Library of Heaven’s Path 2: Eternal Destiny

Chapter 34: New World

Chapter 34: New World

Brothels were also common in the Source World. The girls there had tragic stories: a gambling father, a sick mother, a brother in school, and a broken self…

Many righteous heroes gathered there, generously offering money to save people from difficult situations.

Yu Longqing, too, had done many chivalrous deeds in his youth, even taking the most destitute of these girls as his concubine.

You might think this young man was using various methods to solve his identity issues to become stronger. But as soon as he stepped out, he was "generously giving money and acting heroically"… The contrast was too great.

Was he too desperate?

Could this be why he bonded with Source Beasts?… Did he have an intense animalistic nature within him?

“That’s not the reason…”

Guessing the City Lord’s confusion, Hu Haiming quickly explained with embarrassment, “He disappeared outside the brothel but didn’t enter. When I realized he was missing, I rushed inside to search and asked the madam, but she said he never entered. It felt like he just vanished into thin air!”

“Disappeared in an instant, without you, a Body Tempering expert, noticing…”

City Lord Yu frowned.

If he had suspected something was off about this guy before, he was now almost certain.

Without any cultivation, he could detect and easily shake off a Body Tempering expert’s tracking. Even Yu himself would find it difficult.

After a moment's hesitation, Hu Haiming clasped his fists, “City Lord, should we deploy the guards to search the entire city?”

“No need!”

Yu Longqing shook his head. “He hasn’t done anything wrong or illegal. Searching the whole city would be like capturing him, which isn’t right.”

They only suspected he had absorbed Heaven’s Fate Energy without evidence. No need to make a big deal out of it.

Besides, even if it was his doing, it was Yu who let him stay in the library. If it was absorbed, he couldn’t blame anyone else.

“You may leave now!”

Yu Longqing waved his hand. After Hu Haiming left, his eyes flashed, and he squinted, “We’ll find out tomorrow! As long as this guy goes to White Rock Academy for the Source Pool Assessment, I’ll be there to see for myself…”

Thousands of people absorbing Heaven’s Fate Energy at the same time would be hard to detect, but it would be easy if they focused on a single target from the start.

‘Let’s see how you stay low-key then!’

"Did I do something wrong...?"

In a small alley not far from the City Lord's Mansion, Zhang Xuan rubbed his chin, full of doubt.

Ever since entering the City Lord's Mansion, he had kept a low profile, focusing only on beast taming. He behaved cautiously, fearing others might notice something.

By all accounts, his actions should have been perfect. How did he get tracked as soon as he left? And by a captain from the City Lord's Mansion, no less!

‘Something wasn't right!’

‘Being low-key was really hard... even if I tried my best!’

With a sigh, Zhang Xuan thought long and hard but couldn't figure out what went wrong.

He shook his head and decided to let it go. "Never mind. First, I'll find a place to stay and think about how to cultivate. Everything else can wait..."

Knowing the City Lord had no ill intentions was comforting. After all, if there had been any malicious intent, given his current state, he wouldn't have left alive.

Gambling continuously, he had earned some money from Mo Yanxue and Yu Xiaoyu. Although it wasn't much, it was enough for food and lodging for a short while. Soon, he found a quiet room for cultivation and moved in.

Hotels were still somewhat expensive; a quiet room would be about half the cost.

To think that a Lord of a World would now be counting every penny... It was quite a pathetic thought.

After eating the buns he had bought, Zhang Xuan checked around to ensure no one was following or had noticed him. Only then did he sit cross-legged. The next moment, he vanished from the room as if he had never been there.

When he reappeared, he was floating above a vast landscape. Surrounding him were countless dense trees, various spiritual beasts moving back and forth, and birds flying, all in a harmonious scene.

This was his self-created New World!

The Library of Heaven's Path he was currently using was the Heaven's Path of this world. The mountains and oceans where he had killed Su Shang and tamed the Cangback Eagle originated from here.

This was a universe he had created, and he could come here with just a thought.

He looked up.

Above the New World, at an unknown height, was a pitch-black area with numerous blue-gray streams swirling like tornadoes. Below, yellowish-brown streams flickered, forming mountains, rivers, and various vegetation.

The blue-gray streams were Source Energy absorbed from the Source World, while the yellowish-brown streams were his means of creation.

The entire New World was derived from Source Energy.

The reason he had ventured into the Source World was that a few days ago, while the New World was absorbing Source Energy, there was turbulence. This caused the streams to become chaotic and nearly led to the collapse of Heaven's Path in this world. Even he was seriously injured and had not yet fully recovered.

"Back then, the Heaven's Path of the Firmament collapsed because of an issue in the Source World. A hand suddenly emerged and split Heaven's Path into three parts, which Kong Shi, Nie Lingxi, and I each took a part of..."

Recalling what Nie Yun had told him, Zhang Xuan's expression turned serious.

He did not want to face the same crisis. Despite being a lord of a world, his life and death were still not under his control.

With a flip of his wrist, a book appeared before him.

It was the book containing Heaven's Fate Energy.


As Heaven's Fate Energy appeared in the New World, it instantly triggered a massive tornado spanning thousands of miles. The immense power it radiated caused mountains to collapse upon contact, unable to withstand even a fraction of a second. The enormous force obscured the sun and moon in the sky.

Zhang Xuan trembled.

As expected of Heaven's Fate Energy, it far surpassed what the New World could endure.


With a thought, he closed the book, reabsorbing the Heaven's Fate Energy. Gently tapping it, the book fell to the ground and transformed into a mountain with a diameter of several thousand miles.

However, this mountain was barren. There were no plants, no soil, not even springs—just a huge rock.

Zhang Xuan frowned.

As the creator of his world, he naturally knew how to create all things from Source Energy. Normally, Source Energy, nourished by yellowish-brown energy, could instantly generate mountains with rocks, trees, flowers, mineral veins, and springs.

But this time, it only produced a single massive rock, which seemed strange.

After hesitating, he threw out another book, which turned into a vast river spanning tens of thousands of miles. But this water had no plants, fish, or even microorganisms.

"Heaven's Fate Energy can create any object but lacks creativity. Once used, it can only produce a single type of object..."

After studying it for a while, Zhang Xuan understood.

Everything in the world complements each other. Purity has its advantages and disadvantages.

Just like the highly purified silicon wafers in his previous life, which could achieve 13 nines of purity but lost the diversity and plasticity of alloys.

It seemed that while Heaven's Fate Energy could build a bridge between the Library of Heaven's Path and the Source World, it couldn't sustain the operation of the New World. The best choice for strengthening and stabilizing this world was still the rampant Source Energy.

"The Heaven's Path Pool Seeking Method has always failed to find a Source Pool... What if I use the New World as a Source Pool? Would that work?"

Suddenly, an idea struck him, causing Zhang Xuan to tremble.


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