Life Changing System

Chapter 42 Aid

“M… Master! Miss… Miss Li has left home. She said she would run away from home and never return again!”

The panicked statement from the butler, who had run into the living room, made Li Cong Tian and his wife change their expressions. Both of them stood up from the sofa instantly.

“Butler Zhang, what did you say?” Li Cong Tian looked extremely serious at the moment. He asked this question, wondering if he had misheard.

Butler Zhang was short of breath when he responded, “Miss has left the house, sir. The others and I tried to stop her, but it was too late. She left in a taxi.”

“Cong Tian...”

The face of Li Cong Tian’s wife went as pale as a sheet. She whispered hoarsely.

“Say no more. Send someone to get her back!” Li Cong Tian said. His facial expression was not very good right now.

He had never thought that his daughter would run away from home without saying where she was going like this.

But he knew that she had done this because she did not want to get engaged to Xi Dong.

“Yes, sir!” Butler Zhang did not wait around; he ran out of the living room immediately.

After Butler Chang had left, Li Cong Tian slumped onto the sofa, his facial expression still not very good. Li Cong Tian let out a sigh before looking at his wife, whose face was ridden with anxiety.

“Don’t worry. They’ll bring Little Lin back.”

His wife did not say anything. She only sat herself next to him with a worried expression.


Bai Chen got back to Xing Xiang Park in the afternoon, with Long Xu In driving him to the place.

She then drove back after dropping him off there. But before she left, Long Xu In did not forget to warn him again that he should not be late tomorrow, to which he could only say yes.

When he arrived at the park, Bai Chen walked over to where he had parked his bicycle to ride it home.

He had a paper bag in his hands. Inside was, of course, a three-piece suit that Long Xu In had bought for him at Xing Yuan Department Store.

Bai Chen felt that he was slightly in her debt. Long Xu In had not only bought him a suit that cost over 2,000 yuan, but she’d also treated him to a meal.

He could only think that if she asked for any more help in the future, he would help her to the best of his ability.

Bai Chen walked to his bicycle which was under a tree, put the bag in the front basket, and hopped on.

He then rode away from the park.

The afternoon sky was not very sunny today, making it quite a lovely day. Bai Chen did not cycle very fast. He was slowly pedalling, taking in the pure air.

However, the boy did not take long to arrive at Xing Seng Business District. He arrived at the entrance and was about to go in.

It was then that Bai Chen saw a girl standing gloomily under a tree to the side.

He had to hit the brakes to stop the bicycle. Bai Chen looked at the girl, who was standing there—she was not very tall and had a cute, doll-like face—and immediately recognised that it was Li Lin.

“Li Lin,” Bai Chen shouted. “What are you doing?”

Having heard his shout, Li Lin, who was in a grey dress, looked up. She stared at the person calling out and quickly ran over to him.

“Bai Chen.”

​ “What are you doing here?” Bai Chen asked her. When he took a closer look, Bai Chen saw that the rims of her eyes were red and swollen. Adding that to the sadness apparent on her face, it was obvious that she had cried.

Li Lin did not answer him. She only lowered her head, not knowing why she was here. When she chose to run away, Bai Chen was the first person she thought of.

It could be because she was thinking of him, which was why she was standing under the tree near Xing Seng Business District, where his house was.

When he saw that Li Lin did not reply, Bai Chen shook his head a little and sighed. He thought that she must have found herself in some sort of trouble.

“Hop on,” he said.

Li Lin did not say anything. She looked down but still chose to get on the back seat of Bai Chen’s bicycle. She used both of her hands to grab his t-shirt.

When Li Lin had taken a seat on his bicycle, Bai Chen pedaled away without asking her a thing. He thought that she would tell him if she wanted to.

The only thing he could do was to offer her help.

This was because she was the person he was starting to like. He even thought of asking her to become his girlfriend and to develop the relationship to the point of getting married. That was the plan after he got rid of Wang Chenye and the Wang family.

“Holy cow! Bai Chen’s taking a girl home today!”

“Party! Let’s throw a party. This is the first time Chen has brought a girl home!”

“Yes, yes, let’s close the whole district down and throw a party!”

Loud teasing echoed as he cycled past. His face had the expression of someone who did not know whether to laugh or cry.

But in his heart, he felt warmth. The people in the Xing Seng Business District were like this. This atmosphere made him happy from the bottom of his heart.

Li Lin lowered her head, blushing unknowingly. She had never thought that people in the district would shout things like this.

Her tiny heart raced as she heard what they yelled.

Li Lin was not sure what she thought of Bai Chen right now. But at least she knew that when she was with him, she felt truly relaxed. She felt different from the times before when all she did was hate him.

“We’re here,” Bai Chen said, going to the parking area to the side of his house.

Li Lin looked up and got off the bike. She stared at him, not knowing what to say.

Bai Chen got off and parked his bike.

End of Chapter 42


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