Leveling with the Gods

Chapter 551

Chapter 551

Side Story 27

Asura sat in the stadium, contemplating.

YuWon smiled upon seeing Asura's sudden action.

"That's his strong point."

Asura was different from Son OhGong, who was blinded by the fight.

Certainly, he was a demon who had lived his whole life with a desire for revenge against Indra.

However, despite his desire for revenge, Asura did not attack Indra hastily.

He planned a battle where he could defeat Indra and set the stage for it.

And the same happened in the future.

Even without YuWon's intervention, Indra was destined to be defeated by Asura.

"He's observant and intelligent. The problem is that sometimes he crosses the line."

He thought Asura might notice it, unlike others.

He didn't expect him to help in such a spectacular way.

['Eyes of Foreknowledge' have been deactivated]


The golden light emanating from YuWon's eyes faded, and the ability deactivated.


Perhaps from using the Eyes of Foreknowledge too much?

A familiar headache returned after a long time.

Unlike other abilities, Foreknowledge required more Mental Power than Arcane Power.

"I never thought not knowing the future would be so uncomfortable."

YuWon had long enjoyed the advantages of relying on future information.

That time had been so long that, in reality, he hadn't had many occasions to use the Eyes of Foreknowledge.


The current situation was something that hadn't happened in the original future.

"But well..."

YuWon massaged his throbbing head and looked at Taishang Laojun, who had appeared in the stadium.

"With this, I've found all the variables."

Taishang Laojun.

The one who suddenly burst into the stadium was the key to the battle that would unfold in this Great Celestial War.

"Taishang Laojun...?"

"Why is Taishang Laojun here?"

Chaos erupted among the participants.

It was a surprise that Taishang Laojun, who hadn't shown up for thousands of years, had returned and now suddenly interrupted this Great Celestial War.

While other participants were bewildered by the unexpected situation...

YuWon tapped Tsukuyomi on the shoulder with his finger.


"Are you ready?"

Tsukuyomi nodded at YuWon's signal.

With that signal, Tsukuyomi thought.

That now it was beginning.



The sword that had been in Asura's sheath came back into the light.

Asura narrowed his eyes at the appearance of Taishang Laojun.

"Well, what a surprise."


Asura's Arcane Power surged toward Taishang Laojun.

"At first, I was going to cut down anyone who appeared. And it turns out it's you."

Asura exuded a fierce killing aura.

In the face of Asura's behavior, Lee Ye had a perplexed expression on his face.

Even if he had burst into the stadium, his opponent was Taishang Laojun.

The Master of the Jade Emperor and another supreme figure of the Celestial Realm.

Showing such a killing aura towards Taishang Laojun was an act that crossed the line even for Asura.


"Where did you notice it?"

Taishang Laojun did not criticize Asura's behavior as a lack of respect.

Instead, he looked at him with eyes full of curiosity.

"It smells bad."

Asura looked at his own face reflected in the two swords and crossed it with Taishang Laojun's.

"It smells like a battlefield."

"A battlefield?"

"When the bloodlust and hostility intensify, it feels like the smell of blood. No matter how much you try to hide it, unlike the aura, it's something you can't hide."

Taishang Laojun was impressed. His initial attitude of disdain towards the participants melted like snow under the sun at that moment.

"Your ability to detect the battlefield is truly divine."



Taishang Laojun's hand and Asura's sword clashed.

The shockwave of Arcane Power spread around.

Lee Ye protected his head with both arms and was pushed backward.

"Why suddenly...?"

This was way beyond expectations.

Taishang Laojun, a divine existence in the Celestial Realm.

Wielding a sword against him was a matter serious enough to immediately suspend this Great Celestial War.

And moreover, the opponent was Asura.

This warrior with a single digit ranking had enough strength to stand alone against Celestial Realm.

Crack, crack.

Asura's sword couldn't reach Taishang Laojun.

The Arcane Power emanating from his hand pushed the sword back, and a struggle began with Asura.

"Do the Administrators behind you still not intend to come out?"

"Have you noticed that too?"

"First of all, I was the one waiting for them."


Asura's sword cut through the air and aimed at Taishang Laojun's neck.


"It seems like you're also part of that gang."



The battlefield was cut in the shape of a cross.

A fine line of blood appeared on Taishang Laojun's neck.

Taishang Laojun pushed Asura with the palm of his hand and distanced himself.

However, Asura only slightly lost balance instead of being sent flying.

"...Your sword is sharp."

Taishang Laojun wiped the blood running from his neck and looked at Asura.

"How do you know?"

"The Administrators have a different smell."

The flow of Arcane Power emanating from Taishang Laojun.

Asura, sensing the subtle difference with the tip of his nose, pulled another weapon from his inventory.

"Although the Arcane Power is the same, what I feel in them is different."

A long red spear.

It was a spear a few fingers longer than a normal spear and as thin as a finger.

"It's exactly the same as what you feel now."

Boom, bang, boom.

The spear moved rapidly in Asura's hand.

The spear spun in a circle with a strong wind.

As expected from Asura, who handled all kinds of weapons, he had concluded that the spear was more effective than the sword against Taishang Laojun.



Taishang Laojun smiled with satisfaction.

He raised his hand.

The place where his hand pointed, where Arcane Power concentrated, was not Asura, but another direction.

"They call him the 'Mana Master' for this."


It wasn't normal mana.

It was much more powerful.

"A lightning bolt?"


Asura hurriedly ran towards Taishang Laojun.

The distance was closing rapidly.

However, the direction of the participants was opposite to the direction Asura was in.

"Watch closely."

Even for Asura, it was too late to prevent the participants on the opposite side of Taishang Laojun from being attacked.

And at that moment...

"The type of power they have."


Taishang Laojun's lightning bolt was unleashed.


Distorted Arcane Power materialized into a physical force that crushed dozens of participants.

It was a blow that turned them into minced meat instantly.

"I arrived late."


And at the same time...

Zas, chas, chas!

An ice mirror formed by hundreds, thousands of faces spread before the participants.


A field of vision blocked by the mirror.

A chilling cold emanated from the cracked mirror.

And at the top of that mirror was a Ranker.

"Tsukuyomi, damn..."

"How long, Taishang Laojun."

Tsukuyomi greeted Taishang Laojun.

She wasn't the only one.

"This competition is already ruined."

"I don't know what happened, but..."

"In any case, we can't just stand by after being attacked for no reason."

Participants appeared one by one on the battlefield.

Due to Taishang Laojun's intervention, the rules of the Great Celestial War had already turned into a disaster.

Tsukuyomi, Hargan, Lee Seong Yun, and many other Rankers surrounded Taishang Laojun.


"I demand an explanation."


With a resounding roar, Lee Rangjin and other Generals of Celestial Realm appeared in the sky.

"Both for your sudden intervention in the Tournament and for your attack on the participants. I want an explanation for everything."

"He attacked me first."

"But you intervened in the competition first. And there is no justification for attacking other participants, right?

"Haha, you're right."

Taishang Laojun chuckled.

However, his gaze was not directed at Lee Rangjin but at Tsukuyomi, who had blocked his attack.

In his eyes, hidden behind his smile, doubt was reflected.

He seemed not to understand how she had managed to block his attack.

"Arrest Asura and Taishang Laojun."


Following Lee Rangjin's order, soldiers cautiously approached Asura and Taishang Laojun.

Although they had unbreakable chains to contain even High-Rankers, there was no guarantee that the two would accept them without a fight.


The soldiers slowly approached Asura and Taishang Laojun.

"Hi, hiiik!"

A soldier who met Asura's gaze recoiled in terror.

Despite offering no resistance and remaining still, a mere soldier lacked the courage to apprehend Asura.

And on the other hand...

"Good job."

The soldier who approached Taishang Laojun felt a warmth completely different from Asura's.

With a relieved expression, the soldier extended the chains towards Taishang Laojun's hand.

"T-Thank you..."


And then...


A hole opened in the soldier's head as Taishang Laojun touched his finger, and blood gushed from behind.


Lee Rangjin roared.

Wielding the Unbreakable Sword, Lee Rangjin rushed towards Taishang Laojun.

Looking alternately at the fallen soldier and Taishang Laojun, he opened his mouth with furious voice.

"What the hell are you...?"

"My son."

A voice that dissipated the tension.

Lee Rangjin had to control every fiber of his being not to be carried away by that voice.

"You and Celestial Realm, would you like to join us?"

"Join us? What do you mean?"

Words difficult for Lee Rangjin, who was unaware of the context.

The explanation unexpectedly came from Asura.

"They are the Administrators."


"The flow of Arcane Power I feel in that guy is similar to the Administrators. And..."

Asura's eyes scanned the Generals who had appeared with Lee Rangjin.

"Administrators, there are some of them mixed in here too."

And at the moment those words came out of his mouth.

['Mana Master' controls the mana around him.]


The mana in the atmosphere became heavy and oppressive.

The mana that once moved as freely as their own limbs dispersed, and suddenly, it felt as challenging to handle as taking their first steps.

"I can't... breathe..."

"I can't..."

As the mana supply was cut off, even breathing became difficult.

The Rankers, gasping for breath, were soon forced to move the mana that once flowed naturally like their own limbs to regulate their breathing.

The mana in the atmosphere had found its owner.

One by one, among the soldiers, the Mana Master began to appear.

"Is this Celestial Realm?"

"The air is quite refreshing. It's been a long time since I visited another world."

"It's been too long. The dogs are playing masters in an ownerless house."

Beings emanating formidable power, appearing as they received the chant and worship of mana.

YuWon counted the number of Administrators appearing one by one.

'One, two, three... It seems they are three after all.'

He thought it wouldn't be just one, considering they would have to face both the soldiers of Celestial Realm and the participants of the Great Celestial War.

However, as expected, the number of Administrators he had confirmed with the Eyes of Foreknowledge was three.

The number he now had before his eyes was no different.

'For now, three.'


Looking at the familiar faces appearing on the stage, YuWon began to take a step forward.

['Magnum Innominandum' reveals its hostility.]

'Not a bad start.'


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