Library of Heaven’s Path 2: Eternal Destiny

Chapter 18: Golden Light

Chapter 18: Golden Light

"It's like this!"

Seeing the young lady's anger, a cold light flashed in Feng Jin's eyes. He bit his lip and began to speak mournfully, "After you left, Miss, Wu Xiang and I planned to take Su Shang to the stable for rest. But we had only walked a few steps when Su Shang suddenly collapsed, convulsed, and died!"

"We discovered it had been severely injured all along! The only reason it could withstand the killing aura of the Mo Yun Jade was that the physical pain it endured was greater than the fear in its heart... Otherwise, how could an immature horse have more willpower than a battle-hardened warhorse?"

"What..." Mo Yanxue furrowed her brows, a hint of doubt in her eyes. "Injured?"

"Yes, Miss, please come this way!" Feng Jin did not explain further and led her around a corner. There they saw Su Shang, which had been so vigorous earlier, lying still on the ground, lifeless.

Mo Yanxue hurried to its side, her heart aching. With just one glance, she couldn't help but clench her fists.

The dark red horse was now stiff as a board, and the heat of the day had caused a foul stench, assaulting her nose.

There was no need to touch it; it was clearly dead, with no chance of survival.

Seeing the sadness and anger in her eyes, Feng Jin knew it was the right time. He pointed to Su Shang's belly.

"Miss, look here. Su Shang's belly was slashed open long ago. This must have been Zhang Xuan's method of controlling it. Otherwise, how could a mere groom make a horse you couldn't even tame so obedient?"

Following his finger, Mo Yanxue indeed saw a bloody gash on Su Shang's belly. The blood had long since dried and scabbed over. Though the cut was only about half a foot long, it must have been excruciatingly painful when it was made. The person who did it must have been incredibly cruel.

Her fists clenched tighter, and her body began to tremble uncontrollably.

This horse had been a precious gift from her father on her sixteenth birthday. He bought it at a high price from the White Rock Stud. She had always treasured it. She couldn't believe a mere groom would use a knife on it just to tame it... It was so cruel and unforgivable.

Feng Jin and Wu Xiang just exchanged glances and understood each other. The latter quickly knelt down.

"Miss, it's my fault. Actually... I noticed something was wrong with Su Shang yesterday. Normally, it's full of energy, running around the yard, but last night it just lay there motionless. I should have reported it to you immediately..."

Taking a deep breath, Mo Yanxue calmed her anger and looked at him. "What's going on?"

"Here is what happened..." Wu Xiang quickly recounted what he had seen yesterday and today, and added some fabricated and slanderous details.

After hearing his explanation, Mo Yanxue's eyes turned red. "So, you mean Zhang Xuan has been abusing Su Shang to tame it. Just now, after I went to the Source Pool assessment, Su Shang collapsed and died from both mental and physical pressure..."

"That must be it. Otherwise, how could such a proud horse obey a mere servant?" Feng Jin nodded.

Wu Xiang added, "Right, the idea that he can tame beasts is nonsense! I've never heard of anyone who can naturally make source beasts feel friendly towards them..."

"Born to be able to tame beasts, indeed hard to understand..." Mo Yanxue nodded, her words halting as her pupils suddenly contracted. "Oh no, he's helping the city lord tame the Cangback Eagle..."

If what they said was true, and Zhang Xuan's so-called taming was just brutal beatings... offending the city lord would be a certainty!

"Take Su Shang's body to the city lord's mansion. I'm going to find Zhang Xuan right now. If he really caused Su Shang's death through abuse, I won't hesitate to enforce the family rules..."

Unable to hold back any longer, Mo Yanxue stomped her foot and sprinted straight towards the city lord's mansion.

She hoped to catch up with their carriage. If something happened to the Cangback Eagle, the Mo family would have to face the wrath of the city lord.

Watching her leave, Feng Jin and Wu Xiang exchanged relieved glances.

"That brat dares to go against me? Let's see how I deal with him..." Feng Jin snorted coldly, a flash of malice in his eyes.


At that moment, Zhang Xuan, who had been framed by Steward Feng, was sitting outside the carriage, next to the driver.

Yu Xiaoyu had invited him to sit inside, but he thought it was inappropriate and declined.

After all, this girl was the daughter of the city lord and very beautiful. If people found out that a man of similar age rode in the carriage with her, it would certainly cause him a lot of unnecessary trouble.

"Bro, your carriage was parked next to Su Shang earlier. Did you see if Steward Feng took good care of it? I've grown attached to the horse after taking care of it for so long, and I'd hate for anything to happen that would disappoint Miss Mo..."

Zhang Xuan looked over with a simple and honest expression.


The driver twitched his eyelids. "Yes, they took good care of it. D-don't worry!"

"That's good!"

Seemingly oblivious to the driver's nervousness, Zhang Xuan pretended to breathe a sigh of relief.

The reason Su Shang had crashed into the wall and died after being touched by Steward Feng was because Zhang Xuan had instructed it to do so.

Before heading to the academy with Mo Yanxue, he had deliberately pulled the horse's ear and given it detailed instructions.

There was no choice. The horse had already died. In this heat, the stench would soon become noticeable. In another half day, it would certainly be discovered. Rather than letting the problem be found out later, it was better to let it "sacrifice" itself now.

This way, he could also distance himself from any suspicion.

He had instructed Su Shang to die in front of the driver. As a servant of the city lord's mansion, the driver's testimony would carry more weight.

Now it seemed that the horse had done well. Although the driver was not admitting anything at the moment, if Miss Mo or Yu Xiaoyu personally questioned him, he wouldn't be able to hold out for long.

Knowing that his plan was in motion, Zhang Xuan stopped worrying and turned his thoughts to the books recorded in the library.

He tapped his finger, and a book appeared in his hand. He gently opened it.

"Hongshan Source Pool Method": Created 157 years ago by Mo Qingliu, the ancestor of the Mo family, it contains methods for finding and developing Source Pools...

Flaws: First, the method for finding Source Pools is too slow without the aid of source energy and the power of the world, often resulting in wasted efforts. Second, the materials required for the development process are too rare and hard to find. Third...

At the hundred and third flaw, it suggests using the power of a mountain to develop the Source Pool, yet it lacks the weight of a mountain...

"So many flaws?"

With just a glance, Zhang Xuan's mouth twitched.

It had been a long time since he had practiced a technique with so many flaws. If he were to practice this, it would take forever to succeed.

‘Forget it, it's better to do as before—gather more secret manuals and merge them into a Heaven's Path technique!’

Coincidentally, he was heading to the city lord's mansion. Perhaps he could take advantage of this opportunity to accomplish that.

He withdrew his mind from the Library of Heaven's Path, only to find that there was still a stream of energy wandering through his meridians.

It was the same energy that had entered his body from the Source Pool Mountain, drifting aimlessly like a fish without a purpose. It couldn't find a Source Pool but was unwilling to leave either.

"Forget it, I'll send it to the New World first!"

Afraid that it might cause some trouble inside his body, Zhang Xuan focused his mind and threw it into the New World.

This wasn't Heaven's Fate Energy. If he sent it into the library, what if it damaged the books?

At the same time, beside the Source Pool Mountain, Dean Lu Mingrong looked on as the last student walked away, a deep disappointment in his eyes.

"We've tested everyone and still didn't find anything... Dean, do you think it's possible that the appearance of the Nine Dragons Drawing Heaven's Fate wasn't due to a super genius but... a malfunctioning Destiny Disk?"

Wu Yunzhou suddenly spoke up, recalling something.


Lu Mingrong was taken aback.

To be honest, it was possible for the Destiny Disk and the Nine Dragon Pillars to malfunction and produce such a result. If that were the case, it would be extremely embarrassing...

"I'll go check..."

Realizing this, Lu Mingrong was about to examine the broken Destiny Disk when suddenly, the Source Pool Mountain began to shake violently. In the next moment, a dazzling light of red, yellow, and green illuminated the sky, as if the brightest sunset had ignited right before his eyes.

Lu Mingrong stood frozen, his throat dry. He took a deep breath, and in a trembling voice, he murmured:

"T-this... is the highest level of the Source Pool Mountain test, the 'Golden Light’?"


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