Lewd Apocalypse

Chapter 62: Medium Rare Please

Chapter 62: Medium Rare Please

The central district was the most condensed and populated region in the city. It was the urban center of the metropolis. Besides the endless tide of hordes, the number of feral mutated zombies and beast that roamed the area far exceeded the suburban neighborhoods across the river. Fortunately, after the city fell, the higher tier mutants were usually territorial and only fought amongst themselves, leaving enough breathing room for the dwellers down below. However. one must still tread carefully when crossing its streets, for it consumes all who visits the city.

Carefully riding along the bumpy road, the two teenagers in the front seats let out a sigh of relief. Timmy, with a blue face once again, was holding back the urge to vomit. Leo expressionlessly pointed to the door on Timmy’s side with his finger. Didn’t matter how much of a bro Timmy was, he ain’t letting Timmy puke on his car.

Reina’s face was still red from the excitement earlier. From now on, the girl had another life goal in mind besides feeding the children; she will one day save enough to get a baby like this so she can bulldoze her way to anywhere. Reina briefly peeked at Leo through the rear mirror, maybe after this, she could borrow the Jeep from the boy in the meantime.

The horde of necrophages was lost in sight. They had completely retreated due to the slaughter from the two maids. Minutes later, a sound of landing was heard on top of the vehicle; it was Zomi carrying the little maid like a rugged doll that returned from the mission. The big girl was the only one that could catch up with her long legs.

The maids were dyed red and drenched in blood, but somehow still looked appealing with their own unique charms. Add a butcher knife in each of their hand, then they will become the splitting image of yanderes that we all love.


After coming out of the necrophage nest, the group arrived at the central district and found a resting spot after half an hour of unimpeded ride. According to the map, there was a metro station nearby, but it was not the destination they were looking for. It was called Labinnac station, a name that was not on the list of stations that Timmy was familiar with.

“My family should have been evacuated to another station further west. I am just not sure which one they were sent to.” Timmy said. “And I don’t even know if this station has any survivors.”

“Should we check it out anyway? There might be people there that we can ask around.” Leo said.

“Rest assure, there are definitely humans around here.” Shalltear could smell the stench that still lingered in the air.

“Let’s find a place for shower first while we refuel the car.” As a fellow female kind, Reina felt uncomfortable for the two maids covered in blood.

Zomi and Shalltear’s clothes were completely tattered from the fight and ruined by the bloodstains. Portions of Zomi’s thigh and side breast were revealed in bare skin. The big girl was not wearing any undergarments; yet the great bosom still stood tall and perky, stubbornly defying the physics of this world. Unrestrained by the tight clothing, the bountiful marshmallows bounced violently as she jumped down from the Jeep.

It was a good thing that they weren’t in their maid uniforms, or Zomi would have been sad. It was not easy to find the outfit that fitted her sizes.

“Yes, and some new clothes as well.” Timmy said as he “accidentally” caught a glance of those giant milkers that were easily two times larger than his head. However, Zomi’s intimidating death stares ceased the boy’s thought to take another look. Timmy couldn’t help but to be envious once again of his best friend for knowing such of “capable” companion.


After clearing out the zombies, refueling the tank and taking a hot shower for the two maids, the travelers grouped up in an abandoned gas station in preparation for lunch. Today’s menu was a giant snake cut in slices for BBQ, it was a catch Leo easily found with his new vision. Zomi took out a bottle of black pepper from her multi-dimensional breast pocket and seasoned the grilled surface; the big girl had not forgotten her responsibility as a maid.

It was not often for Reina and Timmy to see this much meat, the two planned to lavish on their appetite. However, the amount was still meager before Leo and the two non-human girls.

“Are you sure its ok for us to raise a fire here?” Reina worriedly asked and Timmy nodded in agreement with the same concern.

“Well, if it attracted zombies, we might get a few more brain jelly. If it attracted beast, then more meats on the menu. If it is the survivors, then we just saved a lot of time.” Leo confidently said while waiting for the meat to cook.

Just as he said that, everyone in the group beside Timmy sensed several faint presences approaching.

“And we found just them, it’s the smell.” Shalltear said.

Everyone sat still around the fire, leaving Timmy confused by their pause in movements. Soon, human figures show up from all sides surrounding the group. The team humans were well equipped in armor and firearm; they relaxed their guard once they saw it was mostly kids in the group.

“You kids are extremely brave; don’t think I have to tell you how dangerous this is.” A man with bandana stepped out and lectured. “I can smell you from miles away.”

“Leader, isn’t that the snake?” Another man excitedly pointed to the carcass.

“I know, I know.” The leader calmed his man down. “My name is Max, we have been hunting the beast for two days; that bastard sure knows how to hide. Good job on finding it.”

“Thanks.” Leo accepted the compliment.


Leo’s group was invited to the base by the scavenging squad, both sides had many questions for each other. Even though lunch was interrupted by the squad leader that urged them to leave the place as soon as possible, they were promised a makeup lunch at the base after quickly packing the food.

The group was led to Labinnac metro station as they had expected. At the entrance, Leo requested the big girl to stay behind and guard the Jeep. He felt that some precautions might be necessary. The boy handed the snake meat to Zomi, the big girl will have no problem finishing it alone.

Along the path beneath the entrance, remnants of battles that took place scattered the ground. From the frequent kindly visits of the zombies, necrophages and other mutants, the survivors here sure ain’t having it easy.

The base was a rather large station hosting over a thousand survivors. It used to be governed by the same organization that Timmy mentioned before. However, the tunnel leading out of the station had a cave in, cutting the access off from the rest of the network. As it was impractical for frequent travels on the ground, the station had largely become independent and “self-sufficient” in isolation.

Walking by the living quarter that would be more accurate to call slums, Leo and the group saw numerous malnourished men and women begging for food or aimless wandering around the area. It was months into the apocalypse and Leo never seen starvation amongst the survivors anywhere near to this desperate extend.

Now the group wished they brought the food down with them; the scene was unbearable to see. Leo wondered what kind of lunch they were going to be provided.

Shalltear twitched her eyebrow from the foul stench around her. The weakness shown here was ruining her appetite. Surprisingly, she also noticed there were no awakened humans in this station, at least not in her sphere of influences.

The group eventually arrived to a more prosperous and lively area of the station. Women scantly covered were standing outside of the shops, aggressively looking for customers. There were stalls displaying firearm and all kinds of makeshift weapons. The scavenging squad dispersed on their own. Max told Leo that they were free to look around until he finishes the preparations.

“Hey cutie! Do you want a hot time on bed? For you~~ Free of charge.” A woman with nice figure clung on Leo’s arm. The softness of the breast felt quite nice; it was inferior to the women in Leo’s harem, but it was definitely above average.

“No, thank you.” Leo politely rejected, but then another woman clung onto the boy from the other side. This one was even more assertive as she boldly reached her hand into Leo’s pants. After an astounded sound of exclamation, Leo nonchalantly continued to walk forward, leaving the dumbfounded women frozen on the spot.

“Why don’t I get asked out like that?” Timmy was disappointed.

“Yeah, I wonder.” With a smirk, Reina glanced at Leo’s strong ripped body curve and compared it to Timmy.

While touring the place, Timmy stared at the entrance of a certain shop. It seemed like there was somewhere the young boy wanted to go once their business here was over. Suddenly, his priority shifted a little and looking for his family can wait a bit.

At last, Max found the group and brought them into an important looking place with men guarding the entrance. The men even saluted to Max before letting them in.

Leo and the rest maintained their guard as they were seated next to a long table in an elegantly decorated room. Soon, they were greeted by waiters asking how they want their meat cooked. Shalltear sniffed her nose and slightly grinned.

“Medium rare, please.” The little maid said.

Finally, with Max standing by the side, a middle-aged man in heavy clothing arrived at the table opposite of Leo. He sat down and gave his order to the waiter then inspected the group.

“Welcome to our stations, travelers. Now you may wonder why we are treating you with such a grand reception, and that is because you are all exceptional.” The man spoke boisterously.

It wasn’t hard for the group leader to realize that Leo and the rest were mostly awakened humans. From the way they boldly raised fire in the city and the ability to catch the sneaky snake, all the clues were there for anyone to figure out.

“I think you all have noticed by now. We have absolutely zero awakened ones in our station and our people have been suffering because of it.” He began to tell the sob story of this place.

After the cave in, all the awakened humans heartlessly left this station to join another, and even brought most of the valuable resources with them. The military grade firearms and protective gears they left behind were the only life line this base had. Without an evolved human, there were many places they can’t go and many enemies they cannot afford to fight. Most importantly, they often lacked the ability to gauge the strength of the enemy, which resulted loss of lives of many good men.

“I think at this point, you know where I am coming from.” The man said.

Just as the group was bewiled by the story, waiters walked into the room and brought the long-waited food to the table. They were hot plates with meat that were being served like steaks.

“Now you may wonder how were we able to have meals like this when we were struggling so much.” The man smiled then continued. “We will tell you the rest if you decided to help us.”


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