Leveling up the World

Chapter 214: External Consequences

Chapter 214: External Consequences

Upon its creation, the world of awakened had held seven races, or at least that was what Dallion had been led to believe from the tomes and scrolls he had read in the ring library. It was said that half of these races had been corrupted by the Crippled Star: the copyettes, the dryads, and the nymphs. Each of them had nearly succeeded to conquer the world as a result and each of them had failed. Specifics remained vague other than battle accounts, but what was made very clear was that the entire races were banished to act as guardians in the millions of items and areas of the world, along with less civilized creatures.

To this point, Dallion had faced two of them in the realmsthree if the slime in the first awakening shrine was taken into account. Technically, he had been victorious in each of his encounters. However, that was only because of the awakening rules limiting the power of his opponents. In this instance, hed receive no such advantage.

The nymph looked at him with curiosity, her eyes falling on the harpsisword Dallion was holding. There was no doubt she had recognized her, and possibly had even started a conversation Dallion couldnt hear.

Harp, Dallion thought. Will she let me go if I surrender?

A melody formed, creating the word no.

Dallion swallowed. So much for the easy way. If the protector was half as strong as Harp, he was in a lot of trouble. To be on the safe side, Dallion split into three instances. One remained where he was while the other two tried to escape in two different ways.

Lux, get ready to fly, Dallion thought, taking a step back. Nox, get back in the dagger.

Im not here for the secret, Dallion said.

In the instances he had tried to escape, the nymph had attacked him with a flying blade of water, dealing him several medium wounds. In the instance he stayed, though, no attacks followed.

Ive been paid to mend the house. He paused, waiting to see what emotions would form within the protector. The nymph was still doubtful, though the size of the emotion had diminished somewhat. I was just going to the roof when I saw this, so I got curious. I guess my familiar got curious as well

Thankfully, the nymph considered all of this true.

Not to worry, though. I can heal you. My other familiar

No, the nymphs voice rang, echoing with the sharpness of a hundred blades. Dallion felt the cuts. Most of them were absorbed by his clothes and armor. The few that got to him just broke the skina reminder that Dallion wasnt the only one who could use music as a weapon. The protector wasnt as good as him in emotion manipulation, but she could cut things with her words.. as well as emotions. Dallion hadnt missed the attempts to instill some fear in him through the sound as well.

I dont want to fight you. Dallion struck back with some music in his words as well. In his case, he attempted to create more of an understanding in his opponent.

The nymph must have caught the attempt instantly, for a layer of vibrations surrounded her. Having the ability to combine water with music had its advantages. Thinking about it, Dallion was thankful he hadnt come across a fury with such skills. If he had, the fight would be over before it started.

Ill probably lose, Dallion went on, keeping up with his music attacks. But Ill also hurt you. He pointed to the claw marks on her left shoulder.

Only fools have a crackling as a familiar. The protector narrowed her eyes. Fools or something else.

What if Im neither? Dallion asked, only to have Nil laugh at him from his awakening realm. Call it a draw?

Youre not here for a draw. Not with her here.

This was the second time someone had referenced the guardian of Dallions harpsisword.

What am I here for, then? Dallion persisted with his attack. Despite his efforts, nothing was able to penetrate the nymphs defenses. Even so, this way he had her occupied on defending herself, instead of attacking.

Youre here to get what Im protecting. A saber made of water appeared in the nymphs hand.

Dallion put in all his effort to create another instance, then had two of them attack while the rest retreated. Both attacks were parried in nearly identical fashion, followed up by a merciless attack that cost him a third of his health. During one of his retreats, though, the combat exchange resulted in Dallion receiving a serious wound, while also inflicting a medium one. Since there was no indication that the wound was anything serious, that was the instance he picked.

If theres a way you can help, Harp, now is the time, Dallion thought.

The sword didnt reply. So much for the option of her engaging the protector directly. This battle was going to be won or lost by Dallion alone.

Youve no chance against someone of her skill, Nil said. The only hope you have is to get knocked out of the realm with no real damage. Focus on your instances to get clean hits, and tell Lux to stop healing you. If youre very lucky, maybe shell just throw you out.

The option was tempting. More than that, it was logicalwhile Dallion might get a grumble or two from the lieutenant, and possibly an earful from March later on, he would remain healthy and in good condition. It would have been better if Dallion exited on his own, but given the nymphs skills, the chances of him going through with a full guard sequence to trigger the realm escape was unlikely.

The protector made another attack. Dallion split into three instances. Each received a wound, but in one case Dallion saw a rectangle he had never seen before.


Your LEFT ARM has been permanently made limp. You will not be able to use your arm until the status is removed.

The status continues to be in effect in the real world.

Naturally, Dallion switched to one of the two alternatives, but the result was chilling all the same. Fear sparked in him. Such a wound was almost as bad as getting his powers sealeda fear Dallion hadnt experienced in a very long time.

That settles it, Dallion thought.

No, a voice composed of music said.


You need to fight on. If you stop here, it will be very difficult to continue.

I hear what youre saying, Harp, but I have no chance against her. Youve seen what shes capable of.

She wont stop fighting just because you flee this realm, the Harpsisword said through her music.

Dallion wasnt exactly sure what that meant, but he knew that his guardian wasnt lying. Hope was vibrating through her very being, as was confidence in his abilities. For a moment Dallion felt as if he had been caught by his mom doing something bad. Harp was likely going to support him no matter his choice, but she was going to be very disappointed if he gave up.

Sometimes you can be really vicious, you know, Dallion thought. Nox, do your thing, he slashed at the protector with his harpsisword.

The attack was easily avoided/ Nox took advantage of the situation to appear on Dallions head and leap at his target, claws at the ready.

The protector hesitated. For a single second, she was unsure which of the two to attack. Dallion saw her split into two instances, and just as Vend had taught him, this was when he made his move by creating two new instances of himself. One of the instances blocked the nymphs attack, while the other two slashed in arc fashion so as to protect Nox.


Dealt damage has been increased by 200%

The harpsisword struck the protectors arm. The flesh hardened to stone, preventing the harpsisword from sinking in more than half an inch. Nox, however, remained three to continue with an attack of his own, which he did and severed the arm off.

Lux, boost me into the air! Dallion ordered. Within seconds, he was over a dozen feet away.

In normal circumstances, the battle would be considered over. The protector had an arm severed, while Dallion was out of reach and at a tactical advantage.

Draw? Dallion offered, while another five percent of his health increased thanks to the firebird.

Without saying a word, the nymph created a ball of water around what was left of her arm. After several moments, her hand reemerged again along with a rectangle, stating that she had restored ten percent of her own health.

Before Dallion could even mentally complain, a series of daggers split the air, aiming for him.

Shield! Dallion moved the shield in front just in time to block half a dozen of the weapons, although three managed to fly past, thankfully without causing any further wounds.

The protector didnt let it end there. With one strike stomp of her foot, she shattered several of the silver tiles of the ground. A stream of water emerged, shooting out like a dragon emerging from its lair, and just like a dragon it swerved, making its way straight for Dallion.

How do you stop that? Dakkion asked, creating another instance of himself, which was swept away at the moment.

The short answer, dear boy, is that you dont, Nil replied. There is a reason people dont engage imprisoned races.

Spinning in the air best he could, Dallion attempted a series of skewer attacks. While effecting against the living water stream, the action left him open just enough for the protector to bury a dagger in his shoulder. Even with his armor, that further reduced Dallions health by twenty percent, although thankfully, there were no other effects.

Damn it!

If the lieutenant were here, hed tell Dallion to use his music, but Dallion had already seen that music had no effect on the protector. If Vend were nearby hed suggest that Dallion split more, even if that would mean going beyond his limit. Negotiations had also proven ineffective.

How do I win this? Dallion wondered.

This wasnt an awakened realm, so there was no guarantee that the situation was winnable, but even so he had to do something. The only thing worse than losing was losing without trying.

Time to get creative, Dallion thought. Nox, stop playing about and get back in the dagger!

The crackling let out an annoyed meow, but complied. Dallion then summoned the dagger in his left hand.

Shield, can you shrink a bit?

The armadil shield contracted slightly, although that didnt make holding the dagger particularly more comfortable. Still, that was the price Dallion had to pay for his plan. Now it was time to go on with his absurd plan.

Focusing all his energy, Dallion split into four instances. In each case, he swooped right at the protector, dagger and harpsisword at the ready. The recklessness of the attack surprised the nymph somewhat, for she took a step back instead of immediately attacking. That single second was all that Dallion needed.

All four of his instances threw the dagger at the nymph. In all four cases, his aim was off. However, that was the entire point.

Lux, hop out of me and guild Nox to hit her! If you miss, just keep going, then turn around for another go!

No sooner had he said it than Dallion felt his body getting heavier. Without the firebird, gravity had taken hold of his body, pulling it back to the third level. No doubt it was going to sting quite a bit when he made contact. Even so, it would be worth it.

Protector, meet the guided missile, Dallion thought.

The last time Dallion had tried to copy technology from Earth in this world, he had ended up wounding a chainling. Back then, it was more luck than anything else that the plan succeeded at all. Now, though, there was far more luck involved: there were two familiars seeing to it that the weapon found its target and dealt as much damage as possible.


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