Life Of A Nobody - as a Villain

Chapter 121 A Sweet

"I'm talking about your maternal grandfather." Agnus said, informing him about the head of Raven family and his father in law who came here. 

"Ahh that, wait, what. Grandpa Raven is here." Rio, who was first glad that it wasn't Samuel who came here, leaving behind everything. But then his brain stopped as he realized Samuel wasn't the only one he needed to worry about. 

"Yes. He's here, and he's been quite curious to meet you. Now let's go. He doesn't like to wait." Agnus said, and started walking towards the hall where Raven family was staying at. 

'What, curious to meet me, damn he must know all about my little escapades. There's no way anything is hidden from his eyes. Well at least he won't poke his skills at me like his daughter, so I don't have to worry about meeting him.'

'He's a wise character in the novel, so it's nice to meet him I guess.'

"What're you standing there for, let's go. Amelia's right, you really do zone out a lot these days." Agnus said, without even looking back. 

Disturbed from his thoughts by his words, Rio ran behind his father to catch up. While silently thinking that he should really change this weird habit of overthinking things too much. Or he might as well just end up being the loner he was in his past life. 

'I mean I have no problem being the loner, I quite like it. It's better than getting betrayed or being surrounded by annoying fools.. 

Hmm, thinking about annoying fools, it reminds me of that idiot, wonder how he's doing. I hope he doesn't go after that protagonist or '

"Sorry" Rio's thoughts were abruptly interrupted as he accidentally bumped into Agnus, who had been walking ahead and now came to a halt. 

He looked to the side and saw an old muscular man standing in front of Agnus. The man was someone Rio saw for the first time after coming to Arcadia, but from the man's looks which resembled a pirate with an eye patch or how his mother, Artemis, and aunt, Athena, were both standing behind him respectfully, he could guess the identity of the man. 

'So that's my grandfather huh. Servirous Raven.'

If that wasn't obvious enough for him to remember this guy, then the man was also carrying Amelia in his arms, who had her hands wrapped around this man's neck. 

 She started smiling from ear to ear, as she pulled out a big chocolate from the man's suit pocket and then started eating it. 

'Why's she smiling like that? Wait, is she trying to show off.' Rio thought as he saw Amelia making an expression like she just ate the best thing ever created. 

She might've exaggerated her expressions a little, but thinking it was something the head of the Raven family brought himself, it wouldn't be a lie, if that thing really was the best sweet created. 

'I swear, this girl and her sweets. I'll just wait when you come crying, saying brother my teeth's aching. And this time I'll ignore you and sleep. Let's see who smiles on who then.' 

Rio thought inwardly as he remembered how back on earth Ria would come crying, because she ate too many sweets, and her teeth would start to hurt whenever she would eat something cold.

She'd always wake everyone up in the middle of night, cause she'd have trouble sleeping with the pain and due to cold air hitting her face. 

The memories of earth brought a smile to his face. He didn't have a photographic memory or anything, over the years he had forgotten many things, many happy moments that he might've spent with her were erased. Maybe it was due to the passage of time, or maybe it was because he simply didn't want to remember them. 

But still some of them lingered in his head, they were too important and innocent for him to leave behind. And this was one of them. 

He remembered the nights when he would just stay awake with her watching some TV shows or playing some games on their father's phone, till they both fell asleep, or till someone else from their family woke up due to all the noise they made. 

Obviously he'd be the one getting an earful next morning as no one was willing to say anything to the lovely little Ria. 

He remembered how his father would change the password for his phone next day & she'd be the one telling it to him every time. 

'She really had everyone worried sick with those toothaches.' Rio thought as the nostalgia felt nice. 

'Wait, is toothache even a problem in this world, won't some healing pill or cleansing potion fix her teeth.' Rio's smile stiffened as he thought that he might as well say goodbye to this memory cause nothing like this would happen here. 

Looking at Amelia who was now sticking out her tongue, poking fun at him, an evil smirk came to his face as he thought. 

'Well since your sweets won't hurt you here, then he shall have his revenge by making her eat something spicy, that would make sure this little tongue of hers is burned red hahaha.'

Amelia narrowed her eyes at her brother, who now had a bad guy smile on his face, she felt a bad premonition, but she ignored it. She opened her mouth to take a big bite of her chocolate. I think you should take a look at

But due to having not been careful she accidentally ended up biting her own tongue. "Eeee" A light scream escaped her lips as she held her face in pain by instinct. This was another bad move which led to her chocolate falling to the ground.

The sight of Amelia's teary-eyed, angry, and sad expression was enough to stun everyone, while Rio had a big smile plastered across his face. Thinking if it was the effect of his 8 point of luck. 

Amelia looked at her empty hands and then at everyone around her, she still couldn't believe how she could be this unlucky. She was now regretting her decisions, she should have eaten it carefully or shouldn't have teased her brother by sticking her tongue. Now her new favorite toffee is gone. 

Rio's laughter brought her back to her senses, as he announced "This is karma."

 Some small tears started to form in her eyes looking at her brother laughing so happily at her. Getting down from the man's hands, she picked up her sweet toffee fallen on the ground, eating dirt on the carpet. She noticed some dirt stuck on it. Breaking her fantasy of using the 3 second rule as an excuse to her advantage. 

"Don't tell me you plan to eat that now lol" Rio said, unable to control his laughter. 

Amelia glared at her brother, and threw it on his face, "Eat what, you dummy, it's all your fault."

"How is it my fault? Who told you to flaunt in front of your big brother. It's called karma." Rio defended himself. 

"You _ you." Amelia said unable to come up with any argument, she turned around, while folding her hands on her chest. "I'm not talking to you now."

"Not that again." Rio said with a helpless tone. 

"It's your fault. Now don't talk to me." Amelia said, with a pouting expression. Pretending to be seriously upset. 

"Well, if you say so. I'll just give the sweets that grandpa brought for me to Erza then." Rio said. 

"What, no, really." Amelia asked, surprised. "Will you really give it to me?" She eagerly asked, hoping he'd say yes. However, her hopes were quickly dashed as Rio burst into laughter, unable to contain his amusement.

"Of course, not, silly." Rio chuckled and said. He narrowed his eyes mischievously, sticking his own tongue out in the same playful manner as her. 

The sight made Amelia fume in anger, Rio could even imagine some smoke leaving her head. "Aww, you thought I would just hand it over to you?" Rio continued, feigning disbelief, as he poked her head. 

Amelia slapped his hand away with a scoff. 

"Grandpa, do you have any more? Don't give it to brother, they're mine." Amelia asked, ignoring Rio completely, while going directly to the man who had them. Hoping to take them before they reach her brother's clutchy hands. 

She forgot her grandpa must have brought her more or some for her brother too, but now that she remembered it, she'll just take them from him, instead of asking her brother, who'll just laugh at her. 

"Here" The man spoke, and brought another toffee with the same color out and passed it to her, Amelia happily took it, while being careful this time not to drop it. She even took 2 steps back, so her brother won't just run and snatch it from her hands. 

"Aeihh why'd you give it to her. That was supposed to be mine." Rio said, unable to believe not only he lost the chance to try something new from Arcadia, but also now he gotta look at her face showing off again.

'She's even purposefully eating it slowly this time.' Rio thought, looking at Amelia. 

"Maybe because she greeted me first, instead of asking for gifts, my dear grandson." The man spoke, and flicked his head. Which was just a light touch but still a little painful. Rio could now feel a little bump there, as he massaged his head. 

It was only then that Rio remembered he was standing in front of his grandfather Servirous Raven. And everyone around him could simply laugh at his expressions as they watched him trying to greet him while stuttering. 


A/N - I know nothing happened here. It was a filler chapter, filled with, well just sweetness. But we go full throttle from tomorrow in the event and all the characters present in the celebration. 

I need some faceslapping suggestions, give em to me. Come to my discord if you have any questions or theories or suggestions :-



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