Life Of A Nobody - as a Villain

Chapter 127 The Birthday Event - Part 1 - Beatdown

Feeling the sting of that unexpected slap Leon touched his cheek, which was beat red in color with the 5 finger mark etched on it. Calling that slap painful would've been an understatement as he could still feel the effect of it and the slight whistling sound in his ears. 

He looked at the boy in front of him, who was responsible for it. He looked around 15 years in age, had shoulder length black hair tied neatly in a ponytail and dressed in a matching stylish black suit. Leon still couldn't believe why he did that. It was only a mistake and he even apologized and cleaned his suit, but this man still slapped him. 

"What're you looking at? Keep your eyes low, you moron. How dare you stare back at me. This is the second time you bumped into me and you're still acting like you're some hotshot. Ignoring everyone around you while lost in your fantasy huh." The boy, whose name was Benjamin Korbil said. 

Benjamin was enjoying the magic show with his friends, when suddenly someone pushed him from behind, making him stumble onto the next guy and ruining his jacket. His friends were ready to beat up the boy who pushed him, but after looking at how it was just some random kid roaming around, he let it go. 

But now looking at that same kid he ignored once before, ruining his new suit that he just moments ago changed into again, he lost his cool.

 It was one thing to be ignorant to innocents but ignoring idiots again and again wasn't something he was fond of. 

"This is the second time you ruined my clothes, you poor trash. Do you even know how much they cost?" Benjamin said, looking at Leon from up and down. 

"I already apologized. Why'd you do that?" Leon said, anger dripping from his voice. 

"Apologize. Did you see Nexus, he apologized. Like hell would that do. Just because of you now I have to go through those security guards again. Pull through my storage artifacts and see if by some chance I have some clothes stored in them."

"This is the first time I met you. What're you talking about?" Leon said, in frustration. Clearly not remembering how when he jumped from the chair he nearly stumbled and had to hold the boy standing in front of him to stay straight. 

It wasn't his fault though, as Benjamin at that time was wearing a white colored suit, which he had to change due to him only. 

"He doesn't even remember you Ben. Guess he just ran off after pushing you last time." His friend, who was standing by the side, spoke, interfering Leon. "You pushed him on that magic show you moron. Do you remember now?"

"Ahhh." The words made Leon surprised, but after looking at Benjamin carefully he realized it was the same boy. "I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to." Leon said, thinking it was his fault. Though a little angry and a little unconvinced he didn't want to start any drama here. He still had to look for the princess and ask her to heal his mother. 

If his father saw him arguing or fighting, he'll have to leave this party and go home. He had no idea when he would get a chance like this again, so he really didn't want to ruin it. 


"Brother, what's fun about it?" Amelia asked, looking at her brother who was silently watching this scene. While eating some popcorn, which she had no idea where he got from. 

(Obviously Rio's eating popcorn. He already knew there was going to be a good drama. How can he miss this legendary scene of enjoying it from the sidelines. He would've brought melon seeds but he couldn't find them in the royal castle.) 

"Just watch, the real fun will start now." Rio said, passing her the popcorn, which she took without saying it twice.

 'This lazy brother is really acting all weird again. What's so interesting about seeing someone argue. Wait, don't tell me, did he get the habits of the old maids as Rebecca said.' Amelia remembered how Rebecca said one time, that old maids in the palace like to watch drama and gossip about it. 

"Tsk tsk brother _ " Amelia was about to joke and tease him about it, but stopped as Rio pulled his popcorns back and said "Stop thinking weird things and look there."

 "You're the weird one." Amelia said, as she loomed over the balcony and looked below, and what she saw was really surprising. 


In the hall, after giving his apology, Leon was just about to leave the area in a hurry, mixing with the crowd, when someone grabbed his shoulder from behind, and before he could do anything, he felt a punch on his face, which made him stumble and fall down. 

"So you were here, little rat. I've been looking everywhere for you." Lincoln said, smirking while looking at Leon. 

He was just about to give up thinking this guy went to the main hall, when he heard a commotion and came to see what was happening. 

And lo and behold, the first thing he sees is this rat trying to run away from someone again. I think you should take a look at

"Lincoln, did you find him?" Edward came running from behind, along with his other friends. They were all smiling upon seeing Leon, but their smiles stiffened when they heard someone speaking. 

"What're you doing here Lincoln? Do you know this idiot" Benjamin said. 

Hearing someone say his name, Lincoln looked around and only now did he notice his cousin brother standing there. Color drained from his face, seeing Benjamin and Nexus there. He wanted to speak but words couldn't leave his mouth, as he started stuttering. "Br Brother , I_ I was just.. "

"Ahh Benjamin. We were just looking for this boy. He picked a fight with us and then ran away. It was only luck that we found him here." Edward came forward and spoke, seeing that Lincoln wasn't able to. He was surprised for a second thinking that maybe Leon was with them, but then remembering what Leon's background was, and what kind of person Ben and Nexus were, he understood everything. So he just pushed the blame on Leon, while shielding Lincoln. 

"Is that true Lincoln?" Benjamin said, looking at Lincoln's face. One look at that red mark and how he couldn't meet his gaze, Benjamin got the whole picture in his head.

"Ye_ yes brother." Lincoln said, averting his eyes and turning around to hide his face. 

'Did this bastard get beaten by this bumpkin.' Benjamin thought in anger. He keeps this idiot around, thinking maybe he'll make a connection or two, which could later help him in future. But instead of doing that, this guy's fucking ruining their family name by picking fights and getting beaten by some idiots. That too in the Royal celebration, where every kid present was the offspring of someone important. It was like broadcasting to whole world that Korbil's are a pushover. 

"I'll talk to you later, Lincoln." Benjamin said in a cold tone, making Lincoln nervous. "But for now let's deal with this pest. Who doesn't know his status." He said, walking towards Leon who was still on the ground, surrounded by everyone. 

"Wh what do you want.?" Leon asked, as he backed away a little. "I already apologized to you. It was a mistake okay, and your brother picked the fight with me. I only punched him because…"

Looking at Leon openly talking about punching Lincoln, Benjamin gave a cold smile to him as he kicked his face. "Even if it was his fault as you said. He's still my brother, so YOU, don't get to touch him."

Benjamin bent down to Leon's level and said as he held his chin while slapping him lightly "Now if you want to walk out of this party, on your own two feet, I'd suggest you crawl over there and apologize to him."

Leon glared at both brother's in anger, blood leaking from his mouth. He just wanted to stop and get away, but his pride didn't allow him to crawl or act on these demands, he was sorry for his clothes and already apologized, but to Lincoln, he wasn't sorry and that was his rule. 

 "Your brother's a douche and he deserved that punch. I'm not saying sorry for something I have no remorse for. If he did the same thing again, I'll beat him again." Lincoln said. 

"You stupid trash. You really don't know your position do you? Do you think you have a choice. Apologize now or .. " Benjamin said and punched his face again. 

"You're both the same. ptooey" Unable to fight back, Leon spat on Benjamin's face. 

Benjamin touched his face, looking at the blood spit on his fingers, his anger rose to the highest of level. Looking at the kids around him, who were shocked at this development. He wanted to kill this bastard who insulted him like this. 

He was just about to use his mana and blast this bastard's brain out, when his friend Nexus came forward and stopped him, signaling towards some guards who were standing at the side. 

They were still watching it from the side without interfering, as it was just a normal fight and even if they went overboard, a low class healing potion would fix all physical wounds, but the second they used mana, things would be different. Royal guards from security would be informed, along with other personnel in the main hall who would come here, sensing the use of mana. 

Nexus held Leon's face and gave it a solid punch "That's for my friend. And that's for insulting everyone here."

"I _ let me go, you bastard." Leon muttered bearing through the pain, trying to free himself. His face was a little swollen now, which made it harder for him to speak. 

"Bastard, huh, Do you have any idea of who I am? Of who he is? I'll have your head on a pike in front of my gate, you dumb shit." Nexus said in anger, while signaling to Lincoln and Edward to hold this pest down, while he and Benjamin gave him a beating. 

"I'll teach you your manners today. You won't be going anywhere until you realize your mistake." He said, as they all started surrounding Leon. 


A/N - (eating melon seeds. Enjoying the show our protagonist puts up) who's coming to save him. Will it be some God who'll bless him, some heroine who'll pity him, or our villain who's bored. 


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