Leveling up the World

Chapter 79: Wish of the Well

Chapter 79: Wish of the Well

More people from Earth, Dallion thought as he made his way to the village square.

It was already an incredible coincidence that his grandfather had turned out to be one. Maybe there was something linked to genetics after all?

What do you think? a familiar voice asked nearby, it was Veil. Dallion had to admit the blond had improved quite a bit as well since their last fight. Judging by the way he had suddenly appeared, he might have gotten a second skill as well. I fixed up the place nice, right?

You did? Dallion smirked. I thought Gloria was doing most of the work.

Some of the work, Veil grumbled, although that confirmed that Dallion wasnt too far off. Anyway, what are you still doing here? I thought youd be out of this place the moment things were over. Didnt you keep talking about it during the hunt?

Cant wait to get rid of me? Should I start calling you chief now?

Give it a few years. Also, dont think youll be ahead for long. Sis told me of your little secret, so dont count on me staying level four for long. He laughed. Seriously, though. What are you doing here?

I came to have a talk with the well, Dallion replied. A while back, he had made a promise to the guardian. And now it was time to deliver.

Seriously? Veil arched a brow.

Dallion made his way to the center of the square and placed his hand on the well.

Seriously, he said.

Area Awakening

The surrounding landscape changed, taking him to the realm of the well. In part it could have been his imagination, but the place seemed much more cheerful now, and not only because it was mended to a hundred percent. A golden sun shined upon the mountains, making the streams and rivers glisten as its rays bounced off.

You are in the land of WELL

Defeat the guardian to change the lands destiny.

Just like last time, Dallion thought. Of course, back then the well was almost crumbling, causing a pack of puma-like creatures to attack Dallion every chance they got. There was none of that this time, though unfortunately the climb to the top of the mountain remained. Or did it?

Hey, guardian! Dallion shouted. Ive returned as I promised. Are you ready to duke it out?

Silence. The guardian wasnt budging from his arena. It would have been too easy if he had. Then again, Dallion was not one to complain. If the battle had taken place last time, there was a large chance he would have been defeated. Instead, the guardian had made him an offertake the victory, but promise to return and level up the well again.

That had been the first time that Dallion had actually heard a guardian speak. He had accepted, of coursehe would have been a fool not to. Even so, there was a sense of dissatisfaction about it. The victory was a hollow victory, offered only because of their common hatred of the village chief; that was one thing to notenever treat an object or area poorly, for you never know when its guardian might have enough of its owner.

Well, I guess its back to climbing.

The rest of the day was spent going up the mountain. The increase in body stat made the experience much easier, although Dallion still wasnt able to reach the peak of the central mountain by nightfall. This time, he could rest calmly knowing that there was nothing to attack him, and even if there was, the dartbow granted him a huge advantage. At the crack of dawn, the climbing continued.

In a matter of hours, Dallion achieved what had taken him nearly a day before. It wasnt even mid-morning by the time he reached the top. What was more, he didnt feel remotely tired, if slightly hungry.

Hey, guardian, Dallion said. The air felt remarkably sweet. Im here. Im ready.

On cue, a hole emerged in the center of the stone arena. Moments later, the stone golem appeared as well.


Species: Golem

Class: Stone


- 100% Health

- 25 Stone Armor


- Water Jet

- Rock Throw

- Water Blade

Weak Spots: Tendons

Dallion still had no idea how the classification was made, since the creature was as much water as stone. If he were to be pedantic, it should have been Stone and water guardian.

You returned, the guardian said in its echoing voice. For a moment Dallion could swear he could see gratitude and confusion on its face.

I said I would. Besides, that last fight wasn't a real fight. Or any fight, for that matter.

Others claimed the same, and they never came.

That sounded ominous. Was it possible that the guardian was talking about Dallions father? More likely it was referring to Aspion, or someone from his family.

The village chief isnt an awakened anymore. Those that are will be sure not to neglect you.

I know. I saw you in the greater realm. I would have helped when I heard your call, but you were too far away.

It happens. At least that meant that Dallions plan had been good. So, do we start? I know Ive been itching to. Just a word of warning. Dallion took out his dartbow. I have a ranged weapon now.

In response, the guardian shot a stream of water several feet from the boy. Apparently Dallion wasnt the only one with an advantage.

Well played, he thought.

Maybe this was a good point to try to make an echo? Dallion hadnt had any practice in that area. In truth, he only had a vague notion how it was done. The awakening shrine seemed to have planted the concept in his brain, but had done little in the terms of actual demonstrations. Two Dallions would definitely be able to fight much better than one

No! Dallion told himself. This was supposed to be a fair fight. He owed the guardian that much. Besides, if he couldnt defeat such a challenge without cheating, he wasnt fit to venture outside of the village.



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