as a result.] System said in annoyance, and personally wanted to solve this sun god, instead of leaving it for Rio to handle.

Knowing about the God's name who's heading this event, Rio and system both calmed down. After all, what can an idiot God of sacrifice, plan for except, well nice sacrifices. In the novel too, Huitzilopochtli had done many attacks for human sacrifices so it wasn't surprising that he attacked here.

"Virgil, you're really my lucky charm buddy. You send me good things every time you appear." Rio said as he jumped high and disappeared from his place, leaving the goons behind staring at his back in shock. Until spears of darkness erupted from the ground and pierced through everyone's back. Slowly draining their vitality and lifeforce, until only husks of their dead bodies were left behind hanging in air.

Now that Rio knew who was behind this attack, he was calm and happy. So he started going towards the place Leon was at.


A/N - [Avatars can talk to their chosen gods directly anytime they wish. To talk to other gods, if the awakener has their blessing then one just needs to pour his mana into that blessing in a different way, and the gods could hear their call. If someone doesn't have any blessing or mark of God on him to talk, then they can just follow the long praying routine and wish for luck, that the god they're praying is interested in hearing it. Obviously in all cases, the right to answer your call remains in God's hands.

Obviously all calls are also private. And no one else, not even other gods could hear it if you don't want to let them.

For an example - avatars and chosen gods have a direct line and you need no recharge to call them. It's like contacting an emergency number. If you have someone's blessing and want to talk to them, then you need recharge and that's mana. That blessing works as a connection point. If you have nothing then you're just like some fan writing a letter to his favorite celebrity. It'll reach there, but no one knows if anyone will ever read it or answer it.]


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