Leveling Up With My Pet

Chapter 318 Wolf Warriors' New Assignment

On the vast sea, the mighty vessel known as the "Blue Whale" cut through the waves, sailing with purpose and determination. Ren Ziquan, the ship's captain, gazed at the satellite navigation system, his eyes filled with focus and anticipation. He knew that they were drawing near the designated sea area, the location of their objective. A sense of urgency gripped him as he raised a telescope to his eyes, scanning the expanse of the sea before him.

His mind replayed the boss's instructions: the vital item they sought was located on the southwest beach of a deserted island. Finding that island was their utmost priority. Ren Ziquan took a moment to gather his thoughts before addressing the crew, his voice unwavering. "Everyone, let us search diligently and discover a deserted island as swiftly as possible. It is our destined destination."

The chief engineer, first mate, second engineer, second mate, and other crew members followed suit, each peering into the distance, their hands clutching telescopes. The sea stretched out endlessly before them, devoid of any sign of land. They were far from established shipping routes, wholly isolated from other vessels.

"Captain, I see no trace of any islands!" exclaimed one crew member in dismay.

"Indeed, not a single island in sight," added another, frustration evident in his voice. "The sea seems to go on forever, with no hint of even the smallest landmass."

Silence settled over the crew as disappointment lingered in the air. However, Ren Ziquan remained undeterred. His eyes surveyed the surroundings through his binoculars before making a decision. "Let us ascend to the upper deck. Perhaps a higher vantage point will grant us clarity."

Standing tall on the topmost floor, Ren Ziquan led his companions to peer through their binoculars, one by one. And then, a sudden cry of excitement erupted from the second officer. "Look! At ten o'clock, isn't that a small island?"

Eagerly, everyone turned their gaze in the specified direction. Although the island appeared distant, its details were obscured, and a faint black dot marred the sea's surface. Ren Ziquan scrutinized it intently through his telescope for several minutes before confirming, "It must be the small island we seek."

With a relentless wave of his hand, Ren Ziquan issued the order. "Increase our speed and adjust our course. Full speed ahead, towards ten o'clock!"

The "Blue Whale" altered its trajectory, its engines roaring with newfound vigour as it surged forward. After a tense wait of over ten minutes, the island drew closer, revealing its distinct features. The crew could now unmistakably identify it through their telescopes as a deserted island.

Gazing across the vast expanse of water, Ren Ziquan felt relief. The four essential containers would soon be secured on the "Blue Whale," marking a significant milestone in their mission. As they neared the small island, the crew began skillfully maneuvering the ship closer to the shore.

However, due to the draft of the massive 8,500-ton vessel, they had to exercise caution. The water depth in their current position was merely around twenty meters, posing a risk of grounding if they ventured any further. Hence, the "Blue Whale" stopped, and two smaller boats were lowered into the water, destined for the beach. The crew eagerly watched as the ships made their way toward the shoreline.

The small boats swiftly reached their destination, their occupants promptly securing ropes to the containers. With meticulous effort, they gradually maneuvered one of the large containers towards the "Blue Whale." Through slow progress, they successfully brought the container within reach after a few minutes. This process repeated for the remaining containers until all four were safe aboard the ship.

The crew members, curious and excited, gathered around the containers. Observing their unique appearance, one remarked, "What is this? These containers seem different from the ordinary ones. They appear to be made of aluminum alloy."I think you should take a look at

"Look! The containers are covered in English markings," another crew member pointed out.

A few crew members proficient in English examined the inscriptions and exclaimed in astonishment, "My goodness, these are lithography machines!"

"What? They are not just any lithography machines; there are two 5nm and two 8nm lithography machines," someone added, marvelling at the advanced technology within.

"Absolutely incredible! With these four lithography machines, the M country's sanctions on our chips will be rendered ineffective. We can produce a wide range of cutting-edge chips," another crew member exclaimed, their enthusiasm spreading among their peers.

A buzz of excitement filled the deck as the crew marvelled at the invaluable cargo. Ren Ziquan approached, his expression serious as he addressed them sternly, "Everyone, keep your silence regarding today's events. Failure to comply will result in immediate dismissal from the company."

His words carried the weight of a strict gag order, instilling a sense of caution among the crew. No one wished to forfeit their position in the esteemed Global Shipping Group, with its generous benefits and housing provisions. With a renewed sense of focus, the crew members returned to their duties, and soon after, the "Blue Whale" weighed anchor and set sail from the area.

As Liu Yong watched the ship's departure, a wave of relief washed over him. The mission had been a success, and the four advanced lithography machines were now on their way back to Huahai City. With a sense of accomplishment, he turned his attention to other matters. "Overlord, your task is complete. You are free to move about as you please," he communicated to the mighty AI-controlled submarine.

"Master, I will venture into the depths of the Atlantic Ocean for some exploration," the Overlord replied, eager for further adventures.

"Absolutely, go ahead and enjoy your expedition," Liu Yong granted the Overlord permission, confident in its ability to navigate the vast and mysterious depths.

With that, the Overlord departed, leaving Liu Yong to his peaceful slumber, knowing that stability had been achieved. Shortly, the four advanced lithography machines will arrive safely in Huahai City.

The following day, brimming with contentment, Liu Yong arrived at the Global Shipping Group headquarters, settling comfortably into his plush boss chair. His thoughts filled with satisfaction, he mused, "The four lithography machines are already on their way back. How extraordinary!"

Meanwhile, two small cars pulled up outside the office building, disgorging a group of individuals led by Kang Zhenggang. These foreigners possessed an unmistakable air of distinction, bearing an aura of lethal expertise. They were the elite members of the expanded Wolf Warriors team, carefully handpicked for their exceptional skills.

Having undergone intensive training and proven themselves under Kang Zhenggang's supervision, they now stood before the Global Shipping Group, ready to meet with Liu Yong, their benefactor and leader.


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