Library of Heaven’s Path 2: Eternal Destiny

Chapter 37: Still Absorbing

Chapter 37: Still Absorbing

"Another 'not recorded'? Could it be... that he's still not on stage?" Seeing these words, Lu Mingrong, Wu Yunzhou, and the others were all stunned, full of disbelief.

This time, they had replaced two thousand five hundred people, and combined with those who had participated in the assessment last time, it was close to six thousand.

Almost everyone in White Roc City with any cultivation talent had been covered, yet they still hadn't found the genius...

Were their eyes really that blind, or was the other party hiding too well?

The most crucial thing was... ‘You’re a genius, not a wanted criminal. Why be so secretive and cautious?’

Speechless, Lu Mingrong looked down at the stage. The young faces all had their eyes closed, trying to communicate with the scattered Heaven's Fate Energy...

After watching for a while, he shook his head. It was impossible to identify who it was just by observing like this.

"Eight streams? Is this the genius you're looking for?"

Yu Longqing, having seen the same words, couldn't help but look over.

Absorbing eight streams of Heaven's Fate Energy for a Sixth Grade Source Pool, although talented, still appeared frequently in annual selections. However, doing so while sitting outside the Nine Dragon Pillars in such a short time was hard to believe.

After all, the most talented Mo Yanxue hadn't succeeded even once...

"It should be..." Lu Mingrong nodded.

In theory, the Source Pool assessment was the process of consolidating the Source Pool. Once it was fully formed, continuing to absorb would not cause any changes in the Nine Dragon Pillars. This was why Mo Yanxue and Yu Xiaoyu, who had absorbed Heaven's Fate Energy in the library, didn't integrate it into their Source Pools.

Yesterday, the genius had caused the Destiny Disk to shatter while absorbing Heaven's Fate Energy. Lu Mingrong believed the person hadn't reached their limit, which was why he postponed the assessment to today to see if the genius could continue absorbing.

Unexpectedly, he could!

And he did it so quickly!

"Eight streams shouldn't be his limit. Rather, it's... the speed at which the Nine Dragon Pillars disperse energy!" Not far away, Ran Qingxu smiled wryly.

"That..." Everyone was taken aback but then found it quite reasonable.

The Nine Dragon Pillars had the function of blocking Source Energy. Under normal circumstances, dispersing eight streams in such a short time was indeed the limit. It meant that as soon as a stream was released, it was absorbed by this guy, leaving nothing for others...

This was like licking the plate clean!

Thinking of this, they couldn't help but look at the others on stage. They were all desperately trying to find energy, their faces turning red, and some were even about to faint from overexertion, yet they hadn't found a single bit...


Ran Qingxu and the others all had their eyelids twitching.

With nothing left, no matter how hard they searched, it was futile!

"Dean..." Ran Qingxu couldn't help but look over.

Knowing that they couldn't find this genius if things continued this way, Lu Mingrong waved his hand.


Just like last time, the Nine Dragon Pillars made slight adjustments, and pure streams of Heaven's Fate Energy immediately flowed out.


At the same time, Mo Yanxue's name finally stopped flashing and became fully visible.

Name: Mo Yanxue.

Refined: One stream.

The eldest daughter of the Mo family had finally completed her first absorption into the Source Pool.

Not only her, but another pillar also shone as Yu Xiaoyu's name slowly emerged.

The talents of the two were quite similar, showing an even competition.

After more than ten breaths, Liu Mingyue and others' names gradually appeared, while the "not recorded" entry from earlier remained silent, as if eight streams were the limit.

"Could it be... that's it?"

After being stunned for a moment, Lu Mingrong nodded slowly. "Well, no matter how talented, there has to be a limit..."

Last time, he absorbed nearly ten thousand streams. Even if it was fewer this time, he expected it to be hundreds or thousands. It seemed he had overestimated the other party.

Everyone has a limit, even geniuses.

However, if he stopped absorbing, finding him again would be difficult!

While he was troubled, Yu Longqing said nothing. Instead, he looked at the inconspicuous Zhang Xuan in the crowd.

If his guess was correct, closely watching this guy would surely reveal some clues.

At this moment, Zhang Xuan was not like the others, closing his eyes to search for Heaven's Fate Energy. Instead, he quietly opened one eye and cautiously observed his surroundings. Confirming that no one was paying attention to him, he sighed in relief.

"Looks like it's the same as last time. Just absorb as much as I can..."

With thousands of people around, it was easy to hide. As long as he wasn’t discovered, he could continue to keep a low profile.

Thinking this, he closed his eyes, focused his mind, and started absorbing the Heaven's Fate Energy floating in the air again.

"Wow, so much? If I absorb it all, no one should notice..."

After just a short while, Zhang Xuan felt excited. With only seven or eight streams of Source Energy, absorbing them cleanly could easily be detected. But with this much, he could do so freely.

Boom! Boom!

As he increased his absorption speed, giant pillars rose at the edges of the space, expanding the "Xuan World" by nearly ten times in just a few minutes.

Unlike yesterday's library absorption, the speed was even faster. Each stream of Heaven's Fate Energy merged directly without needing to be refined.

This was amazing!

"Oh, right, there's the Library of Heaven's Path too..."

Not wanting to favor one over the other, he quickly condensed books into physical forms, which floated in mid-air.

"What the..."

As he sped up his absorption, Yu Longqing, who had been watching him closely, suddenly had a gleam in his eyes. His fist under his sleeve clenched involuntarily.

Although Zhang Xuan was absorbing the energy discreetly, Yu Longqing had locked onto him from the start. Given his strength at the eighth level of the Source Pool Realm “Divine Soul” and his powerful spirit, he noticed something was off.

In his view, the Heaven's Fate Energy in the air was rushing into Zhang Xuan like water pouring through an open floodgate, disappearing into him as if into a bottomless pit, with no end in sight.

"How can this be?"

His face paled as he looked at the Nine Dragon Pillars.

He had thought that even if Zhang Xuan was a genius, he might absorb at most 32 or 64 streams. But at this rate, 128 or 256 streams didn't seem out of the question!

No wonder his two thousand plus streams of Heaven's Fate Energy vanished in an instant yesterday... Even ten more Spirit Source Bamboos wouldn't be enough for such a devouring monster!

"No, such a genius can only be used by me. I can't let Lu Mingrong discover him!"

Seeing that the Nine Dragon Pillars hadn't yet displayed Zhang Xuan's exact quantity, as if there was some delay, Yu Longqing's heart pounded with excitement.

If it were just an ordinary genius, it wouldn't matter where he trained. As long as he was in White Roc City, Yu Longqing would gain supreme honor. But this groom was simply too extraordinary!

He was likely a First Grade Source Pool, possibly even a Saint Grade Source Pool!

If he could recruit him into the City Lord's Mansion, once he soared, even the smallest reward would be immense and inexhaustible.

As he was contemplating how to help Zhang Xuan hide from the academy elders, he heard Elder Wu Liuyun's excited voice.

"Look, that guy is at it again..."

Yu Longqing quickly looked up and saw that the number on the northernmost Nine Dragon Pillar had suddenly jumped from "eight streams" to "one hundred fifty-five" in an instant, and it was still rapidly increasing.

Two hundred!

Four hundred!

Six hundred...

While others absorbed the energy stream by stream, this guy seemed to be on steroids, with each jump increasing by two hundred streams...

"He really can keep absorbing. Where on earth is this genius..."

Seeing this, Dean Lu Mingrong stood up abruptly in excitement and instinctively looked towards the northern part of the stage. Suddenly, his eyes landed on Zhang Xuan.


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