Library of Heaven’s Path 2: Eternal Destiny

Chapter 32: Heaven’s Path Source Pool Method

Chapter 32 Heaven’s Path Source Pool Method


His eyelids twitched as Yu Longqing felt a sudden darkness overwhelm his vision, nearly causing him to faint on the spot.

This Spirit Source Bamboo was meant to help him reach a higher realm, but purifying the source energy completely depleted it...

It was like refining gold dust, only to throw the golden Buddha into the furnace and turn it into waste slag...

Over three hundred leaves, more than 2400 strands of Heaven‘s Fate Energy...

Even with his level of strength, absorbing so much energy at once would be nearly impossible without risking a violent rupture.

However, his heart had already shattered, and it was the kind that would be difficult to mend...

"I'll go check..."

Despite his frustration, Yu Longqing still rushed out.

The quiet room was located at the top of the library, just a short descent away. In mere breaths, he found Yu Xiaoyu and Mo Yanxue, the two girls.

At this moment, they were sitting cross-legged on cushions. Seeing the top expert of White Roc City rushing in anxiously, both pairs of eyes looked up simultaneously.

"Dad, Xue'er and I are ready. We can begin!"

Smiling slightly, Yu Xiaoyu turned to Mo Yanxue, "Xue'er, when you absorb the Heaven‘s Fate Energy later, make sure not to let it flow into the Source Pool, or we won't be able to assess it tomorrow!"

Mo Yanxue nodded, "Don't worry, I know that much."


Yu Xiaoyu nodded, "Let's train well today, so we can stand out tomorrow..."

Seeing his daughter get more excited, Yu Longqing felt himself reaching his limit and couldn't help but say, "You mean... you haven't started yet?"

"We haven't felt the Heaven‘s Fate Energy yet, so of course, we haven't started!"

Yu Xiaoyu looked puzzled.


Yu Longqing swayed.

‘The entire Spirit Source Bamboo had been depleted from purifying the source energy, and over 2400 strands of Heaven‘s Fate Energy had descended... and you say you haven't started?’

So where did all that Heaven‘s Fate Energy go?

Hurriedly, he turned to survey the surroundings.

The room was filled with rampant source energy, but the purified Heaven‘s Fate Energy was nowhere to be found, as if everything he had generated with the formation had simply vanished.

"Dad, don't worry. Xue'er and I absorbed some Heaven‘s Fate Energy at the academy today. We'll be fine..."

Thinking her father was worried about them, Yu Xiaoyu quickly reassured him.

Yu Longqing: "I..."

This wasn't a matter of worry! It was like the house had been raided, and he had no idea how!

"City Lord Yu, is purifying the Heaven‘s Fate Energy very troublesome? If it's too much trouble, I won't disturb you..."

Noticing his odd behavior, Mo Yanxue asked.

"It's not too troublesome, just a bit of an issue..."

Yu Longqing looked over, "Just now... you're sure you didn't notice anything unusual, right?"


Yu Xiaoyu nodded.

Glancing at Mo Yanxue, seeing the same expression, Yu Longqing couldn't help but look around the library.

The spacious room was so quiet you could hear a pin drop, except for the sound of pages turning in the corner. Looking up, he saw Zhang Xuan staring at a book in front of him, turning the pages slowly, his movements seeming a bit stiff and unnatural.

"Could it be him?"

A thought popped into his head, causing Yu Longqing's eyebrows to rise.

There were only three people in the entire library. Since his daughter and Mo Yanxue hadn't noticed the Heaven‘s Fate Energy, could it be that this young man had absorbed it all?

Zhang Xuan, unaware that he was being suspected, stared at the book in his hand, equally puzzled. He had just thought there was no more Heaven’s Fate Energy when suddenly a huge amount descended. Just as he was about to absorb it, it disappeared as if it had never been there.

Luckily, he absorbed it quickly, otherwise, he might have missed the opportunity.

“Forget it, though it’s less than expected, over 2,000 strands should be enough to form the Heaven’s Path technique!”

Zhang Xuan felt a bit excited. The Library of Heaven's Path had started to operate but had stopped halfway due to insufficient Heaven’s Fate Energy. Now with more than 2,000 strands, it should succeed.

With a thought, the more than 2,000 books gathered again, and a gentle light converged to a point.


The light disappeared, and a brand-new book floated in mid-air. Zhang Xuan stretched out his hand, and it slowly landed in his palm.

Like the previous books, the cover had no name. With a thought, the title "Heaven’s Path Pool Seeking Technique" appeared.

Flipping it open, he was greeted by characters exuding the essence of the Great Dao.

“The Source Pool, a place to consolidate and refine source energy, can be in the lower abdomen, between the eyebrows, in the shoulder well, or at the bubbling spring… Different physiques will have different locations...”

The Source Pool, unlike the dantian used in the Master Teacher Continent, could exist in any part of the body before activation. One needed to find it to activate it.

However, once successfully activated, it could be moved to a specific location. Generally, it would be placed near the lower abdomen's Qihai Acupoint because it is centrally located in the body, making it more convenient for cultivation and power circulation.

“To seek the Source Pool, one must first sense the source energy, harmonize with the body, and respond...”

The book detailed how to sense the Source Pool and the methods to find and open it.

“That’s odd… why can’t I sense it?”

Following the Heaven’s Path technique, Zhang Xuan practiced for a moment, then opened his eyes with a frown. The technique of the Heaven’s Path couldn't be wrong, but why couldn’t he sense anything inside his body?

Could it be… because he wasn’t originally from this world, so he didn’t have a Source Pool?

“Search again…”

He carefully reviewed the Heaven’s Path technique, confirming that he hadn’t used the wrong sensing method. Zhang Xuan was genuinely puzzled.

Could it be that after all the effort to come to this world, he discovered he couldn’t cultivate?

If that were the case, the turmoil in the new world couldn’t be avoided, and his crisis wouldn’t be resolved. He might even die here.

“Right, the flawed Heaven's Path can only consolidate the correct points within a technique, but it might not be suitable for me since I’m not a native of the Source World… I should try the orderly Heaven’s Path!”

After thinking for a while, a new idea came to mind.

The flawed Heaven’s Path marks the flaws and consolidates the correct parts, sticking to the rules. Though it fits the Heaven’s Path, it’s only suitable for the beings of the Source World, not necessarily for him.

At this point, the orderly Heaven’s Path could be used. On the basis of correctness, it adds order and extension, which might make the technique suitable for an outsider like him.

“But… I’m out of Heaven’s Fate Energy again…”

Rubbing his forehead, Zhang Xuan looked around. The more than 2,000 strands of source energy he had just absorbed were exhausted. Even if he wanted to operate the orderly Heaven’s Path, he couldn’t.

“Forget it, it’s almost time, I’ll find another chance next time!”

Knowing that the hour of reading was almost over, Zhang Xuan was about to put down the Five Directions Origin Technique when Yu Longqing approached him, eyes flashing with sharpness, “Did you sense Heaven’s Fate Energy just now?”


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