Leveling Up With My Pet

Chapter 307 The Call

As Liu Yong picked up the phone, he glanced at the caller ID and saw that it was Ding Wen. A sense of curiosity filled his mind. "Why would Ding Wen call me so soon after returning to the capital?" he pondered.

The call connected swiftly, and Ding Wen's voice brimmed excitedly as he spoke. "Brother Yong, you won't believe it! Something has happened to the two lithography machines shipped from Asmail to Country M."

Liu Yong couldn't help but be amused. Just moments ago, he had read the news about an unfortunate accident where their plane carrying the two lithography machines crashed, causing them to plummet into the depths of the sea. "Oh, really? Something actually happened?" Liu Yong chuckled, thinking about how he had jokingly cursed the plane's misfortune while reading the news.

Ding Wen's voice resonated with urgency. "Yes! The transport plane carrying the lithography machines lost contact. There was heavy fog in the area, so it's possible that it crashed into the sea."

The news took Liu Yong aback. He couldn't help but question himself inwardly. "Am I some jinx? Did my mere mention of a plane crash make it actually happen?"

A surge of determination swept through Liu Yong as he regained his composure. "Tell me everything you know," he urged Ding Wen, his curiosity piqued.

Ding Wen proceeded to disclose all the information he had gathered. The two 5nm lithography machines were a significant delivery for Country M, warranting a military transport plane instead of a conventional cargo aircraft. Departing from an airport in Europe, the plan was to transport the machines to the semiconductor company in Country M. However, within half an hour of takeoff, the plane lost contact, leading to speculations of a potential crash into the sea.

Liu Yong's mind raced with various thoughts as he absorbed the details shared by Ding Wen. Possessing those two state-of-the-art lithography machines surged within him, rapidly growing and occupying his every thought.

"I should give it a try," Liu Yong resolved. The prospect of obtaining the machines through sheer luck ignited his determination. "If I manage to acquire those two lithography machines, it would be an incredible opportunity," he mused.

Recognizing the significance of the machines, Liu Yong understood that they could swiftly address the domestic high-end chip production and manufacturing challenges. However, luck would play a pivotal role in his pursuit. While the search operation by Country M was likely already underway, Liu Yong knew he had to find the crashed plane and retrieve the two lithography machines before they did.

Obtaining the machines was only the first step. Liu Yong was aware of the potential damage caused by the crash and subsequent submersion in water. If the devices were extensively soaked, they might become unusable. Despite the numerous factors, Liu Yong was prepared to give it his all, fueled by the determination to succeed.

Without wasting any more time, Liu Yong contacted Bawang, currently patrolling the waters of the Gulf of Aden. It was positioned before it was a massive ship from the Global Shipping Group, en route from Haihong and nearing its return home.

"Overlord, I have a mission for you," Liu Yong urgently addressed it. Hearing the mention of a mission, Overlord's interest was piqued, and it eagerly responded, "Master, what mission awaits? Just give me the order, and I'll carry it out immediately."

Liu Yong provided a comprehensive overview of the situation, including the approximate location where the military plane had crashed. "Overlord, your task is to head to that specific sea area, locate the two lithography machines, and retrieve them," Liu Yong instructed.

Overlord enthusiastically exclaimed, "Okay, I'm setting off now."

Considering the distance between Bawang's current location in the Gulf of Aden and the crash site in the Atlantic Ocean, off the coast of Europe, there were two possible routes to reach the destination.I think you should take a look at

One route involved circumnavigating the African continent, passing through the Cape of Good Hope at the southernmost tip, and eventually reaching the European coast. Although this route was the safest, it also required considerable time—a resource currently in short supply. Liu Yong knew that he had to compete against Country M in a race against time, making this route unsuitable for Overlord's mission.

The other route, which lay closer to the European offshore, involved traversing the Red Sea, passing through the Suez Canal, and entering the Mediterranean Sea before reaching the crash site. This route carried significant risks for Overlord due to its colossal size and weight. Weighing 621 tons with a length exceeding 80 meters and a carapace measuring over 30 meters, Bawang would be easily detected, especially when navigating the narrow waterways of the Suez Canal, where the sea's depth ranged between 20 to 30 meters. Any discovery of Bawang could spell disastrous consequences.

Liu Yong deliberated intensely, weighing the options before making a crucial decision. Time was of the essence, and he couldn't afford to waste a moment. "Overlord, proceed through the Red Sea, enter the Suez Canal, and make your way to the crash site," Liu Yong finally commanded.

Acknowledging the instructions, Overlord confirmed, "Okay, I'm on my way."

Liu Yong emphasized the importance of caution as Overlord prepared to navigate the Suez Canal. "Be careful throughout the passage, ensure utmost caution, and avoid detection," Liu Yong warned.

"I understand, Master," Overlord assured.

With impressive speed, Overlord swiftly progressed, reaching approximately 310 nautical miles per hour, pushing forward with determination. In a matter of hours, it arrived at the Mandeb Strait, where it gradually slowed its pace.

The Strait of Mandeb served as the gateway to the Red Sea. A long and narrow waterway, it provided enough space for Bawang to maneuver. Overlord maintained a slower speed to prevent unnecessary disturbances while passing through this international waterway.

Once successfully through the Mandeb Strait, Overlord officially entered the Red Sea, resuming its swift speed of over 300 nautical miles per hour as it steered towards the Suez Canal.

After a few hours, Overlord crossed the Red Sea and arrived at Suez City, located at the southernmost tip of the Suez Canal. Overlord adjusted its pace with the canal just ahead, slowing significantly as it became increasingly cautious. Its speed dropped from 300 knots to less than 30 knots.

Overlord cautiously moved along the canal, almost skimming the canal's floor, covering a distance of several nautical miles. Alongside it, a massive oil tanker weighing at least 100,000 tons proceeded leisurely. The canal's width in this section ranged between 200 to 300 meters, while the water depth measured around 20 meters.

Overlord contemplated overtaking the sluggish tanker on multiple occasions but hesitated due to the canal's limited width. Patiently following behind, it swam alongside the ship for approximately an hour. As the waterway widened slightly, Overlord carefully navigated around the vessel.

Having surpassed the oil tanker, Overlord gradually increased its speed, albeit cautiously. Advancing at around 20 knots—slightly faster than the other ships within the canal—Bawang didn't dare to accelerate significantly. This conservative approach aimed to avoid any attention from the canal's staff.

As the lighthouse came into view, its beam of light illuminating the canal's waters, several staff members within the lighthouse noticed something unusual. One pointed at the water's surface and exclaimed, "Look, everyone! There appears to be an enormous creature swimming beneath the water!"



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