Lewd Apocalypse

Chapter 7

Chapter 7

For the next few days, the family went on their usual routine. Catherine stayed home and took care of chores, while the siblings went out to scavenge for supplies, bust some skulls for jellies and occasionally hunt some man-eating beasts. The biggest game they found was a stray wolf that seemed to have roamed down from the mountains; it was a fierce fight that broke Sarah’s trusty bat she had since middle school.

Then at night, Catherine never skipped a milking session with her son, but never moved beyond using her breast and her hands. She had become so used to feeling her son’s monstrous rod up close, that her guilty conscience towards her late husband started to fade away. Every time she reached an orgasm; she couldn’t help but to compare her son’s behemoth to that of his father, wondering how it would feel if she did it for real.

She also noticed the cum filled condoms she hid under the bed always disappeared the next day. She suspected Leo found the condoms underneath and threw them away not knowing what they were. Since Leo never mentioned anything and wasn’t acting strange, Catherine was satisfied with keeping the status quo and didn’t dare mention it to anybody.

Sarah always waited patiently while peeking at her mother having “fun” alone in Leo’s room. After Catherine finished her exercise; it was her daughter’s second dinner time that she helped keep warm. Sarah tried all kinds of play while she admired her little brother’s towering rod using various combinations of hands, breast and mouth. Her favorite position was covering Leo’s face with her perky round rear cheeks while she deep-throats his monster. Leo never woke up even if his face was splattered with Sarah’s love nectar. But at the end of every night, Sarah and Catherine would always share the same question, “Has Leo grown bigger since yesterday?” Not only his rod, but his body seemed to be maturing rapidly.

She had continued to feed the young mother and daughter the thick holy yogurt and checked on them every day. She brought more yogurt than the two can finish, but Cindy never questioned the free food and accepted them. Sarah took notes of her observations.

“Experiment test subject C has gotten plumper; she asked me if I can get her some lingerie of her new size. Test subject M has visibly grown taller, and her cheeks are always flushed. Cute! But are those small buds on her chest? Both of the subjects have demonstrated increase in strength and health. Cindy added an extra heavy layer to the barricade herself, while Mindy said she started to hear weird faint sounds at night. End of Journal Day ##.” Satisfied with the experiment results, Sarah believed it was time for live testing with her mother.

On a certain night, Catherine was again visiting her son’s bedroom in her nightgown. Something has been troubling her lately. She is running low on XL condoms! Smaller condoms can only fit the tip and will probably pop from the sheer volume of cum. ‘Should I ask Sarah to scavenge for some?’ She thought as she stroked her hand.

“Are you looking for these, Mother?” Sarah walked into the room with a box of XXL condoms in her hand.

“What!? Sarah? This isn’t what it looks like. Leo is in a lot of pain; I am just trying to relieve his body. Just like the other day.” Surprised by her daughter’s entry, Catherine quickly regained composure after being found with Leo. She had already done this once in front of Sarah, no point of being embarrassed now.

“Mother, I need to tell you something.” Sarah began to speak in a rather serious tone. “You know Leo and I have somewhat mutated, but I would like to call it awakening rather than mutation. We got enhanced strength, speed and reflexes. I even got a new power.” Sarah demonstrates her electrical power between her fingers and burns out the fuse of Leo’s old PlayStation. “Oops, I hope Leo won’t be mad. Hehe.”

“Wow Sarah! I am happy for you.” Catherine, who is starting to get where her daughter is coming from, continues to listen attentively.

“So, these things in my hand right now are jelly beans you get from busting the skull of stronger mutated zombies. Or perhaps, evolved is the right word. We eat them, it can help increase our strength and powers, and even heal our injuries.” Showing her mother the crimson jellies, Sarah checks her reaction then continues.

“We were wondering if you ate this as well, would you become like us and even awaken a new power. But! There is something better for Mother, as an alternative.” Sarah then points at Leo’s twitching mammoth.

“Our Leo’s cum has the same property as eating one of these things.” Sarah pauses again to watch her mother’s reaction, which is surprisingly calm.

“If you were to tell me to eat one of those jellies before, I would have taken it in a heartbeat. I cannot allow myself to become a burden to you and Leo.” Catherine said with a resolute voice. “But since you pointed out an alternative….”

Without finishing her sentence, Catherine slowly brought the mushroom tip to her mouth. She never had oral sex with her husband, not to mention something this big. Catherine could only take the tip of her son’s manhood. Leo was already close to cumming; the new sensation finally brought him to climax. The exorbitant amount of thick ooze was too much for her to swallow, which overflowed her mouth and splattered on her face and breast.

Surges of warmth started to spread from her stomach, bringing Catherine to a state of ecstasy. As the feeling neared its end, she let out an erotic moan as overflowing juices leaked out from her panties. She then set her gaze on her son with dreamy eyes, and continued to clean her son’s veiny glans with her mouth and finally, kissed the tip in worship before her mouth let go of the monster.

“That was so sexy mom!” Said Sarah in a raspy voice with tissue covering her nosebleed.

Sarah’s voice finally brought Catherine back to her senses and reminded her of her daughter’s presence. She gave the usual death threatening stare at her mischievous daughter and swallowed the leftover ooze in her throat before letting out a sigh. “You are a pervert just like your Aunt Sharon.”

“Yeah, yeah Mom, are you going to go cleanup? Or will you join me? It is my turn now,” said Sarah as she can’t wait to take her mother’s place.

The night went on with Sarah’s usual routine worshipping Leo’s monstrous glans while she squeezed out a few extra rounds into condoms.


Catherine always had an aura of confidence around her, even more so today as she noticed the transformation on her body. She felt like she was younger by at least ten years. Now people probably won’t believe it if she tells people she was Leo and Sarah’s mother. The increase to her physique was an irrelevant secondary detail.

“Mom seems happy recently,” said Leo, eating his breakfast.

“Yea, I can see that. Something good must have happened to her,” Sarah grinned. “Say…Leo, let’s go to the Great Mall today.”

“Sure, but why?”

“My bras have gotten too tight, and I need to get some sports bras…that fit. I haven’t bought a sports bra since middle school. I have been growing too, ok?”

Sarah used to be a big trouble maker in the past, but that is another story. She was a popular girl in the sports teams not just because of her looks. Having an athletic body, you could see her at every sports event in school. But as she hit puberty nearing high school, she started to do less and less sports activities. The reason being the massive burden on her chest made her uncomfortable doing wide movements. Once Sarah entered high school, she almost completely quit sports and started focusing on her grades as per her mother’s demand. Though, she was still extremely popular in school for obvious reasons.

Having agreed to explore the Great Mall, the siblings once again prepared to set out from their home. The Great Mall was only a ten min drive on the highway pre-apocalypse but getting there on foot will take at least three hours even if there was no resistance. The siblings first have to make sure a path to the Great Mall is cleared and gather enough intel on the area surrounding the path. Re-mapping the routes on the city map will take them at least a full day. So, the plan is to reach the Great Mall either tomorrow or the day after. Staying out at night was not even considered.

“Ok, so we will follow the highway, but will not get on it,” said Sarah analyzing the map.

“Whatever you say, sis.”

Even though going on the highway should be faster, the highways in the city are actually HIGH-ways. Most parts of the highway are elevated from the ground. Hence, once you are in the middle of the highway, you can only go in three directions, forward, backward or downwards jumping off the highway. There was no reason for them to take such unnecessary risk. Leo and Sarah have been growing stronger every day; they are getting more confident fighting against an array of enemies. Yet, they understand that they must remain cautious and not get overconfident. They learned their lesson when they fought the four-arm zombie.

On the way to the Great Mall, the siblings stopped by a university campus. One can tell the university is rich as it covers at least three football fields of land in this expensive city. The campus also contained all three levels of public education as it had an elementary school, middle school and two high schools. Both Leo and Sarah’s schools happened to be on this campus.

Situated at the basin of the Delta River, the campus has the only bridge to reach the other side if you don’t wish to make a long detour. To get to the highway, the siblings must first explore the campus theater, the college dormitory and Sarah’s high school as they are the major landmarks on the path to the bridge. They started by following the main roads, arriving at what they call the High School of Art, Science and Engineering.

“Seems like there are a lot of survivors around,” Sarah deduced from the damage to the zombie corpses on the ground “and at least one of them has a gun, I am surprised it didn’t attract more zombies.”

“Isn’t this your high school sis? Should we go check it out?” Said Leo as he looked at the school. He felt someone was looking at them from that direction.

“No, we’ll move on. Nothing here worth risking getting shot over,” Sarah shook her head and urged Leo to get going. Her sixth sense was telling her the school meant trouble.

At the same time inside the school, a small timid looking girl with twintail braids and glasses retracted her gaze from the siblings outside of the window. She was in the gymnasium with at least thirty people, but she was the only one from her class that survived.

“Isn’t that Sarah?” Said a boy in a grey shirt. Sarah was popular in school. It’s no surprise that most of her schoolmates can recognize her. But not many know she has a little brother.

“You’re right! But who is that kid?” Another guy asked.

“That must be her little brother. Hooh…. he is pretty tall; he should only be around 12,” a girl that used to be Sarah’s classmate answered. Then she turned to the timid girl with glasses and made fun of her. “Hey Shirley, you’re like Sarah’s loyal lap dog? You’re not going to go after her and bring her back here?”

“Don’t even think about it, not until we figure out a way to access the cafeteria.” Said a stern looking man in a security uniform. Shirley frantically shook her head in response.

The group of survivors do not have enough food to go around, needless to say what would happen if they took in two more survivors, especially a girl kid and a young kid. The surrounding area has already been scavenged by competition between other groups of survivors. They will have to travel further to find food and water now. If they decide to relocate, maybe some of them will die. One major reason they haven’t decided to move is because of the school’s cafeteria basement. It has a large stocked refrigerator, but something sinister is locked behind the cafeteria doors and none of the survivors dares to approach.

At the college dormitory, a horde of zombies surrounds the building while the survivors try to fend them off by adding more barricades to the entrances. Leo and Sarah can sense several presences in the horde that might have jellies. It is rare for multiple mutated zombies to group up, the siblings have never seen any mutated zombie work together other than the time at the supermarket. Then there is also the question of what attracted the zombies?

Then, from the windows, Molotov cocktails were seen dropping down on the mass of zombies, which easily set the horde ablaze as even more zombies piled in. Within the chaos created by fire, Leo and Sarah see a figure picking off stragglers at high speed and brute strength. It is their first time seeing another awakened human other than themselves.

“Leo, take a look at that,” Sarah noticed an unusual sight. There was a small group of zombies standing outside the attacking crowd. The siblings could tell they were all mutated from their distinct looks. A short zombie with an elongated head stood in front of three muscle head type zombies on top of a truck.

“It seems like they are controlling the other zombies,” Leo pointed out and continued. “Looks like they could be extra snacks.”

Sarah nodded as she took out her customized weapon, a barbed wire wrapped club to conduct electricity. She now has lightning imbued in her melee attacks! Every hit will deal 50% additional lightning damage, 30% movement speed reduction and 10% chance of paralysis effect on target. Of course, the numbers were all made up, but these were the general effects of Sarah’s power.

Leo also took out his axe, closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Just as the siblings can sense mutated zombies, zombies can also sense the siblings depending on how far they are in the evolution chain. Leo masked his presence by lowering his vitals such as heartbeat and breathing, a skill Sarah had not managed to learn, it came natural for Leo. The plan was for Leo to sneak close and take out one target with his throwing axe, then immediately run back to Sarah. If the zombie chases Leo, it will be easier for Sarah to ambush the zombies since they have their attention on Leo. If Leo did not succeed in taking at least one out, they would both retreat at full speed.

Leo sneaked up to the group of zombies and readied his axe. He wanted to aim at the long-headed zombie since it seems to be the leader; but he could not get a good enough angle with his bodyguard blocking the view. With no choice, revitalizing his presence, he threw his axe at full strength. A muscle head zombie’s head burst in half and its body flew off the truck from the impact of the axe before any of them could react. Leo hoped the jelly wasn’t damaged, he used too much strength.

Leo started to run towards Sarah according to plan. The leader screamed and its two remaining muscle head bodyguards took off to chase Leo, playing right into the sibling’s hands. Now Sarah jumps out and ambushes one of the muscle heads with a strike from her lightning-imbued club; meanwhile, Leo turns back to face the other zombie. The muscle heads were tough, one strike from Sarah was not enough to finish it off, but the lightning effect slowed it, making it easier for her to land the killing blow. Leo had no problem taking care of his own as the second muscle head was on the verge of defeat. Sarah jumped behind it to secure the kill.

Noticing the severed link to its bodyguards, the leader decided to book it and screamed for the slow zombies to buy time as the sibling started to chase after the long head zombie. They were too fast and there was nothing low tier zombies could do, as they quickly caught up with the leader. Unable to escape, the long-headed zombie turned back and let out a loud shocking scream as it looked at Leo, who it deemed was more of a threat between the two. Leo started to breathe violently, his eyes turned red while holding his head in pain.

“Leo!” Sarah shouted out to her little brother, which brought him back to his senses a little bit.

Leo then looked at the leader with his bloodshot eye, let out a bloodthirsty roar, tackled the zombie with a feral leap and barbarically started to bash it with his metal pipe.

“Leo. It’s already dead…” said Sarah as she hugged him from behind. The exotic texture of two giant marshmallows on his back seemed to bring him back to his senses.

Leo dropped his bloody metal pipe and looked at his blood covered hand. The zombie’s upper body was smashed to bits. He recollected his thoughts. It seemed that the zombie was trying to mind control Leo and have him fight Sarah, but it clearly backfired when the mind control forced Leo into a feral state. Luckily the worst didn’t happen. The two siblings let out a sigh of relief and collected their trophies. The survivors in the dormitory were celebrating the retreat of zombie tide as they cleaned up the stragglers. The awakened survivor looked at the siblings from afar and headed back to the dormitory with two crimson jellies in his hand.


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