Leveling through Lust

Chapter 305

“I didn’t miss this mess,” I murmured as I found myself floating in the Primordial Aether, the main material plane under me, about to disappear the moment I stepped out of its range and found myself in the chaotic flow of the rest, Mariel safely with me in the ward.

I said nothing else as I waited until the first beacon was launched. The magical location was clear. More importantly, the Eternals didn’t suddenly come rushing, allowing me to mark it as a tentative success. With that, I let the chaos of the Primordial Aether drag me away…

Luckily, it wouldn’t last for months, unlike my boring, extended swim through Primordial Aether while I hung onto the Eternal ship.

I had a permanent, unbreakable connection with Seldanna. It wouldn’t have been enough to find her location in the Primordial Aether despite the strength of our connection if that was all. But, Seldanna was fully merged with her plane as well.

And, that was much easier to locate.

That, along with Seldanna’s ability to send me some rudimentary messages through our connection — enough to denote an alarm — I was able to leave her alone for months without being bothered. All the while, the only interesting thing was the Eternals skipping the date I had given to them while disguised as the ancient god of nature, despite the explicit threat of not dealing with them anymore if they skipped it.


Of course, I wasn’t stupid enough to miss the fact that their lack of communication had some dangerous implications, but considering the number of issues I was trying to address, I was willing to exchange long-term dangers with short-term calm.

Not exactly the healthiest of decision-making, but the best I could do under the circumstances.

It was a pity that I couldn’t use the same trick to find Helga, and therefore the material plane. The darkness wards we used to hide her from the System had that inconvenient side effect.

Thinking of Helga, I reached for the Knowledge Spark I took from her, trying to use it to solve a magical problem. Unfortunately, while it helped, its help was far less sublime without her presence. It still helped somewhat, but its advantages overlapped with Intelligence too much to measure accurately.

Of course, Primordial Aether was complicated and treacherous enough that even with a strong beacon, it still took two days for me to reach my destination. Far better than the months the earlier trip had consumed.

The only trouble, was that wasn’t exactly an indicator of how long the next trip would take. It could take half a day, or half a month depending on pure luck. Well, maybe not luck, but I lacked a more detailed understanding of Primordial Aether.

And, teleporting was certainly not feasible unless I wanted to end up in pieces.

I wanted to stop by Seldanna first and talk more in detail and share the developments. We had a lot of strategic details to consider, both in terms of the past, and in terms of invading another plane and its potential to trigger the undead forces into other actions … but also, more simply, I missed her.

It had been months.

However, those plans disappeared the moment I arrived at the edge of her plane … and met with a nasty surprise. There was another plane orbiting hers. It was a smaller plane, one that was radiating necrotic mana.

Worse, the sudden orbit was clearly not a coincidence. There was some kind of magical ship between the two planes, one that was almost ten times larger than the trade ship I had been a part of, using some kind of thick magical connection to create a resonance between the two planes, pulling those two closer.

It was a complicated process, one that used a lot of mana and time, clearly going on for months and required at least another month to complete … but it was surprisingly sneaky. After all, the ability to travel through the Primordial Aether was shockingly rare.

I was glad that it didn’t require an immediate reaction. I bypassed the planar border easily — reminding my explosive entrance the first time, thrown out violently.

The moment I entered, I made sure that my surroundings were empty, and then I flared my mana. Immediately, a response appeared, and the plants around me started to grow, the flowers bloomed and floated before coalescing into a familiar figure.

“I missed you,” she said.

“Good, I’ll be waiting for you, come here,” I said. Her avatar looked confused, clearly not expecting me to stay near the border, but she trusted me enough to dispel her avatar and start traveling directly.

She didn’t have the ability to teleport. Luckily, that was not a problem. With a wave of my hand, I created a gate for her to step through, finding her location even easier.

“You’re here,” she gasped as she jumped into my arms.

“My beautiful goddess,” I said even as the most amazing flower smell filled my whole being. Coming from her, but also from the environment. And, it wasn’t even a spell or a conscious effort. No, nature itself was reacting to her presence, the plants doing their best to impress her.

A nature goddess indeed. No wonder my Endurance was continuously improving. She was far more aligned with her Divine identity, no doubt a benefit of assimilating the memory scraps and melding further with her Spark.

Before I could say anything else, I felt her lips over mine, which tasted all the beautiful fruits at once. It was the best way to be silenced.

We had a lot of things to talk about, but as I felt her dress, made of flowers and leaves, melt under my touch and reveal her perfect body, I decided that those things could wait a few minutes.

Then, I felt her rip off my shirt with a shocking passion while her legs wrapped around my waist, and corrected.

A few hours … half a day at most.

It didn’t matter much, especially since Mariel was in a stable condition and no urgent event was knocking on my door. Her hips danced, reminding me of her passion, while I shifted my lips to her neck. “Oh, I missed this,” she moaned, while I groaned appreciatively.

Not to mention, it wasn’t exactly a waste of time. As we kissed, my mana merged with hers … and through her, I could feel the whole plane as a singular entity.

There, Intelligence showed its biggest benefit. Even as I enjoyed the kiss — and more — to the fullest, I was able to analyze her connection with the plane. A quick burst of mana allowed her to completely merge with the Divine Spark that had been generated in my absence, giving a nice boost to her. Of course, that meant that the empowering fruits the elves were hoping to receive would be delayed a few months.

But, considering their long lives, such a sacrifice should be an acceptable compromise. “T-that feel great,” Seldanna moaned. “It’s like a headache I didn’t know existed disappeared.” Made sense. More established Gods probably had ways to get rid of the spark they couldn’t merge easily, but Seldanna had yet to develop such a technique.

Meaning her Divine Entity could get polluted relatively easily. Not in a few weeks or months, but years would certainly be a problem.

Luckily, I was there to help.

“Good for you,” I said as I let my lips drag down, capturing her nipple, and turning her appreciation into another moan. “Now, it’s time to pay the price.” With that, I pushed her down, the grass turning into a thick, comfortable bed before she could even touch the ground. “Now, it’s time to pay the price.”

Then, I skipped the foreplay completely and slipped inside her. I would have loved to extend it a bit more, but I wanted to reward her for her first time. After all, she had waited for my return patiently for months, when she could easily create a fake emergency to call me while using the Eternals as an excuse.

“Good goddess,” I said, unable to prevent the humor in my tone completely as I slipped inside. She looked at me in playful anger, but that died quickly as my hips started to move, invading her core just as decisively as my mana invaded her soul.

She readily accepted both.

“A good way to apologize for your long absence,” she said, all she could say before a moan exploded, filling the opening along with an instinctive flare of mana. And, just like that, the meadow turned into a wild forest, the trees growing tens of feet in less than a second.

Making me wonder just how nature would react to her orgasm. Luckily, from the way she clenched around me, I doubted that it would take too long to understand.

“Do you want it fast, or slow?” I asked despite guessing the answer.

While she tried to catch her breath to answer, I cupped her breasts, enjoying her moan even as I made it harder for her to answer.

“J-jerk,” she managed to stammer once I squeezed her nipple, her moan majestic and sexy at the same time. “H-hard,” she added.

I thought about teasing her, but her begging expression was enough to earn my mercy. “Hard, it is,” I declared as I pushed forward…

Her cries echoed across the planar fragment… or, at least, that was how it felt.

{Strength: 45 Charisma: 45

Precision: 45 Perception: 45

Agility: 45 Manipulation: 45

Speed: 45 Intelligence: 62

Endurance: 73 Wisdom: 45}

{Purified Divine Spark: 58410}

{Pseudo-HP: 15000 Mana: 20000}


Light - Chosen 7.4

Nature - Chosen 10

Knowledge - Chosen 10}



Elven Goddess

Goddess of Knowledge}


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