Library of Heaven's Path

Chapter 2171 - Unqualified

Chapter 2171 Unqualified

“Of course, I am participating in the competition as well!” Zhang Xuan replied with a smile.

His main purpose there was to win the right to use the Great Displacement Teleportation Formation. He could not allow the opportunity right before his eyes to slip through his fingers just like that.

“Alright then...” Hearing that response, Qi Ling-er stepped forward and declared, “Our Young Master intends to participate in the selection as well!”

Her voice was resounding and authoritative, and it immediately drew gazes onto her.

“Lady Ling-er, you...”

On the stage, Physician Wang Qing looked at her doubtfully.

As the principal physician of the Qi Clan, he was well aware of the shuffling of power that had happened in the Qi Clan recently. He had also met Qi Ling-er several times, and he knew just how highly regarded she was at the moment.

So, who could the Young Master that she spoke of possibly be? Could she be referring to the few more famous geniuses of the Qi Clan? But he had watched the younger generations of the Qi Clan as they grew up, and he did not know any of them to be proficient in medicine!

So, he could not help but be a bit baffled by the current situation. He looked around the room, but there did not seem to be anyone else from the Qi Clan around.

“May I know who the Young Master you speak of refers to?” Physician Wang Qing asked.

“It’s none other than Young Master Zhang Xuan!” Qi Ling-er replied.

“Zhang Xuan?”

“Could she be referring to the person who created the Breakthrough Pill?”

“Wait, that young man beside her is Zhang Xuan, right? I was there for the event, so I’m pretty sure he looks like that!”

“You’re right! That young man is indeed Zhang Xuan! But... isn’t he an apothecary? Why would he suddenly come here to participate in our selection? Though physicians and apothecaries deal with medicinal herbs, they are two completely different occupations!”

“But if you think about it, the Breakthrough Pill and Beauty Pill have the ability to heal internal trauma. He might be knowledgeable about the Way of Medicine too!”

Due to the widespread fame of the Beauty Pill and Breakthrough Pill, there was nearly no one in Royal City who had not heard of Zhang Xuan anymore. Of course, this included the Physician Guild.

They were full of respect toward the young man who managed to create such a miraculous pill... but as an apothecary, why would he be participating in the Physician Guild’s selection event instead of the Apothecary Guild’s?

“Are you a physician?” Sun Xuan asked with a frown.

Zhang Xuan nodded in response. “I have read quite a few books relating to the Way of Medicine and treated a few patients.”

“Do you have a physician qualification?” Sun Xuan asked.

“I haven’t had chance to take the examination yet,” Zhang Xuan replied.

He was a 9-star physician back at the Master Teacher Pavilion, but of course, such an identity would not be recognized in the Firmament.

“Young Master Zhang, I am in awe of your abilities as an apothecary, but I feel like you might be looking down on our Physician Guild. How can someone who doesn’t even have a physician license represent us? Are you mocking our Physician Guild for being inept, such that we need an apothecary to face our battles for us?__ Sun Xuan swung his hand backward in displeasure.

“Guild Leader Sun, that’s not my intention,” Zhang Xuan replied with a frown. “I know that my words lack credibility as I don’t have a physician license at the moment, but I am confident in my skills as a physician. If that’s the issue, I am fine with taking the examination for the license right now. I believe that it won’t take too long for me.”

“You want to take the examination right now? I know that I might sound a little harsh when I say this, but do you think that I’ll trust someone who has just obtained the physician license to represent our Physician Guild?” Sun Xuan’s face was livid.

“Most of our physicians here have been in practice for decades now, and from their record thus far, we know that we can trust in their skills. They are prepared for this fight. Even if you are skilled in the Way of Medicine as you claim, I’m afraid that I can’t allow you to participate on the spur of a moment. Please try again next time.”

“Apothecary Zhang, we respect you for bringing the Beauty Pill and the Breakthrough Pill to this world, but being a physician is very different from being an apothecary. The knowledge between the two occupations isn’t fully transferrable!”

“If you make a mistake in forging a pill, you can still try again with a new set of medicinal herbs. However, if you make a mistake with a patient, that’s a life potentially lost! You can’t simply hit the reset button and try again!”

“We appreciate your eagerness in helping us defeat those from the Sky of Cloud Dragon, but you aren’t the person we are looking for...”

“Just concentrate on your pill forging, alright? Don’t come to our Physician Guild to cause a mess...”

Physician Wang Qing and a few others also stepped forward to dissuade Zhang Xuan from his decision.

Zhang Xuan was at a loss for words.

What Guild Leader Sun Xuan said made perfect sense. This battle concerned the reputation of the Sky of Drifting Specters. Even if he cleared the physician examination and proved his capabilities, it would still be hard for him to build up credence among the other physicians. The other physicians had a huge track record behind them whereas he had nearly nothing.

From their perspective, they would be taking a huge risk by nominating him.

“Pardon me for interrupting you. I’ll take my leave...” Zhang Xuan shook his head and walked out.

Qi Ling-er was left dumbfounded for a moment before she quickly left the Physician Guild as well to catch up with Zhang Xuan. With an incredulous voice, she asked, “Young Master Zhang, do you really not have a physician license?”

It was ridiculous that he would go all the way to the Physician Guild in hopes of earning the rights to use the Great Displacement Teleportation Formation when he did not even have a physician license...

Just how much confidence did he have in himself to attempt something like that?

Zhang Xuan shook his head in response.

Qi Ling-er closed her eyes and exhaled deeply before asking, “What do you intend to do now?”

Physicians were not like any other occupation; they dealt with lives!

Even if he wanted to participate in the Physician Tournament, it was doubtful if the patient would allow someone who did not have a physician license to treat him.

With these considerations in mind, he decided that it was impossible for him to get permission to use the Great Displacement Teleportation Formation from the Physician Guild, which was also why he had left without saying too much.

“Let’s put that aside for the time being. You mentioned that on top of reaching the top of an occupation, I must get into the top thirty on the Board of Potential God Kings, right?”

Given the current circumstances surroundings the Physician Guild, it was likely that he would be disallowed from attending the Physician Tournament. As a humble, low-profile person, he would not do something as atrocious as challenging an entire guild.

Of course, if he had done anything similar to that in the past, it was due to the folly of his youth. He was a different man now!

Anyway, he had no intention of making the Physician Guild his enemy. Since that was the case, he might as well focus on the other requirement first.

“Yes. Each of the Nine Skies has its individual Board of Potential God Kings. You just have to get into the top thirty for one of them,” Qi Ling-er explained. “The procedures for getting onto the board aren’t too complicated. You just have to find someone within the top thirty, challenge them to a battle, and defeat them in an open battle. Of course, the rules of the duel have to be supervised by the Overseers of the Board, the Free Knights of the Sky of Freedom.”

“The Free Knights?”

“That’s right. The Boards of Potential God Kings of the Nine Skies are moderated by the Free Knights of the Sky of Freedom. The Free Knights is a group made up entirely of God Kings, and their eye of discernment far surpasses that of ordinary God Kings. It’s said that they are able to accurately gauge a person’s ranking on the board through the strength they display in a duel.”

Zhang Xuan nodded in response.

Was that not the same as the Guinness World Records in his previous world?

The key to becoming a record holder was not about one’s capabilities but the extent to which one was able to display one’s capabilities before the judge!

In any case, it was unlikely for anyone to object to the fairness of the Board of Potential God Kings when it was moderated by a neutral group of God Kings.

“Where can I find the Free Knights? Are they around Drifting Specter Royal City?” Zhang Xuan asked.

It would really be a load of trouble if he had to go all the way to the Sky of Freedom just to get his strength assessed. “They should be in the Netherworld Palace right now. Qi Yue is currently getting tested by them,” Qi Ling-er said.

“Is that so? Let’s head over to take a look then!” Zhang Xuan said.

“Young Master Zhang, which rank are you aiming for? Shall I compile the information of the current top thirty rankers for you?”

Seeing how quickly Zhang Xuan had come to a decision, Qi Ling-er felt a little speechless.

He always acted in such a manner, diving into all sorts of things without the slightest hint of worry or anxiety. With how lightly he was taking everything, she could not help but feel worried on his behalf.

The opponent that you are going to face isn’t going to be any ordinary cultivator. Those who are able to get into the Board of Potential God Kings are geniuses who have undergone hundreds of battles.

If they could be defeated easily, they would have already dropped out of the list by now!

To dash over there without the slightest preparation...

That’s just blind recklessness!

“It’s fine. It would be too troublesome to gather information on them. Let’s just find a Free Knight and have him send a challenge letter to those who are in the vicinity. I’ll just fight with the person who is closest to us!” Zhang Xuan replied.

It did not matter to him who his opponent was.

While he did not have a clear gauge of his current fighting prowess, he was confident of defeating any Celestial Gods with his current strength.

His physical body, after being tempered by the Lucid Lunar Lake, had become resilient enough to withstand any attack from a high-tier Celestial God, and his Pathos of Heaven was far superior to any other cultivation technique in the Firmament. There was no way he would be defeated by any other high-tier Celestial God.

Admittedly, his soul cultivation was a little weaker at the moment, but that would not pose much of a problem!

You are going to challenge everyone in the vicinity?” Qi Ling-er’s lips twitched.

As expected of someone who had the bloodline of a God Monarch, he sure was domineering!

In any case, those words probably meant that he was confident in defeating any opponent that had not reached God King yet. Since that was the case, her worry was probably unfounded.

The Netherworld Palace was more crowded than it was on usual days, but somehow, a tense atmosphere could be felt in the air.

Qi Yue was among the crowd as well.

“I am a cultivator who is within the top thirty of the Sky of Cloud Dragon’s Board of Potential God King. I was invited here by the Sky of Drifting Specter’s Physician Guild to trade insights regarding the Way of Medicine.

“Since the Physician Guild isn’t ready to receive us yet, I am quite free at the moment. Thus, I came over here out of curiosity to see how strong those who are in the ranking board of the Sky of Drifting Specter are. I am really interested to see how your cultivators compare to us from the Sky of Cloud Dragon. So, may I know if there’s anyone here who’s willing to face me in a battle?”

A white-robed young man looked at the crowd around him with his hands behind his back. There were two dragon horns peeking out from his forehead, gleaming with a golden luminescence. While the horns were not too long, they stood out quite a bit.


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