Leveling Up With My Pet

Chapter 331 The Unfathomable Pit

In front of the Overlord loomed an immense and unfathomable abyss, a pit unlike any ordinary chasm ever witnessed.

Ba stood poised on the precipice of this colossal void, his gaze locked upon it with meticulous scrutiny, sensing an extraordinary essence emanating from its depths.

"Master, please behold this colossal chasm," Ba exclaimed, unable to contain his astonishment.

At that moment, Liu Yong had already concluded his work for the day and found himself in his opulent multimillion-dollar villa. Nowadays, he resides in this grand residence as his primary abode.

The villa, worth hundreds of millions, exuded sheer extravagance, equipped with every imaginable luxury and offering a climate-controlled environment that ensured comfort regardless of the season. Living there was a true indulgence.

An entourage of staff members attended to every need, including security personnel, gardeners, housekeeping staff, and chefs, totalling more than a dozen individuals devoted to serving Liu Yong.

Additionally, Li Changle frequented the villa for extended stays, particularly during summer vacations when she found respite within its lavish confines.

Liu Yong was engrossed in his study when the voice of Ba, his trusty companion, resounded within his mind. Reacting promptly, he accessed his pet control panel and activated the third-party field of vision.

In an instant, Liu Yong's eyes fell upon Ba.

Aware that Ba was currently positioned at a staggering depth of over 4,000 meters below the sea surface, within a radius of 1,000 meters visible through the field of vision, the underwater terrain stretched out in a remarkably flat expanse.

To Liu Yong's astonishment, a colossal circular cavity emerged before Ba's gaze.

This massive hole plunged vertically into the abyss, appearing unfathomable and possessing a diameter exceeding one kilometre.

The sudden appearance of such an immense, vertically descending cavern in the submarine plain was already a sight profoundly awe-inspiring.

Liu Yong found himself astounded by the meticulous circularity of this giant cavity, akin to a perfectly rendered blueprint.

Indeed, it appeared as precisely shaped as a masterfully drawn circle.

Could this be the result of natural forces, or was it a testament to the extraordinary craftsmanship of an advanced civilization? Liu Yong marvelled at the thought. For such a colossal and perfectly circular opening to exist naturally would be an astonishing feat.

But if it were artificial...

That notion struck a nerve, evoking a sense of dread. Creating a flawlessly symmetrical, vertically descending cavity on the seabed at a depth exceeding 4,000 meters would require an incomprehensible scientific and technological prowess. To the best of Liu Yong's knowledge, humanity had yet to achieve such capabilities.

Regardless of whether the cavity was a natural occurrence or the result of human intervention, Liu Yong decided it was imperative to explore further.

From the third-party perspective, Liu Yong detected no immediate threats. Though peculiar marine creatures roamed the surroundings, they paled compared to the colossal Overlord and posed no tangible danger.

"Master, this colossal cavity appears incredibly peculiar," Liu Yong said.

"Do you wish to venture inside and explore?" he asked.

Bawang replied, "Certainly, Master. It would be wonderful if there were delectable treasures hidden within this gargantuan chasm."

Liu Yong couldn't help but feel a hint of disdain. Bawang's insatiable appetite governed his thoughts always fixated on the possibility of delicious discoveries within the immense cavity.

Allowing his foodie nature to guide his actions, the Overlord initiated its descent into the colossal cave, leisurely swimming deeper into its recesses, gradually increasing the depth.

Meanwhile, Liu Yong remained vigilant, keenly observing the surrounding environment through the third-party vision, mainly focusing on the walls of the vast cavity.

"Overlord, take it slow, don't rush," Liu Yong instructed, concerned about potential hazards within the cave.

Following his command, Bawang proceeded more deliberately, steadily descending toward the cave's depths.

Liu Yong couldn't help but notice the impeccable regularity that defined the colossal cavity. The opening was a perfect circle, and the interior walls maintained the same flawless circular form.I think you should take a look at

This consistency struck Liu Yong with profound suspicion, prompting him to question whether this was the product of human hands rather than the forces of nature.

He mused that the meticulousness and uniformity displayed were astounding if it were a natural occurrence. A perfectly symmetrical, vertically descending cavity on such a grand scale seemed beyond possibility.

However, if it were indeed the result of artificial intervention, the implications were spine-chilling. The level of technological advancement required to create such a precisely engineered structure at over 4,000 meters in the ocean was incomprehensible by current human standards.

As Liu Yong delved deeper into his thoughts, he couldn't help but ponder the notion of a long-lost civilization, or perhaps even extraterrestrial beings, having a hand in this awe-inspiring creation.

Engrossed in his exploration through the third-party perspective, Liu Yong dedicated considerable time to examining the cave walls. Despite their relative smoothness, no discernible traces of human craftsmanship were visible.

Could this cavity have existed for eons, with any evidence of its artificial origins eroding over time?

The idea struck Liu Yong abruptly, causing him to recoil in surprise. Perhaps this immense hole had existed for thousands, or even tens of thousands, of years, its artificial traces fading into the annals of history.

As this notion took root, Liu Yong consumed himself with the possibilities. Thousands of years ago, or even tens of thousands of years ago, was it the handiwork of an ancient civilization? Or could it result from encounters with beings from beyond our world?

Through the lens of the third-party vision, Liu Yong scrutinized the cave walls intently, gradually confirming that this colossal cavity couldn't have been formed recently. It exuded an aura of antiquity.

Comparing the likelihood of a natural phenomenon to that of prehistoric or extraterrestrial origins, Liu Yong found himself leaning toward the latter.

"Overlord, proceed to your maximum depth," Liu Yong commanded.

"Understood, Master," Bawang replied dutifully.

"But take it slow," Liu Yong cautioned. "This immense cavity strikes me as peculiar, and it's always wise to exercise caution."

Bawang continued his descent, maintaining a moderate pace. Liu Yong's third-party vision remained fixated on the surroundings, yet the cavity seemed desolate. Apart from the seawater, no signs of life or peculiarities presented themselves, and even the luminescent marine organisms vanished as the depth increased.

Pressing onward, Bawang surpassed the depth of 6,000 meters, at which point the unforgiving pressure of the seawater made its presence known. Yet, undeterred, the Overlord persisted, determined to delve further.

Reaching 6,800 meters, Bawang reached its limit—a depth where the pressure became almost crushing. Sustaining a few minutes at this extreme depth seemed to be the threshold, pushing the Overlord to its limits.

"Master, I can't descend any further. The pressure is too immense," Bawang conveyed.

Liu Yong glanced at the depth displayed on the pet control panel, feeling satisfied with the Overlord's achievement. The 800-ton behemoth had reached a depth of 6,800 meters, a feat worthy of recognition.

Nonetheless, one disappointment remained: the bottom of the enormous cavity remained elusive. With Bawang positioned at 6,800 meters and the third-party vision extending to 1,000 meters, Liu Yong's line of sight reached a depth of 7,800 meters. Yet, the bottom of the cavity remained hidden, its actual depth unknown.

Could it indeed be an endless abyss?

Recognizing the futility of further descent, Liu Yong made a decision. "Bawang, let's return. This massive cavity is too deep."

Bawang heeded its master's instruction, relieved to ascend from the crushing depths. Swimming upward, the Overlord regained a more comfortable position where it could sustain itself for extended periods.

As Liu Yong monitored the ascent, his attention still fixated on the cave walls, searching for any peculiarities or indications of significance.

Then, unexpectedly, he witnessed something extraordinary, prompting a startled exclamation to escape his lips. "Huh!"

"Overlord, slow down. Let me examine the cave wall more closely," Liu Yong urgently requested.

Complying with the command, Bawang reduced its speed until finally coming to a halt.

Liu Yong's gaze remained fixed on the pet panel's display, observing the intricacies of the cave walls through the third-party vision. And there, he detected something unusual amidst the otherwise smooth and featureless walls.


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