Leveling Up Wives In The Apocalypse

Chapter 85 She's my sister!

“People!” Daniel shouted. He then jumped away from the wall he broke just a few moments ago, only to kill his momentum, turn around and get into a fighting stance.

“No, not enemies,” Mathew said and shook his head before approaching the hole in the wall. “Nadia?” he then called out into the emptiness of the vertical tunnel that he didn’t know existed just a few moments ago.

“Matty?!” a familiar female voice came from the depths of the tunnel. It was then followed by a set of extremely strange sounds. It was as if someone threw a cat into a metal pipe while playing percussion at the other end of it.

The noise got louder and louder. In reaction, the older of the policemen lowered his center of weight and brought his fist higher and closer to his face.

“Arty!” Mia shouted right as she reached the opening. She placed her foot on the floor and then used it as a springboard to jump out and leap right into Mathew’s arms.

“Nadia,” Mathew whispered softly when the girl locked her arms behind his neck and hid her face in the corner between his shoulder and his own neck.

And then, a moment of realization struck.

“Fuck,” Mathew cursed, instantly pinning Mia against the wall and using his own body to hide her features from the men on the floor.

Yet, there were still a few men in the group of the seemingly innocent students who were forced into this situation just like the girls strapped to the wall. What’s more, there were the two policemen on the floor, even if one of them was now gone.

“Bring me some clothes!” Mathew ordered as he turned his head around and threw a cold look at the older officer.

“I see,” Daniel released a long sigh before raising up and dropping his guard. He then turned around and approached the few men left from the privileged group.

And contrary to Mathew before, Daniel didn’t even need to say a word, as the students started to strip right away.

“They might be a little filthy, but they are better than nothing,” Daniel said as he grabbed two pairs of jeans and two shirts before approaching the couple by the shaft’s entrance.

As he got close, he then closed his eyes and extended his hand with the clothes out.

“Thanks,” Mathew said as he reached out and grabbed the clothes, only to pass half of them to the girl before using the other half to form a makeshift screen to let Nadia change.

“You are so thoughtful,” Nadia whispered with a small smile on her lips as she grabbed the clothes and quickly pulled them on her body.

Due to how insanely well-shaped she was, a keen eye could still make out most of the details of Nadia’s beauty. Still, it was better than making her parade naked.

“I told you!” Leila muttered as she crawled out from the shaft.

Her body and mobility were heavily improved by Mathew’s system… but that didn’t make climbing through narrow spaces any easier for her at all.

‘That begs the question, how did Nadia manage to get here so quickly?’ Mathew thought. He then shook his head, opting to drop this relatively meaningless topic.

“What did she tell you?” Mathew asked while looking down at Nadia’s face.

Only to see how a huge blush appeared on her cheeks. Yet, rather than answering Mathew’s question, Nadia lowered her head and hid her face from Mathew’s eyes.

“When you disappeared in that flash of light, she freaked out,” Leila explained when she finally managed to climb out of the hole, only to then turn around, get to her knees and reach with her hand out to the nothingness of the insides of the shaft.

“She didn’t even bother to dress herself up,” Daria added when she took Leila’s hand and used her partner’s help to get out of the shaft as well.

“Huh?” Daniel opened his eyes when two more voices joined the talks with Mathew. And as soon as the policeman got his vision back, he was faced with two people that he had never seen before in his life. “Who are they?” he asked, taking two steps to the side, taking a position to the side of Mathew’s back.

“Ah, you know Nadia already,” Mathew said, pointing at the girl in his arms. He then shook his head and pointed with his chin at the two other girls. “This is Leila, and the one still on the floor is Daria. Girls, meet….” Mathew was about to finish the introductions only to freeze.

The words stopped coming out of his mouth.

‘Right, I never got to learn his name,’ the young man thought as he looked towards the policeman. ‘I remember feeling pretty guilty about it. We don’t know what might happen, so I might as well ask right now,’ he thought before gulping down his saliva and raising his eyes at the officer’s face.

“I’m sorry to be asking this so late, but what’s your name?”

Hearing the question, Daniel didn’t react. He stood in place, carefully keeping both the couple and the two more girls well within his sight.

It took a moment for the officer to react to Mathew’s words. Yet, the changes that happened on his face didn’t make it any brighter.

“It’s Daniel,” the man spat out through his lips, clearly dissatisfied about something.

“Right, Daniel,” Mathew repeated after the office. The young man then finally took some time to dress up in the spare set of clothes organized by the officer. “All three of those are my wives,” he explained.

“Right,” Mathew turned his head to the side when a certain thought popped out in his mind. “Where are the others?” he asked as he brought his eyes back to Nadia’s face.

“I don’t know,” Nadia replied while turning her head even further down. “I didn’t really bother to see what they were doing,” she admitted, only for her entire body to slump down.

‘It’s as if some sort of energy vanished from her flesh,’ Mathew thought, as observant towards this particular girl as he always was.

“I told both Carol and that lecherous boyfriend of hers to stay in the showers,” Daria spoke up. “Whether they will stay there or not…” she added, only to cut her sentence short and shake her shoulders.

“Wait!” a new voice entered the fray. Everyone turned their heads towards its source, only to see Norbert with a grim expression on his face… yet a strange light behind his eyes. “What did you just say?!” he rushed to the gathering from his place deep into the floor’s corridor.

His movements were simple and relatively slow. Just as fast as an unevolved human without a system could get after training extensively for a long period of time.

Yet, due to the strange aura that the younger of the officers produced, he somehow managed to approach the group and catch Daria by her shoulders before anyone could react.

“Did you say something about Carol?!” he shouted right in the girl’s face.

“Huh?” Daria attempted to back down, only to be stopped by Norbert’s firm grasp over her shoulders. “I did?” she replied, throwing a glance at Mathew’s face to plead for some help.

Sadly, in this particular situation, Mathew was just as confused as the troubled girl.

“I said that I advised Carol and her lecherous boyfriend to stay back and hide somewhere,” Daria repeated her earlier words once she saw that she couldn’t look for help from Mathew’s side.

Or rather, after confirming that Norbert’s sudden action didn’t cause Mathew to go ballistic.

“Wait, boyfriend?” Norbert pulled his eyebrows together as he brought his eyes down and thought hard for a moment. “That shouldn’t… No,” he stopped his words and shook his head.

He then took a moment to calm down. Norbert took a deep breath, held it in his lungs for nearly a minute, and then finally released it in a long sigh.

“Can you tell me what that Carol of yours looks like?”

“Carol?” Daria repeated the name of the girl only to glance over at Mathew again.

“A petite girl with a bust not fit for her size. Cute, idol-like face, long golden hair,” Mathew spoke out about the details of Carol’s features that he could remember.

And just as anyone with a brain could expect, when he mentioned the girl’s bust, he was graced with a sharp nudge to his side from Nadia and a cold stare from the younger of the police officers.

“That’s her; I know it,” Norbert muttered after he was done staring daggers at Mathew’s face. He then shook his head and looked towards the shaft.

“Do you know her?” Mathew asked, eager to learn a little bit more about the clearly not that simple situation.

Norbert then turned his head to the side and took a long look at Mathew’s face.

“She’s my sister,” he said. He then grabbed the edge of the hole in the wall and jumped inside the shaft.

Once again, the weird sound of something crashing into metal filled the area. Mathew then raised his eyes to Daniel… Only for both of the men to shake their heads.

“I guess I should be happy I stalled taking her for a wife for as long as possible,” Mathew then muttered before turning his face back to Nadia.

The girl still kept her eyes down, even though her twitching body was more than enough of a giveaway of just how curious she was.

“Aren’t you happy?” Mathew asked, placing his forefinger below Nadia’s chin only to then gently bring her face up. “Now that she has someone to take care of her, I will be able to refuse her request to become my wife!”


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