Leveling Up With My Pet

Chapter 329 Paying The Price

The three powerful off-road vehicles surged forward, their engines roaring in unison as they accelerated towards their unmistakable target—the grand villa nestled within the sprawling estate.

Upon reaching the entrance gate of the manor, several individuals immediately signalled for the convoy to halt. Two of them were conspicuously armed, their weapons displayed with an air of authority.

"Park the damn car!" barked one of the armed men, his voice filled with stern authority.

The request to stop and submit to inspection was met with disbelief. The window of the lead off-road vehicle rolled down, revealing the menacing figures of the gangsters within, each wielding a silenced pistol.

Several suppressed shots rang out in a swift and nearly inaudible sequence, leaving the individuals outside wholly motionless. Their heads had been targeted with lethal precision, a display of marksmanship and speed characteristic of the esteemed Wolf Warriors.

Without pausing, the three off-road vehicles surged through the gate of the grand villa. The vehicles didn't come to a complete stop before the team members disembarked, one after the other.

As they stepped onto the premises, they were met with the astonished gazes of the villa's security personnel, both stationed at the front and scattered around. Witnessing the heavily armed occupants of the off-road vehicles exiting, a sense of shock washed over them.

Before any of the security personnel could react, the Wolf Warriors unleashed a barrage of gunfire, their weapons of choice ranging from assault rifles to the mighty Desert Eagle wielded by Liu Yong.

"Da da da!"

The air filled with the loud chorus of gunfire as the Wolf Warriors conducted a one-sided massacre. Evan Joyce's formidable horse boys men were swiftly and mercilessly eradicated.

Leading the pack with his trusty pistol, Liu Yong was followed closely by He Qiang and Gilsnut. The trio boldly advanced toward the villa's entrance gate.

The door stood solidly shut, but that didn't deter Liu Yong. The robust safety door yielded with a forceful kick, crumbling beneath his sheer strength.

The display of raw power evoked admiration from the other team members, who recognized their leader's indomitable spirit. Ever since consuming the "genetic medicine," their physical abilities had been vastly enhanced, yet none of them could rival the might of Liu Yong. The door they had encountered was made of sturdy metal, typically requiring explosives to breach. But Liu Yong had kicked it open.

Once inside the villa, they methodically eliminated anyone in their line of sight, sparing only the non-threatening servants who happened to be present.

"Boss, according to our intelligence, Evan Joyce is usually on the fifth floor," one of the team members informed Liu Yong.

With a subtle nod, Liu Yong acknowledged the information and led his comrades up the stairs, encountering armed personnel along the way. Each time, he effortlessly dispatched them with calculated precision.

Indeed, Evan Joyce resided on the fifth floor, currently engaged in a meeting with a group of his loyal subordinates. The agenda included discussions on how to seize control of another underground force in Rio City and deliberations regarding Liu Yong's audacious $800 million wager.

"Boss, the total amounts to $800 million. Such a substantial sum should remain in our possession," one of the subordinates confidently asserted.

"Absolutely. Not only will we keep the $800 million, but Liu Yong won't receive a single penny of his ill-conceived bet," Evan Joyce concurred.

As their conversation continued, a sudden eruption of gunfire reverberated outside the conference room, jolting them from their complacency.

Alarmed, Evan Joyce asked, "What is happening out there?"

A subordinate, one of the more minor bosses, hastily replied, "Boss, it appears that we have unwelcome visitors at our doorstep."

Yet, despite the intrusion, none of the occupants in the room exhibited the slightest hint of tension or concern. They had grown accustomed to such instances of vendetta, knowing that enemies seeking retribution would occasionally appear throughout the year. And each time, they had successfully repelled them. After all, the manor boasted a force of seventy to eighty armed personnel, providing an illusion of invincibility.

However, a sense of unease crept into Evan Joyce's consciousness as a few more minutes passed. Something felt awry. The conference room door swung open abruptly, revealing a small boss who bore wounds and was drenched in blood, evidence of the fierce battle ensuing outside.

Trembling with fear, the bloodied subordinate uttered in horror, "Boss, we can't hold them off any longer. You need to go."

"What?!" Evan Joyce exclaimed in disbelief. How could their formidable force, comprising dozens of armed men armed to the teeth, fail to withstand the assault?

Desperate for information, Evan Joyce asked, "How many of them are there?"

His voice laced with trepidation, the subordinate responded, "There are only nine of them, but they possess extraordinary power. I suspect they are among the world's most elite mercenaries. It seems they are not our regular foes."I think you should take a look at

The gangsters they typically faced were hardly a match for Evan Joyce's well-equipped and numerous entourage. But facing just nine opponents who showcased such unparalleled prowess baffled them all.

As Evan Joyce struggled to comprehend the situation, a barrage of gunshots erupted from the vicinity, followed by the lifeless body of the wounded subordinate collapsing to the floor. Liu Yong, wielding his Desert Eagle, had swiftly dispatched him without a moment's hesitation.

Leading the charge, Liu Yong and his companions strode into the conference room, their presence commanding respect and fear. The remaining team members assumed control of the manor, eliminating the remnants of Evan Joyce's militants, with sporadic gunfire occasionally echoing through the halls.

Liu Yong nonchalantly approached, his piercing gaze sweeping across the room. "Who among you is Evan Joyce?" he demanded.

Silence engulfed the room as the individuals inside stared, incredulous at the audacity of their uninvited guests. Sensing the gravity of the situation, a leader within the room instinctively reached for his weapon.

Unperturbed, Liu Yong raised his hand, aiming his gun with unwavering precision. In one swift motion, he fired, obliterating the leader's head. The room fell into a calm stillness, the occupants realizing they stood in the presence of a ruthless killer who didn't flinch at the prospect of taking lives.

Evan Joyce rose from his seat, his voice strained, "I am Evan Joyce. And who might you be?"

Seating himself casually atop the conference table, Liu Yong responded with a steely resolve, "I am Liu Yong, and I have come to settle a debt."

The weight of those words hung heavily in the air, leaving Evan Joyce momentarily dumbfounded. As realization dawned upon him, he understood that Liu Yong stood before him, demanding the repayment of the audacious $800 million wager.

Evan Joyce seethed with anger, silently cursing the audacity of this man who not only sought a reckoning but had brazenly barged in, dispatching his men without mercy.

"And what sort of debt are you referring to?" Evan Joyce managed to muster, and his voice tinged with bitterness.

With an air of unwavering resolve, Liu Yong pointed his gun toward another boss, instilling a palpable sense of terror in the man. "Boss, we shouldhurry and pay him," the trembling subordinate pleaded.

Evan Joyce hesitated, torn between his pride and the stark reality before him. But Liu Yong allowed him no room for contemplation. In an instant, he pulled the trigger, ending the life of the cowering boss with a resounding gunshot.

Liu Yong's actions sent a chilling message to the room's occupants, who now understood their lives were at the mercy of this ruthless assassin.

Fixing his gaze on Evan Joyce, Liu Yong spoke sternly, "The original debt amounted to $3.52 billion, but with additional fees for inconvenience caused, our arduous journey to your doorstep, and other expenses, the total now stands at $5 billion."

The audacity of Liu Yong's demands stoked Evan Joyce's anger, who thought bitterly to himself that even his most extravagant fees wouldn't warrant such an exorbitant sum.

With his gun trained on another boss, Liu Yong spoke with unwavering authority, "Hurry up and transfer the funds. I dislike hearing excuses about not having the money. Failure to comply will result in the next bullet piercing your chest."

Fear gripped Evan Joyce as he stared into the cold, black muzzle of the gun. In that moment, his bravado vanished, and the prospect of death loomed before him.

"I-I understand, but I don't have access to such a vast sum immediately," Evan Joyce stammered, his voice laced with desperation.

Liu Yong fired a shot without hesitation, hitting Evan Joyce in the thigh. The pain surged through his body, leaving him pale and trembling.

"I detest hearing excuses," Liu Yong retorted coldly. "Transfer the money quickly, or the next bullet will find its mark in your chest."

Terrified, Evan Joyce abandoned any pretence and hastily began operating his laptop. His hands shook uncontrollably as he initiated the transfer of $5 billion from the three designated accounts to Liu Yong's offshore account.

"Mr. Liu, the funds have been transferred," Evan Joyce managed to utter through trembling lips, his fear palpable.

Liu Yong's steely gaze bore into Evan Joyce's soul as he responded, "Good. Remember, next time, be more mindful of your debts."

With the transfer complete, the room's atmosphere remained tense. Evan Joyce's fate hung in the balance, his life resting solely in the hands of Liu Yong, the ruthless enforcer.

The events unfolding in that room were a stark reminder of the power wielded by those with the skills, the determination, and audacity to claim what they believed was rightfully theirs.


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