Life Of A Nobody - as a Villain

Chapter 152 Ayla Augustus - Bhoomi's Brightest

Ayla ran in a hurry towards Myra, crying as she looked at the man who was barely able to hold his consciousness and not fall down. His feet were dragging on the ground as Myra supported his body with her mana. His clothes bloodied and torn, signs of torture evident on his skin. 

"Father, wh_ what happened to him?" Ayla asked, her voice heavy with worry, as she looked at her father's hands.

She was too scared to even touch his hands, scared that she might hurt him, cause his fingers looked red and swollen. 

"He's fine. Don't worry." Esme said, as she came forward and pulled her away, while Myra went ahead and put the man carefully in the car, with the help of some guards. 

Ayla kept crying as she looked at her father, Esme hugged the little girl, as she went to her knees. "He's just asleep. Okay. Don't worry. We'll get him help, and he'll be fine."

"B_ but his hands an_ and his blood and _ "

"Shhh. It'll all be fine. You trust me right. We'll heal him. So stop crying okay." 

Esme said, as she wiped her tears and hugged her tightly. 

She looked at Rio, silently conveying her meaning, he nodded his head at her in return. 

Getting permission, she put her hands around Ayla's head, as she used her mana, to put her to sleep. 

Ayla felt a relaxing wave pass through her body, calming her down. She felt a soothing feeling as she lost her consciousness and fell asleep. 

Esme picked her up in arms, and started walking towards the car. 

Myra was talking with the guards, explaining the situation, and how they should handle the aftermath. 

She had told everything to Artemis, who told her to let things be and inform the related authorities of Haven, instead of wiping every trace of it themselves. 

The few guards from Alphas remained there to help the authorities, or stop anyone else from entering the place. While the rest of them followed everyone back to the mansion. 

Sitting in the car, looking at Ayla who was peacefully sleeping beside him, Rio kept thinking about her plotlines. 

Ayla Augustus, daughter of Augustus Mizerpitt, was another main heroine of the academy arcs. One known throughout the story for her talent in alchemy and theoretical knowledge of all kinds. 

The amount of time her brain helped the hero in bad situations, or when she helped him decipher singular books, or understand the runic techniques were simply too much for him to point out.

At the beginning of the plot, the tragedy that defined her character had already happened, and she was depicted as a misandrist girl, hating on simply every man alive. 

Keeping her head low, only focusing on her studies and research all day, never showing off or standing out -that was her routine in the academy. She was like any other extra character of the class.

But that's if one ignores the contributions she made with her potion making research. 

She was simply a maniac with only one goal in mind, to fulfill her father's last wish. To make the potion her father couldn't. 

Her father, Augustus Mizerpitt was the owner of a successful potion selling business -Pandora's Brews. 

But in his passion to create a potion that can help the general population of Arcadia, he dedicated his everything. He kept trying, kept failing and kept trying again. Until he finally couldn't even afford to try and fail anymore. 

After losing all his money, property, and savings, when he had nothing that could help him try again. Instead of giving up, he decided to bet it all on himself, selling himself, his parts for a chance to just try one last time. 

He had sold himself to an underground organization of some shady black market, specialized in dealing with human body parts and other experimentations. 

Maybe he would have succeeded, maybe he would've failed, but the people who agreed to help him with money never followed up with their promises, and simply started cutting him up. 

He only had regrets in his life, as he never thought he would be tricked and maybe killed in some dark underground prison cell. 

Looking at his inmates, who were in similar situations as him, he learned that instead of a single kidney like he promised to sell, his captors had no plan to ever letting him go, or pay him anything. 

Knowing he got cheated, once he found a chance, he escaped his captors and came back home. 

He just wanted to leave everything behind and start anew with his daughter. 

Sadly, due to the destiny's twisted plans, he couldn't even get successful even in that attempt. 

When he reached home, after all that hard work, he couldn't even meet his daughter, but instead found the very people whom he was running away from. 

After torturing him and taking everything from his body that was of any use, the people left him to die, and went away. 

Ayla, who came back at that time after searching the whole day for her father outside, only saw Lobo and his friends drive a car away from her house. 

Going inside, hopeful after seeing the lights on, thinking that maybe her father returned home. Climbing up the stairs, she only saw a mingled body of a man, whom she couldn't even identify as her father anymore.

A sight so terrible, that gave her nightmares all her life. A sight so horrifying that no daughter, no cross that, no one, should ever witness. 

In front of her was the body of a man whose stomach was ripped off, his face carved and scratched. His eyes, which were always so full of hope and light, were blank, as those bastards even plucked them away. Blood pooling all around him, the floor showed signs of his body dragging across the floor. Proving how much he must've suffered and how inhumane those criminals must've been. 

It was this incident that turned her into who she was in the novel. 

Despite seeing the worst side of humanity that day, and experiencing horror on the next few years, she still held on to her life. Kept living by herself, cause that's what her father would've wanted.

Maybe she would've given up, maybe she would've let go of everything, and she wouldn't have to suffer anymore. 

But in another joke of fate, she had received her father's diary. His journals where he wrote all his research and plans. 

That's how she learned what really happened to her father. She learned about the potion he was trying to make, and why he wanted to make it.

He wanted her to awaken. He wanted her to live a life on her own wishes. A life where she wouldn't have to depend on others, and won't be hated and taunted for just existing in the same world as those who awakened. 

In the last pages of that journal was the entry where he wrote what he was about to do next. He wrote how he failed and lost everything, but found another way and would try it. He was asking for her forgiveness. 

Though he never wrote it, Ayla understood what her father did next. 

That's why she dedicated her whole life to finish his father's goal, to do what he couldn't. 

Instead of giving up on the world who never helped her, instead of giving up on humanity who never plitied her, she chose to help it both. 

She never wanted another Augustus Mizerpitt to sell himself, so she took it upon herself that it never happens again. 

That's how, a father who sacrificed himself, just so his daughter could live her own life, on her own accord. Became the very reason of her obsession. 

That's how Ayla Mizerpitt died, and Ayla Augustus was born. 

The heroine, the daughter of destiny. The one who brought light into this dark world by burning herself like a candle. 

'Brightest of the Bhoomi - what a fitting title for her indeed.'

Was it for her brain or her will - for the first time, Rio couldn't be sure anymore. 


A/N - If u forgot, I gave a preview of her father's backstory from his pov in ch112 struggles of a desperate father. 


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