Lewd Apocalypse

Chapter 68: A Gift for a Friend

Chapter 68: A Gift for a Friend

Leo gave the governor several corpses of mutated zombies at the end; he wondered what would happen to them the next time if he did come back. Sader and Max were shocked at the speed that they received the requested product. However, the station itself had nothing to offer that interested Leo. Reluctantly, Sader told the group the secret of the awakened that he promised to tell… and also their prized recipes, maybe Zomi and Shalltear would be interested in that.

The rain only lasted a night and the group resumed the trip to their original destination in the armored Jeep. Since the tunnel leading out of the station collapsed, they must continue their journey on the ground.

With one hand pressing on the stomach, Zomi sat on top of the Jeep and relaxed her stuffed belly under the breeze. The big girl had a fulfilling mid-night supper last night when everyone else was asleep, including Leo. The boy was once again oblivious to the intense milking session his maids performed on the monster rod.

Reina was in the driver’s seat once again and assumed the role of uber; however, she felt mildly uncomfortable in the rear. The girl recalled the sounds of wet slurping sounds last night in her drowsy consciousness, which led to unspeakable events in her dream. Feeling the moisture in her panties, Reina wished for an opportunity to secretly change her clothes soon.

Timmy still had not given up on hope and tried to start a conversation with the girl; but obviously, Reina was not in any mood for idle chat. Meanwhile, Leo sat in the back seat and enjoyed the thorough service of the wet tongue from his cute little maid. Shalltear was told to watch the night outside by her superior.

Leo had already accepted the fact that his naughty maid would jump on his behemoth at every opportunity. Resistance was futile due to the fear of being found out. There was a saying, if you can’t resist the inevitable, you might as well enjoy it.

There were no more notable incidents left on the way, except for a restroom break from Reina. Several ejaculations later, the group finally arrived at Saw Station. The stop was one of the older stations in the city with a medium size capacity and it had nothing special in particular. And as expected, there were no signs of life left in this barren place. The blockade at the entrance was brutally battered down and the foul stench of rotten corpses permeated the air from below.

Zomi scooped off the white stain on Shalltear’s mouth and silently glared at her underling with a passive but frightening look. Shalltear wryly laughed, the little maid was ready to be punished for sneaking a meal without permission, but it was still totally worth it.

There was a slim chance that the station could have held out against the attack and that Timmy could maybe still find his family here. However, he now can only pray that his mother and sister had escaped without harm. For a change, Reina and Leo kindly patted on Timmy’s back and shoulder respectively, and prayed for his family’s safety as well. Zomi felt the sadness from the boy and she too very gently patted Timmy’s head. However, impressive as it was for him to remain conscious, Timmy felt he was several inches shorter afterward.

“Do you want to take a look inside? We may still find some clues,” Leo suggested it to his friend. There might be a lead to where the family evacuated in the tunnels, that’s if the survivors managed to escape.

“Is it safe to go in?” Timmy hesitatingly asked.

“It should be fine; we are pretty strong in this party,” Leo did not sense anything unusual down in the crypt; the boy looked at his maids and they both nodded their heads as well.

“Thanks, I want to take a look,” Timmy nodded as well.


The group ventured down into the darkness, fortunately, not all the lights were burnt out. But the dim and buzzing lights flashing in the dark only served to amplify the eerie atmosphere of the abandoned station.

Passing through the bloodstained corridors, they eventually made it to the main hall. The heavy rotten stench in this area put Leo’s oozing testosterone to a worthy match. With a scan by the flashlights, the group spotted numerous human corpses on the ground with the flesh still intact.

“This doesn’t look right. Timmy, you said the creatures that attacked this station were those abominations, right? I don’t remember them having the habit of wasting food,” Leo questioned.

“Yes, I am pretty sure they were the similar ones that we encountered on the road before,” Timmy confirmed.

While treading deeper into the expanse, Leo and the two maids suddenly stopped. With his sixth sense tingling, he used his vision to survey ahead. The image Leo saw with his eyes brought severe headache and disgust to his mind and he quickly withdrew his sight.

Alerted by the anomaly, the group warily checked ahead; but there were just more corpses on the ground. Inspecting the ceiling, the group finally saw the threaded hives of the necrophages. The hive looked similar to a gore nest, with festering flesh throughout; but with the exception of the round shapes of tissue that resembled eggs.

Soon, everyone besides Timmy suddenly felt multiple presences appearing on their radar. Followed by a chorus of screeching sounds, they saw small spider-like creatures popping from the egg like tissues and dropped onto the ground. But instead of attacking the group, those creatures dived into the nearby corpses.

The host infested by the spider creatures quickly grew sharp appendages around the body and crawled disturbingly on the ground. That was the queue for them to be ready for combat. In a blink of an eye, the group was surrounded by the newborns.

The enemies were fast, but they were nothing difficult to handle for the four combat personnel in the group; even Timmy was able to score a few kills with his bat. The creatures were being mowed down like flies as they came in one by one.

“They are like small flies!” Timmy felt he was not useless for once.

“Keep your guard up, it’s dark in here.” Reina warned.

In a very cliché manner, Timmy was ambushed from behind the moment he let his guard down. But by a stroke of luck, the plunge completely missed him as he bent down to pick up the Nokia he dropped earlier in the middle of the fight. Zomi, with her long reach, squash the creature on the wall; its spore and strange reddish-brown fluid splashed and stained on Timmy’s clothes.

The fighting ended relatively quick. This place seemed to have been made into a nest after the necrophages occupied the station. The human corpses left littering on the ground were food for the newborn.


No one was hurt as the group cleared out all the spiderlings in their way. Everyone continued to look for clues of the survivors that may have escaped. Timmy returned to a small corner where his family stayed; few belongings were left behind when they left the dwelling in a rush.

There was a purple bag left opened on the ground, the contents inside were full of matured woman lingerie. The boy inspected the red seamless lace pantie with a flowery pattern.

“This must be my sister’s,” Timmy said to himself. The recollection of his friend’s mega rod and the image of his sister appeared in his head.

Back at the meeting point, Timmy entrusted his friend a certain purple bag with firm hands. Leo wanted to check the content inside, but Timmy quickly stopped him.

“This is my gift in advance for bringing me back here. Thank you for helping me.” Timmy gave Leo his sincere gratitude and then gave his friend the signature smirk like when they were back in club at school, “Open it when you are all alone, I am sure you will like it. We are men of culture after all.”


From the train tracks, the group found four tunnels leading out of the station. Judging from the subway map, one of the tunnels leads them back to the previous stations they passed by on the way here, which can be crossed out. The group did not find any other survivors along the way.

With three options left on the table, Leo thought it would have been difficult to figure out which tunnel the evacuation went through. The survivors might have split up in all three directions for all they know. However, after discovering the corpses and bloodstains in one of the tunnels, the answer became obvious. The group quickly began their second journey underground.

While traversing through the tunnel, Reina felt something vibrating in her pocket. Reaching into her pants and retrieving it on her hand, it was a stone with unusual markings. The girl had a faint recollection of this stone. It seemed to be reacting to something. Looking at its pattern, it was drawing her focus in. Reina felt the stone was whispering to her, telling her to follow a certain path.

“Reina! Are you listening?” Timmy asked.

“Ugh? Yes. Sorry, I spaced out a little,” Reina returned to her senses.

“So, I was saying….” Timmy continued his endless rambling.


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