Leveling Up Alone

Chapter 553: Traces of the Jewel Sword (2)

What do you think, Karvis?’ Han-Yeol asked.

[I have obtained plenty of useless information. As expected, these high-ranking sorcerers are really good. It would’ve been scary if we fought against the legion on the ground without this precious information.]

‘Hmm… I agree with you.’

Shwiiik! Clang!


Haverus raised a brow after noticing that Han-Yeol started retaliating against the Kreviks when he had been busy running away from them all this while.

[Hehe! Fool.]

However, he did not think much of it. His information told him that Han-Yeol hated losing more than anything, so he figured he was finally retaliating after getting sick and tired of running away.

[Allow me to grant your wish then.]


Haverus grabbed his staff.


He unleashed a wave of black mana to make the Kreviks move faster, allowing them to put more pressure on Han-Yeol’s party.


The Kreviks shrieked after feeling the surge of power flowing through their bodies.

Playtime is over!’


[Hoho! If you say so, master.]

Han-Yeol gave the command through Mariam’s neural network.


Tayarana and Tia were finally unleashed.

Neither of them was sealed or anything. The only reason they held back until now was because Han-Yeol had asked them to drag out the battle for as long as possible while he analyzed the contaminated creatures controlled by the high-ranking sorcerers. The creatures controlled by the high-ranking sorcerers might be strong, but there was no way they could fight against Han-Yeol, Tayarana, and Tia, who were Transcendent Master-Rank Hunters.

[I was really frustrated holding back.]

Hoho! I’m going to sweep all of you cuties up.”


Tia was probably the only one who could lick her lips and wet her appetite while looking at the contaminated creatures, which were more repulsive than rotting bodies.

Han-Yeol let out a sigh while laughing at the same time. He had a hard time accepting the fact that Tia could have an appetite while looking at those disgusting things.

Sigh, there really is no stopping her…’

Nonetheless, that did not mean his opinion and affection for Tia diminished.

Alright, shall we run wild for real now?’

Han-Yeol raised his hand.


The high-ranking sorcerer grimaced after noticing the sudden change in Han-Yeol’s attitude.

Han-Yeol smirked after seeing the high-ranking sorcerer’s troubled look.

You’re dead now,’ he mouthed without uttering a sound.

[What did you say?]

The high-ranking sorcerer read Han-Yeol’s lips and frowned, stunned at the arrogance the insignificant creature from a lower dimension was showing him.

This was the opening Han-Yeol needed, and he immediately used his skill.

Purification Light!’





The Kreviks screamed in agony the moment a pillar of light shot down from above. The high-ranking sorcerer completely forgot about one important thing, which was why the hyenas regarded Han-Yeol as a lethal threat: he possessed the ability to use light attributes.


The light shining down on Han-Yeol quickly spread to his surroundings.


Light–no, light-possessing purification mana was the exact opposite of the mana that the contaminated creatures possessed. The Kreviks were indeed high-ranking contaminated creatures, so the light did not dissolve them, but they suffered tremendous damage from it.

This is the reason you can’t win against me. I am your worst nightmare,’ Han-Yeol thought smugly.


[I only heard it from the rumors.]

[Damn it… All of the creatures we summoned are going to melt at this point!]

The high-ranking sorcerers were not the only ones who summoned their contaminated creatures. The intermediate-ranking sorcerers and low-ranking sorcerers summoned their creatures too, and these creatures were currently fighting against the golems.

They were far away from Han-Yeol, but the Purification Light managed to reach them too, instantly dissolving their contaminated creatures.


[The rank of Purification Light has risen!]

Alright!’ Han-Yeol cheered after seeing his skill level increase.

The message normally made him happy, as a skill did not just level up because he used it over and over again. He had to use it when it was effective for the skill to level up, and the Purification Light’s main purpose was to purify darkness. In other words, using Purification Light without any target to purify was not going to increase its level, which was why it took him so long to level it up to D-rank barely.

He used it occasionally to teach Lord Kasha a lesson whenever the vampire was not listening to his commands, but that was so negligible that it did not increase the skill’s level.

However, that skill finally leveled up after he used it, and he was extremely satisfied with the results.

[Do you think you can defeat me with your cheap tricks?!]


Haverus raised his staff and unleashed his dark mana, but this was also within Han-Yeol’s calculations.

Light Exorcism Sword!’


A sword similar to the lightsabers seen in movies appeared in Han-Yeol’s hand, and the sword’s light shot up into the heavens.

[Damn it…]

Haverus realized that things had gone awry.

I knew he could use the light attribute, but I didn’t think it would be to this extent!’

Haverus brushed off the reports he received regarding Han-Yeol’s light attribute, as he thought this was just a sorry excuse the weak sorcerers came up with to hide their shame. However, the light attribute Han-Yeol was using was the complete counter to the hyena’s corruption mana.


White Dragon suddenly appeared beside Han-Yeol.


“Yes, White Dragon?”

She was on the ground blasting magic spells at the contaminated creatures while in her human form, but she suddenly transformed into a dragon and flew beside Han-Yeol.

Han-Yeol was surprised by her sudden appearance in dragon form, as it had been a long time since he last saw her in this form.

“Why are you in that form all of a sudden?”

[Get on my back and use me.]

“Hmm? All of a sudden?”

[Shut up. Just get on when I tell you to. Move it!]

Han-Yeol flinched the moment White Dragon raised her voice, and he transferred from Mavros’ back to her back. “O-Okay…”

White Dragon was in her combat mode just like Mavros. She originally did not have such a form, but she learned from observing Mavros fly around with Han-Yeol on his back, so she decided to copy it with her magic.


Han-Yeol got on White Dragon’s back and noticed that it felt very different from riding on Mavros’ back.

“Oh? This feels quite comfortable.”

[That’s a given, human.]



Eh? When did you revert to your small size, Mavros?”

“Kyu?” Mavros tilted his head as if he were responding with ‘just now’ to him.

Han-Yeol was unsure what he was trying to say, but Mavros was cute.

Ughh. Anyway, just make sure you don’t fall behind.”


Mavros would normally be upset if Han-Yeol chose to fight with someone else, but he seemed surprisingly fine. In fact, he was even smiling brightly as if something good happened.

Ugh, this guy is head over heels for her.’ Han-Yeol understood why Mavros was not getting upset.

“White Dragon.”

[What is it, human?]

“Why did you allow me to mount you all of a sudden?”

White Dragon had never offered to allow Han-Yeol to mount her ever since they met.

[I was moved by the light you summoned.]


[Have you forgotten? I might look like this, but I am a holy beast, the Dragon of Light, White Dragon.]

“Oh? Then, what you mean is—?” Han-Yeol finally understood what White Dragon was trying to say.

[Yes, the synergy between your light and my light will be amazing.]

Hahaha! That sounds great!” Han-Yeol exclaimed, flashing a very evil and insidious grin.

Just because he could use the light attribute did not mean he was a holy person. Ironically, he was a person much better suited with darkness than light.

He did not take pride in the light attribute and strived to align his personality to it. The light attribute was simply convenient to use in exterminating the hyenas and the Dragon of Destruction, and it was nothing more or nothing less than that.

‘Tsk, the Bastro Dimension would not have fallen so easily if they had fantasy genre characters like gods or champions…’ Han-Yeol grumbled inwardly, but he erased the thought from his mind almost instantly.

There was no point in thinking about something that did not exist, and it was not going to suddenly appear just because he wished for it.

[Cast your light alongside mine. We can easily crush those weaklings with our lights combined.]

“I agree with you, White Dragon.”



White Dragon had a lot of restrictions placed on her after entering a contract with Han-Yeol. A dragon descending onto a dimension and pretending to be one of its inhabitants was not something like a high-ranking character smurfing by pretending to be a newbie. A dragon had to conform with the laws of causality of the said dimension and have their powers sealed accordingly.

However, White Dragon’s racial trait as a dragon granted her immense stats even after her powers were sealed. On top of that, it was unclear if this was due to her contract with Han-Yeol, but she also gained the ability to grow stronger just like his other monster pets. Thus, she proactively participated in Han-Yeol’s battles, as that was the fastest way to reduce the effect of what was sealing her true powers.

Who was not going to work hard when the fruits of their effort were clear?

“Let’s go, White Dragon!”

[Hold on tight, human!]


White Dragon was in the same combat form as Mavros, but she was not a mini-dragon. She was a fully-fledged one, which meant that she was larger, stronger, and faster than Mavros, and her supersonic flight left behind a massive shockwave.



[Lend me your light.]

“Ah, s-sure?” Han-Yeol replied, sounding perplexed. Then, he wondered, ‘I wonder why White Dragon needs to borrow my power.’

However, he decided to do as told and lent her his light attribute power.

After all, he was benevolent toward those he trusted with his life.

“Here I come, White Dragon!”

[Bring it on, human!]


Han-Yeol cranked up his light attribute to the max for the first time in a long while. All he had to do was use his skills to circulate his mana in his heart a few times, but that was not the case when it came to passing the light attribute to someone else. He had to concentrate and gather his mana before being able to pass it.



Han-Yeol’s light attribute circulated a few rounds in his heart before it came out from his body and transferred to White Dragon.

[Ah, it’s here.]

Bzzzzt! Bzzzzzt!

‘W-What’s going on?’ Han-Yeol was surprised by the sudden amplification of the mana he passed to White Dragon.

Krwaaaah!” White Dragon unleashed a roar filled with holy and light attributes that originated from her dragon heart.

White Dragon might be the Dragon of Light, but handling the light attribute was not easy, even for her. She was a master of magic and the guardian of a dimension, but the light attribute was something outside her reach.

The light attribute was a power that belonged to gods, something a mere dragon could not possess at will.


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