Life Of A Nobody - as a Villain

Chapter 123 Eisjer Domain And Gambling Houses

After looking around for a while, Rio still couldn't find the protagonist anywhere, so he just gave up on it. He'll just have to wait, and follow any drama that's happening, that's where protagonists always pop up anyway. Or maybe he'll just let it be and see if those heavens and fate or whatever really put him against the hero without him doing anything. 

While Rio was busy in his search, some people started flocking their table and were now conversing with his parents.

This was one thing that he liked about being a child, since he was a kid, he didn't need to talk much to anyone, others came introduced and got busy talking with his parents or Servirous. No one acted out or asked something that he wasn't comfortable in answering. 

Amelia from the beginning was silent on the table. After eating some snacks, she just started playing with a rubik's cube. She had probably solved it a dozen times, but she was trying out different methods and designs and timings, she could pull off. It had become her favorite game in the recent week or so. She probably just liked it cause neither Rio nor Rebecca were good at it. It was a game where she could beat them without even trying. 

Rio kept his focus on the people coming to meet them, but soon lost interest, as either they were people whom he had no idea about, or were people who were too polite and formal with everything. 

Though he's not sure if a person will have the same character progress as described in the novel, since the plot hasn't begun yet. Maybe some people are now good but later turns bad, due to something that happens in these 8 years. Or maybe some are now villains but later have character development before plot starts. Or maybe their futures have already been changed by some changes that he brought, like how he plans to change Bernhardt's character. It could be anything, so judging anyone based on that novel's information wasn't viable for him, so he just kept his words to the minimum, answered when asked and otherwise just sit in silent. 

This party also gave him the idea and clarified that he should have a large amount of information network in the empire. And also keep an eye on any changes that have been introduced. 

Like just now, Baron Misha was standing there, trying to introduce the profits he could bring with the new idea of introducing gambling games into the Gale Market of Harendale city. He had managed to aquire permission and resources from 2 of the 3 other Barons already. And with the majority in favor, he can start his business whenever he's ready. 

According to the plot, Rio knew Gale market was famous for its gambling houses and games, but he always thought it was due to some of Noah's visions, which gave Baron some business ideas. But it looks like he was wrong. Even with Noah's death, Baron was able to come up with plans that can ensure him profits. This birthday event also became the perfect stage for him to directly get in touch with many other influential people and get their investment or support. 

Aside from Baron Maismat's family, house Oswald and Heartwell have already given him their support. They agreed because the deals he proposed sounded good for them and they didn't have to risk much. All they had to do was to sell their products in Gale market instead of other cities. 

"So what do you think Duke Agnus? Sir Servirous, you also, can you tell me what are your thoughts on it?" Baron Misha asked, hoping to reel in the big fishes, his ambition and hunger palpable on his face as he hopefully boasted about making Gale the hub of gambling and attraction. 

His lies and tricks would've worked on those other barons, who sat alone in their mansions, living life peacefully, but in front of people sitting on this table, he was as easy to read as an open book. 

Agnus who lived his whole life on the battlefields, where in the face of death people show their real true colors, or in front of Servirous who is literally known among the wisest human in Schilla, or Artemis who had done her own investigation on the man, whom her son considered a threat after seeing his fate. 

So in front of them all his pretty lies and honey covered words were simply hiding the big black pile of shit that he'll create underneath. 

"Before I answer your question Baron, and you go on to explaining your games to us again, would you mind telling me what are your plans for increasing security in your city. All 4 Barons together manages only one city, and yet that same city has the most number of dungeon deaths in the past 5 years. And now instead of increasing the safety of your populace, or making their lives comfortable, you're here preaching about opening a gambling dan right in the middle of it." Servirous said, in his casual tone, while helping Amelia solve her puzzle, not even looking at the Baron who now had a flustered face. 

Getting his composure back, Misha started explaining some more "That is why I plan to increase the market value of Harendale city, sir Servirous. Once more people get attracted to the city, the earnings and profits could help the city prosper, while also giving us the much needed manpower to deploy more people in city guards and scouts."

"The only people your gambling games would attract would be thugs, lowlifes and rejects of the empire. And if you plan to put them in your city guards, well that can only increase the crime rate and danger to the general population more, instead of giving them a sense of security. Or am I wrong here." Agnus said, his voice laced with disappointment.

"You_ you aren't wrong, Duke Agnus. But people can always change, we can train them. Teach them discipline and have them sign mana contracts so they don't fall back to their old ways." Baron Misha replied. 

"So you plan on making them your slaves, is it? That sounds mighty noble of you Baron. I might as well have a talk with the King about it. He'll be happy to learn your new methods of hiring individuals." Agnus said in a cold voice, his expression clearly showcasing the disgust he now felt towards these so called nobles. 

"You're getting me wrong, Duke Agnus, that's not what I meant." Baron tried to come up with an excuse in a hurry, as sweat started forming on his back, hearing the cold tone.

Even though slavery wasn't banned and was happening all around the empire, didn't mean someone could force people to sign slave contracts, especially when the idea of slavery is being hated upon by general public as more time passes. I think you should take a look at

Even now, aside from Duke Belmont, all the other Dukes have openly rejected the idea of slaves on many occasions. Only house Belmont strictly believes in the saying of old age, that 'those lowborns without power, are simply born to serve others.'

But since the empire is too big, and every city has their own set of rules and laws, slavery is still legal. King could still announce any new law for everyone to follow, but why would he risk losing the support of Belmonts for some canon fodder peasants, who contribute nothing. 

"That is true, Duke Agnus. Even in Harendale we, from Heartwell family openly oppose the idea of slaves. I believe everyone should have free will and that their decisions should be their own. We would never force anyone. Those who're willing to join the adventurers or city guards, only those would be chosen." Seeing how, the talks weren't going anywhere, and how they misunderstood their intentions, Darren Heartwell, interevened. 

A momentary silence was on the table, as another Baron intervened and explained his points. It wasn't because of how right he was, but everyone was just staring at him, thinking the same thing - 'Does he know this already, or is he too dumb to actually believe these lies.'

'So he's the protagonist's father huh. As dumb and ignorantly righteous as his son I see, fools.' Rio thought looking at the man who spoke. 

He's the father of protagonist Leon Heartwell, Darren Heartwell, head of house Heartwell, Baron of Harendale city, tasked with managing the Eastern borders of the city, along with the Eisjer Domain. 

Looking at how everyone was silent, Dareen continued his words, "Sir Servirous we all know times are changing. Harendale is the least developed city compared to every other cities in the empire. It pains us too, but due to lack of resources and constant threats from Eisjer Domain, we lack the necessities that can help the normal people living there. This is why improving the city's infrastructure and making it one big market place for everyone to gather, could help increase the revenue and help us improve the lives of our people. The people depend on us and _ "

Darren was giving out his emotional speech about saving this and doing that, when Artemis' words cut him off and made him go silent. 

"I heard you were attacked some time ago by members of Evil's Scion, Baron Winston."

"Ahh yes. Don't worry Duchess, It wasn't anything serious." Misha said, a little annoyed by the topic. 

"I also heard, your youngest son lost his life in that incident. My condolences." Artemis informed him and started sipping on her wine again. 

"Of course lady Blake. Now I was saying that we could _ "

Misha started to speak, trying to get the topic back on track but Agnus cut him off saying -"If you need any help in hunting down those criminals, do contact us again, Baron."

The table was silent as it could be, and the Barons could clearly see, there was nothing else to discuss, as no one was willing to listen to them. So they said their goodbyes and left the table. 

Looking at them silently leaving, while holding down the anger and disrespect, a smile came to Rio's lips. Thinking how far had he changed the course of events just by giving a simple instruction to his shadow.

The house of Winston's which started the downfall of his family, and Heartwell's which looted everything he had -he simply stopped it all. 

His gaze turned towards the table where Belmonts were sitting and then towards the empty stage where Royals would sit, and a smirk came up his expression. 

Rio remained lost in his thoughts and plans, unaware of how the gazes of Artemis and Servirous were fixed upon him. What were they thinking, that's for the future me to say. 


A/N - Join my discord guys. And give reviews about what you liked and what you didn't. You're reading it daily, so why not just post a 5* review to motivate me a little too. 


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