Life Of A Nobody - as a Villain

Chapter 107 Refusing The Engagement -2

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"Maybe I am, as the rumors say, a genius."

Maximus, seeing that Rio won't say anything, started speaking. After listening to all the downsides of this engagement from this mother-son pair, he decided to highlight the good parts. "You aren't wrong in what you said. But there are also positive sides to this engagement. The prosperity and peace we could bring in Schilla with the combined partnership of the Schott, Blake and Raven family would strengthen us all. Just one decision of yours could secure peace for the next 2 generations, isn't that reason alone enough."

Rio wanted to smirk hearing how the king said that this engagement will bring peace. He wanted to laugh thinking about all the chaos that ensues in the story just cause of Rebecca and his engagement. Aside from the usual drama, there were specific villains and events that only triggered cause of this damn engagement. 

But that was all going to be changed this very instant. He knew exactly what King's real motivations were, and that also gave him the solution about how to handle this matter. And so he continued their conversation. 

"There doesn't need to be another engagement or marriage between our families to start a partnership, your majesty. That can be achieved with dozens of different ways. I'm sure your majesty is already aware of more methods than me."

Maximus looked at him, understanding what Rio wanted to hint at. There have been rumors going around in the higher circle about how Blake family has been trying to release something that will simply take over the world. "Is it about the new business your family has been trying to set up?"

"It isn't a new business, since Genesis already owns a part of the potion industries." Rio clarified. 

"Hmm reports says it's something revolutionary that will turn over the tides once it releases. But they're all rumors with no guarantees yet." Maximus asked, hoping to get more details. 

"Don't you trust in something we made, your majesty? As for the rumors, they'll all be cleared once we are prepared to mass produce it and people actually use it. Schott family's reputation, Raven family's connections and Blake's product -doesn't that give out a vibe of shaking the whole world."

"You sound awfully sure of this potion you're speaking? Did your mother even let you near it?"

"I'm sure cause I know its effects better than anyone else. It's tried and tested on myself, so I don't need any other validation."

"Singular book potion." Maximus asked as he understood what he really meant. They were the only thing that can give out a reward big enough to shock the world. And according to the rumors and what Rio said, he was even more sure it would really bring about a storm. 

"It is. So what're your thoughts about this, your majesty."

"Well since you refuse to marry my daughter, maybe I'll have to make do with what I can get." Maximus replied. He already had plans to get more information about Blake's business and get them on his side. As Rio said the partnership is what mattered between all 3 families to him. If their benefits are aligned with each other, why would he need any other assurance? Obviously the marriage would've been more secured and personal, but there's always time for him to have them agree to it. And maybe get someone better than him for his daughter. 

He was about to turn around and leave, when he heard Rio's words and stopped. "I never said I refuse to marry her, your majesty. Both mother and I just feel this isn't the right time yet. Who knows what'll happen, one day in the future when we're both grown ups."

Maximus smiled, as he understood Rio's thoughts and why he said that "You really don't take any risks, do you, heir of the Blake's?"

"I just like to be prepared for everything. Why take risks when I can avoid them." Rio said. 

"That isn't the usual approach of someone from the Blake house. Your family is basically known for their risky behaviors." King said and smiled, remembering all the dumb dangerous decisions Blake family is known for. 

"Depends on the people and the situation they face, your majesty. My family takes risks because they can afford them. Me, I'm just a normal 10 year old kid, who's nothing without his family's name." Rio said, making Maximus smile at his attempt to act polite. 

"You seem anything but normal, Rio Raven Blake. It was nice talking with you."

"The pleasure's all mine, your majesty." Rio said, looking at King's disappearing figure. And continued his remaining sentence in his head. 'I hope you go and get me something good.'

'It's so easy talking to people when you just know what they really want from you. Makes the whole ordeal so easy to talk about.'


"What do you think about the kid?" Maximus asked, no one in particular, while walking down the hallways. He didn't have to wait long as he heard a voice in his head in response. 

"He doesn't want to marry your daughter. And is now trying to divert your attention. By saying he may marry her later, he's keeping himself safe from you and also open for any changes."

"I thought so too." King Maximus nodded, as the voice only said the same things he already figured out. 

"He's smart for his age, too smart I'd say. You should've listened to me and forged an alliance before he awakened. You made a mistake."

Maximus scoffed at the voice, the God might be right this time, but what was he supposed to do? Get her daughter tied to a guy who hasn't awakened yet. Who knew if the boy turned out to be dull and never awakened or failed. As the brat said, then breaking the engagement would've been much harder. "Had you informed me what your follower gods saw in their visions, I wouldn't be in this situation."

"You do not put demands on me mortal, you pray. And Gods don't need to interfere in your silly little games." The voice took an angry tone, demanding respect from its avatar who dared to blame him for his incompetence. 

The voice belonged to Indra- the God of rain & thunder, the God King of hindu mythology. Everyone familiar with any of the myths from Hindu legends knew Indra's love for his throne and how much he adored the position of power. That's why he chose Maximus as his avatar, because a King's favorite pawn should be a king too. By making this mortal into his puppet, Indra now indirectly had gotten the control of this whole empire. 

Maximus clicked his tongue hearing the haughty response to a normal question, had he simply told him about what he saw in that kid, that made him blabber all day about this marriage in his head, nothing like this would've happened. But these high and mighty Gods and their egos never allowed them to give out a free gift, and as a king himself the pride of Maximus didn't allow him to beg for it. 

"You never told me he had been surrounded by all the gods or why you all are paying so much attention to him." Maximus asked, remembering the amount of divine presence he could feel around the kid was shocking to say the least. 

"Isn't the fact that he's Nyx's minion enough of a reason. I've told you before mortal and I'll say it again, keep your eyes open and watch. The things closest to us are what we ignore." Indra finished his words and went silent, leaving king Maximus wondering about what he meant. 

"It doesn't matter. If not this guy, then I'll find someone else. The world doesn't revolve only around him." Maximus muttered in a bitter tone, if it was any other Duke's house or someone else, he could force them, trick them or play some games to have them agreed to it -but the Blake's and Raven's weren't something he wanted to antagonize just because the prick in his head said so. 

Ignoring the bad news he got and looking at the good side of things, Maximus remembered about the partnership the brat proposed and the rumors he heard about from his spies. 

"Something that can help people awaken, it really do might change the world and set out a storm. All the more reason to not force Blake's in a corner now." Maximus said, as he sat upon his throne.

He could ignore it now, but one day he will reverse the situations and at that time everyone of them would realise how big of a mistake they made refusing the king. 


A/N - so here it is, there goes the engagement. Boom avoided another death flag, but wait, is that all it takes so change one of the canon events . And what the hell would be the consequences of this action??? 


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