Leveling Up With My Pet

Chapter 335 Chen Hu, My Best Driver

A hush fell over the bustling restaurant, making it a sea of silence. All eyes were fixated on the departing cars, especially when they witnessed Chen Hu assuming the role of Rolls Royce's driver.

Curiosity consumed the minds of many, leaving them with numerous questions. Some even speculated that Chen Hu might be the chauffeur for the young man who had just left.

Sitting inside the car, Liu Yong couldn't help but jest, "Chen Hu, your talents are wasted as my driver. With your fame, you could venture into business and make the most of it."

Before Liu Yong could finish his sentence, Chen Hu promptly interjected, "Boss, I may not be skilled in much else, but I'll remain your driver until the day I retire."

Hearing those words, Liu Yong felt a surge of contentment. Chen Hu remained unchanged throughout his journey of breaking world records and winning countless gold medals. He had remained loyal and dedicated.

"Let's head to the office," Liu Yong instructed as they arrived at the Global Shipping Group. "Chen Hu, have Xiao Zhao park the car. You and I will go to the office."

The two men entered the office, taking their seats behind the desks. Liu Yong opened a large drawer and retrieved a small yellow bottle.

"Chen Hu, this is an enhanced version of the 'genetic medicine.' You should take it now," Liu Yong revealed, presenting the bottle.

"An enhanced version of genetic medicine?" Chen Hu's eyes widened with excitement. He had previously experienced remarkable physical improvements when he had taken the standard "genetic medicine," enabling him to achieve numerous gold medals. The prospect of taking the enhanced version intrigued him. He wondered how much further his physical abilities would progress.

Without hesitation, Chen Hu accepted the small yellow bottle and downed its contents in one gulp. Gratitude overflowed from him as he exclaimed, "Boss, thank you! Thank you!"

Liu Yong smiled warmly and replied, "You're welcome. Kang Zhenggang and He Qiang have already taken the enhanced genetic medicine, but I have an even stronger version here. Perform well, and I'll administer it to you in the future."

A more potent version existed beyond the enhanced one. Chen Hu's mind raced with awe. Determined to demonstrate even greater loyalty and performance, he vowed to strive for the opportunity to receive more powerful genetic medicine in the future.

After expressing his gratitude again, Chen Hu quietly retreated and gently closed the office door, leaving Liu Yong to attend to the documents and reports spread across his desk.

Meanwhile, Liu Yong accessed his pet panel and allocated 800 attribute points to Chen Hu for strength, constitution, and agility. This generous boost, combined with Chen Hu's existing attributes of approximately 200 points each, brought his overall attributes to around 1,000 points.

Chen Hu became the first among the group to achieve such a milestone, surpassing Kang Zhenggang and He Qiang, who had approximately 800 points in each attribute. With 200 points in strength, constitution, and agility, Chen Hu possessed an extraordinary physique akin to a superhero's. The performance of the Wolf Warriors exemplified their explosive combat capabilities, comparable to iconic figures like Captain America, Wolverine, and Black Panther.

Meanwhile, Bawang, the colossal sea creature, continued exploring the depths of the North Atlantic Ocean. It had ventured to the submarine plain, descending over 4,000 meters beneath the surface to search the vast seabed.

Although Bawang rarely delved to such profound depths, it typically remained at a depth of one or two hundred meters or even a few hundred meters.

On this particular day, Bawang returned to the submarine plain. Having familiarized itself with the area during previous expeditions, Bawang understood the vastness of the submarine plain, spanning tens of thousands of square kilometres. The seabed at this extreme depth appeared pitch black and desolate, interrupted only by the occasional flickering glow of deep-sea luminescent organisms.I think you should take a look at

As Bawang moved steadily, its super perception activated, keeping a distance of 500 meters between itself and the surroundings. It gracefully approached the entrance of a colossal hole, a perfectly circular cavity plunging vertically into the abyss, seemingly bottomless. The dark abyss emanated an aura of mystery, inviting further exploration.

However, considering its current size of over 800 tons, just shy of 900 tons, Bawang knew that descending to depths greater than 7,000 meters was beyond its capabilities. Thus, the majestic creature opted against venturing too deeply into the cavernous abyss. With a moment's pause to take in sight, Bawang proceeded towards another enormous cave entrance.

To its surprise, the second cave bore an uncanny resemblance to the first, boasting the same circular shape with a diameter of 1,000 meters and an unfathomable descent. Separated by approximately 10 kilometres, these two colossal holes held an intriguing symmetry.

A question surfaced in Bawang's consciousness: Could a third gigantic hole exist? Driven by curiosity, the magnificent creature embarked on a meticulous search of the seabed. Before long, it stumbled upon another circular chasm, identical to its predecessors. This third giant hole completed the trio, presenting the same circular configuration, a diameter of 1,000 meters, and an impenetrable vertical descent.

An overwhelming desire to explore gripped Bawang. What secrets lay within these enigmatic abysses? Its connection with Liu Yong prompted it to convey the discovery.

"Master, I've found the third giant hole," Bawang communicated telepathically, relaying the information to Liu Yong's mind.

Using his third-party vision, Liu Yong promptly beheld Bawang resting upon the submarine plain while the massive hole loomed ahead.

"Overlord, are you certain that this is the third giant hole you've discovered?" Liu Yong sought confirmation.

"Yes, it is indeed the third hole," Bawang replied resolutely.

Liu Yong marvelled at the realization. Three enormous holes, each identical to the others, now punctuated the submarine plain. The appearance of a single void had been awe-inspiring, but the existence of a third defied expectations.

Bawang interjected, "Master, I estimate that the distance between these three holes is approximately 10 kilometers, forming a perfect equilateral triangle."

The revelation struck Liu Yong with a profound understanding. These holes couldn't have formed naturally; their precise symmetry ruled out any random occurrence. They were undoubtedly the product of human intervention.

"Bawang, swim towards the other two holes while I calculate the distance," Liu Yong instructed.

Bawang diligently obeyed, making its way to the remaining two colossal cavities. As Liu Yong timed Bawang's movements, he discovered that the duration it took Bawang to travel between any holes remained consistent. This revelation confirmed his suspicions: the three giant holes formed an equilateral triangle.

Liu Yong's conviction grew stronger as he realized these awe-inspiring formations were unmistakably artificial. Their creation's origins and purpose remained unsurprisingly, leaving him pondering who had engineered them and when.

Furthermore, he wondered if similar colossal cavities dotted the expansive submarine plain, awaiting their turn to be unveiled.


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